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Prepared by : JOHN DEMVER D. YCO

In essence, volleyball is a simple game
which can be played by anyone, at any
level; its worldwide popularity stems from
the fact that it can be played almost
anywhere — inside a sports hall or
gymnasium, or outside, on grass or sand.
All that is needed for a friendly game is a
ball and a net or rope to knock the ball
Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William C.
Morgan, who was physical education director of the
YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. He developed the
game to provide an indoor game for the winter
months in which relatively large groups of men
could participate in a small gym. The principal
features of tennis were employed, but the net was
raised and the players struck the bladder of a
basketball with their hands in stead of racquets.
• Volleyball is a sport played by two teams on a
playing court divided by a net.
• The object of the game is to send the ball over
the net in order to ground it on the opponents
court, and to prevent the same effort by the
• The team has three hits for returning the ball
• The ball is put in play with a service: Hit by the
server over the opponents’ playing court.
• The rally continues until the ball is grounded
on the playing court of the opponent, goes “out”,
or a team fails to return it properly.
• Each rally wins a point (Rally Point Scoring).
• When the receiving teams wins a rally, it
gains a point and the right to serve, and its
players rotate one position clockwise.
Facilities and Equipment
• The Net
– Vertical Side bands = 1m long, 5cm wide.

– Antennae = fastened on the outer edge of vertical side

band extending 80cm above the top of the net.

– Height measured from the center of the court

• 2.43m from the floor for men
• 2.24m from the floor for the women
– Poles
• Height = 2.55m
• Distance from the sideline between 0.05m to 1m
• Fixed to the playing surface
•The official size of a volleyball
is between 65-67 cm
circumference and should be
weight about 260-280 grams.

• It is some what smaller than

a basketball and resembles a
soccer ball or water polo ball
Volleyball poles should be set at 36 feet
apart, 3 feet further out from the sidelines.
Ceiling Height
The minimum ceiling height should be 23
feet, though they should preferably be
• Court Dimension
– Sideline = 18m long
– Endline = 9m long
– Height space = atleast 7m
– Boundary Lines = 5mm in width
– Center line = 5mm in width
– Zone line = 3m from center line
– Freezone
• Indoor = 2m
• Outdoor = 3m
• International Competition, 5m from the sidelines, 8m
from the endlines.
Volleyball for men and women is played on
rectangular court divided by a tightly stretched net.
The court is 9 meters wide by 18 meters in length.
(Approximately 30’x 60’). The net height for boys is
2.43 m ( 7’11 5/8) and girls is 2.24 m (7’4 1/8)

A player may not touch the net but they may cross the
center line as long as they do not interfere, pose a
safety hazard, or go a considerable distance.
• Referee
– Seated or standing on a stand located at the end of
the net.
– Directs the match from start til end
– Has authority over all officials and members of the
– His decision is final. Authorized to over rule the
decision of other officials if they are mistaken
– Can replace officials
– Has the power to decide on any matter involving the
game including those not provided in the rules
– Performs the toss with the team captains – Controls the
teams’ warming-up
– Authorizes to sanction misconducts or delays
– Decides upon the faults of the server and of the positions
of the serving team, including the screen
– Decides upon the fault in playing the ball, the faults above
the net, and at its upper part
• 2nd Referee or Umpire
– Stand outside the court near the post on the
opposite side facing the referee
– Assistant of the 1st referee
– May replace the 1st referee if he cannot
continue his work
– May signal faults outside his jurisdiction but
may not insist on them to the 1st referee
– Controls the players in the warm-up area
– Authorizes interruptions, controls the duration, and rejects
improper requests
– He controls the number of time-outs and substitutions used by
each team and reports the 2nd time out and the 5th and 6th
substitutions to the 1st referee and the coach concerned
– Has the power to decide on any matter involving the game
including those not provided in the rules
– Performs the toss with the team captains
– Signals the position faults of the receiving team
– Contact of the players with the net and the antenna

