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Accomplished: Leonte Daniela, S1904
Periodontal disease are characterized by sub- gingival plaque formation, gingival
inflammation, loss of connective tissue attachment and loss of alveolar bone.

 As a result of progressive loss of attachment , the tooth involved in the disease process
eventually exhibit increased tooth mobility.
 Thus the reduction of mobility is an important objective of periodontal therapy.

 Root planning, curettage, oral hygiene and surgery may cause teeth to tighten as
inflammation is resolved. However a transient increase in mobility may occur immediately
after surgery.

 Increasing the support of loose teeth may also increase their firmness, the device used for
such treatment is the “SPLINT”.
 Splint: Any apparatus, appliance, or device employed to prevent motion or displacement of
fractured or movable parts. (Hallmen et al 1996)

 An appliance for immobilization or stabilization of injured or diseased parts. (Glickman


 Dental splint: An appliance designed to immobilize and stabilize mobile loose teeth.
◦ I. Temporary:

◦ a) Fixed- Fixed external type (2-6 months) e.g. Ligature wire, orthodontic bands.
◦ b) Removable-RPD, Night guards, removable acrylic splints .
◦ II. Provisional:

 8-12 months diagnostic used in borderline cases where the outcome of treatment cannot be
predicted. eg.Temporary external splints.
◦ III. Permanent:

◦ a) Fixed- Full crowns, pin ledge type of abutment retainers.

◦ b) Semi-rigid.
◦ c) Removable-Telescopic crowns, clasp supported partial denture.
Temporary splinting for multiple mobile teeth
◦ Periodontal treatment is difficult in a mouth with many mobile teeth. Splinting frequently provides the
stability necessary for such procedures as scaling, curettage, occlusal equilibration and periodontal
◦ Efficient mastication and effective toothbrushing and home care are facilitated by splinting. A simple,
rapid, efficient and economical method of splinting multiple loose teeth, as an aid to periodontal therapy,
is described.
◦ The suggested method is applicable to all quadrants of the mouth, and most nearly fulfills the
requirements of an ideal temporary splint. Applicability to all parts of the mouth is desirable because of
the great stabilizer tion attainable by splinting around the arch. The mechanical and physio logic values
of splinting around the arch have been emphasized.
◦ Experimental evidence indicates that the stabilizing power of the splint is directly propor tional to the
distance between the abut ments in the direction of the stress. Multidirectional splinting around the arch
provides maximum resistance against the multi directional forces which occur in the mouth.
◦ The suggested method is applicable to all quadrants of the mouth, and most nearly fulfills the
requirements of an ideal temporary splint. Applicability to all parts of the mouth is desirable because of
the great stabilizer tion attainable by splinting around the arch. The mechanical and physio logic values
of splinting around the arch have been emphasized.

◦ Experimental evidence indicates that the stabilizing power of the splint is directly propor tional to the
distance between the abut ments in the direction of the stress. Multidirectional splinting around the arch
provides maximum resistance against the multi directional forces which occur in the mouth.
An ideal splint should possess the following ing qualities:
1. simplicity and facility of construction and application;
2. economy of construction;
3. stability and efficiency;
4. accessibility to hy gienic procedures by patient;
5. non irritation to the gingival and oral tissues;
6. noninterference with other perio dental treatment;
7. applicability to all parts of the mouth and
8. esthetic acceptability.
Ideal splint

Non irritating

Simple and Stable and

hygienic efficient
The use of the temporary splint id indicated in the
following circumstances:
1. Where mobility of the teeth exists, so that physiologic rest can be effected.

2. Where mobility exists to such a degree that effective periodontal treatment and procedures cannot
otherwise be executed properly.

3. As a diagnostic aid to evaluate the prognosis before instituting extensive permanent splinting.

4. 4. To improve the morale of the pa tient with mobile teeth.

Temporary splinting

As a supportive measure to facilitate

Following accidental loosening of teeth periodontal therapeutic procedures for
by trauma. hypermobile teeth.


To avoid dislodging of teeth prior to and For anchorage and temporary retension in
during reconstruction procedures. orthodontic therapy.

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