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An Introduction to Genetic Engineering

Third Edition
Desmond S. T. Nicholl 2008
Learning Outcome (LO)
LO 06: menjelaskan dogma sentral biologi molekuler
LO 07: menjelaskan struktur gen prokariotik
LO 08: menjelaskan struktur gen eukariotik
LO 09: menjelaskan ekspresi gen
LO 10: menjelaskan regulasi ekspresi gen
prokariotik dan eukariotik
LO 06: menjelaskan dogma sentral biologi molekuler
Gene organisation
 GENE: the basic unit of genetic information
 GENE: the genetic information transcribed into a
single RNA molecule, which is in turn translated into
a single protein.
 Exceptions are genes for RNA molecules (such as
rRNA and tRNA), which are not translated.
 Genes are located on chromosomes, and the region
of the chromosome where a particular gene is found
is called the locus of that gene.
 In diploid organisms, which have their chromosomes
arranged as homologous pairs, different forms of the
same gene are known as alleles.
Gene structure in prokaryotes
 Genes in prokaryotes tend to be grouped
together in operons, with several genes
under the control of a single regulatory

LO 07: menjelaskan struktur gen prokariotik

LO 07: menjelaskan struktur gen prokariotik
Gene structure in eukaryotes
 Eukaryotic genes tend to be more
complex than prokaryotic genes and
often contain intervening sequences
 The introns form part of the primary
transcript, which is converted to the
mature mRNA by RNA processing.

LO 08: menjelaskan struktur gen eukariotik

Fig. 2.8 Structure and expression of the mammalian ß-globin gene. The gene
contains two intervening sequences or introns. The expressed sequences (exons) are
shaded and numbered. The primary transcript is processed by capping,
polyadenylation, and splicing to yield the fully functional mRNA.

LO 08: menjelaskan struktur gen eukariotik

Gene expression
 The flow of genetic information is from DNA to

LO 09: menjelaskan ekspresi gen

Fig. 2.9 Transcription and translation
LO 09: menjelaskan ekspresi gen
Regulation of gene expression
 Transcription and translation provide the
mechanisms by which genes are expressed.
 However, it is vital that gene expression is controlled
so that the correct gene products are produced in the
cell at the right time.
 Why is this so important?
 Let’s consider two types of cell - a bacterial
cell and a human cell.
Regulation of gene expression
Prokaryotic genes
 Bacterial cells need to be able to cope with wide
variations in environmental conditions and, thus, need to
keep all their genetic material ‘at the ready’ in case
particular gene products are needed.
 By keeping their genomes in this state of readiness,
bacteria conserve energy (by not making proteins
wastefully) and can respond quickly to any opportune
changes in nutrient availability.
 This is an example of adaptive regulation of gene

LO 10: menjelaskan regulasi ekspresi gen prokariotik dan eukariotik

Regulation of gene expression
Eukaryotic genes
 Human cells
 Cells may be highly specialised and differentiated, and
 their external environment is usually stable and controlled
by homeostatic mechanisms
 Thus, cell specialisation brings more complex function but
requires more controlled conditions.
 Differentiation is a function of development and, thus, genes in
multicellular eukaryotes are often developmentally regulated.
 In addition to genes that are controlled and regulated, there
are many examples of gene products that are needed at all
times during a cell’s life.
 housekeeping genes or constitutive genes

LO 10: menjelaskan regulasi ekspresi gen prokariotik dan eukariotik

Kuis 2 Asam Nukleat
LO 11: menjelaskan tahapan isolasi DNA dan RNA
LO 12: menjelaskan jenis label dan cara pelabelan
asam nukleat
LO 13: menjelaskan prinsip hibridisasi asam nukleat
LO 14: menjelaskan metode sekuensing DNA
LO 15: menjelaskan metode sekuensing otomatis

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