• Scorer
– Seated at the scorers table on the
opposite side of the court facing the 1st
– Keeps the score sheet according to the
rules, cooperating the 2nd referee
– Uses a buzzer to give signal to referees
on the basis of his responsibilities
– Records the starting line-up of each team from the line-up sheet
– Records the point scored
– Controls the serving order
– Records the time out and players substitution
– Announces to the referees the end of the sets and the scoring of the 8th
– Records the sanctions, warning, penalties
– Records the final results
• Linesmen or Line Judges
– If there are 4-line judges, they stand in the free zone
at 1 at 3m from each corner of the court
– Perform their functions by using a flag
– Signal if the ball is “in” or “out” – Signal the touches
of “out” balls by the team receiving the ball
– Signal when the ball touches the antenna,
– Signal the foot faults of the server
– Must repeat his signal upon request ot the 1st
• Players
– Team is composed of a maximum of 12 players
– Each team has the option to register among the
their 12 players, one (1) specialized defensive player
– Those in the playing court assume the position as
LF(left forward), CF (center forward), RF (right
forward), LB(left back), CB (center back), RB (right
– Must know and abide the official volleyball rules
• Team Captain
– Should be indicated in the roster and identified
inside the court. If not in the court, another player
will be designated as team captain, “game
– Represent the his team in the toss
– Authorized to speak to the referee while the ball
is out of play.
• Coach
– Conducts the play of his team from outside the playing court
– Selects starting line-ups, request substitutes, takes timeouts
– Contacting official is the 2nd referee
• Assistant Coach
– Sits on the team bench but has no right to intervene in the
– Should the coach have to leave the team, he may at the
request of the game captain with the authorization of the 1st
referee, assume the coach’s functions.
Playing Format:
• To score a point
– Successfully grounding the ball on the opponents court
– Opponent’s team commits a fault
– Opponent’s team commits a penalty
– Playing fault
• If two or more faults are committed successively, only the first
one is counted
• If two or more faults are committed by opponents
simultaneously, a double fault is called and the rally is replayed
Playing Format:
• To win a set
– A set (except the deciding, 5th set) is won by the
team which first scores 25 points with a minimum lead
of two points. In the case of a 24-24 tie, play is
continued until a two-point lead is achieved (26-24;
27-25; …).Opponent’s team commits a fault
• To win a match
– The match is won by the team that wins three sets.
– In the case of a 2-2 tie, the deciding set (the 5th) is
played to 15 points with a minimum lead of 2 points.
• Default and incomplete team
– A team that, without justifiable reason, does not
appear on the playing court on time is declared in
default with the same result as above
– A team that is declared INCOMPLETE for the set
or for the match, loses the set or the match. The
opponent team is given the points, or the points and
the sets, needed to win the set or the match. The
incomplete team keeps its points and sets.
Structure of the play:
• The Toss
– Before the match, the first referee carries out a toss to decide upon
the first service and the sides of the court in the first set.
– If a deciding set is to be played, a new toss will be carried out.
– The toss is taken in the presence of the two team captains.
– The winner of the toss chooses:
• EITHER the right to serve or to receive the service
• OR the side of the court.
• The loser takes the remaining choice.
– In the case of consecutive warm-ups, the team that has the first
service takes the first turn at the net.
• Team Line up
– There must always be six players per team in play.
– The team's starting line-up indicates the rotational order of
the players on the court. This order must be maintained
throughout the set.
– Before the start of each set, the coach has to present the
starting line-up of his/her team on a line-up sheet. The sheet is
submitted, duly filled in and signed, to the second referee or the
– The players who are not in the starting line-up of a set are the
substitutes for that set.
this player must be changed to conform to the line-up sheet -
there will be no sanction
– Once the line-up sheet has been delivered to the second
referee or scorer, no change in line-up may be authorized
without a regular substitution.
– Discrepancies between players’ position on court and on
the line-up sheet are dealt with as follows:
• when such a discrepancy is discovered before the start of
the set, players' positions must be rectified according to
that on the line-up sheet - there will be no sanction;
• when, before the start of the set, a player on court is
found not to be registered on the line-up sheet of that set,
Substitution of players:
– A substitution is the act by which a player, enters the game to
occupy the position of another player, who must leave the court at
that moment.
– Substitution requires the referee's authorization.
• Limitations
– Six substitutions is the maximum permitted per team per set.
One or more players may be substituted at the same time.
– A player of the starting line-up, may leave the game, but only
once in a set, and re-enter, but only once in a set, and only to
his/her previous position in the line-up.
– A substitute player may enter the game in place of a player of
the starting line-up, but only once per set, and he/she can only be
substituted by the same starting player.
Substitution of players:
• Exceptional
– A player who cannot continue playing due to injury or illness,
should be substituted legally. If this is not possible, the team is
entitled to make an EXCEPTIONAL substitution
– An exceptional substitution means that any player who is not
on the court at the time of the injury, his/her replacement player,
may be substituted into the game for the injured player. The
substituted injured player is not allowed to re-enter the match.
– An exceptional substitution cannot be counted in any case as
a regular substitution.
Substitution of players:
• For Expulsion or Disqualification
player must be substituted immediately
through a legal substitution. If this is not
possible, the team is declared
Playing Actions:
• States of play
– Ball in play
• The ball is in play from the moment of the hit of the service
authorized by the first referee
– Ball out of play
• The ball is out of play at the moment of the fault which is
whistled by the referee.
• The ball is also out of play in the absence of the fault before
the moment of the whistle by the referee to begin the game
Playing Actions:
• States of play – Ball “IN”
• The ball is “in” when it touches the floor at the playing court
including the boundary lines
– Ball “OUT”
• The ball is “out” when:
– The part of the ball which contacts the floor is completely outside
the boundary lines.
– It touches an object outside the court, the ceiling, or a person out of
– It touches the antenna, ropes, posts, or outside the side bands.
– It crosses the vertical plane of the net totally or even partly outside
the crossing space during service or into the opponent’s court.
– It crosses completely the lower space under the net.
Playing Actions:
• Playing the ball
– Team hits
• A team is entitled to a maximum of three hits in addition to
blocking for returning the ball. If more are used, the team
commits the fault of FOUR HITS.
• The hits of the team include not only intentional hits by the
players, but also unintentional contacts with the ball as such
– Consecutive Contacts
» A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively
– Simultaneous Contacts
» Two or three players may touch the ball at the same moment
» When two (three) teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is
counted as two (three) hits (with exception of blocking). If they
reach for the ball , but only one of them touches it , one hit is
» When two opponents touch the ball simultaneously over the net
and ball remains in play, the team receiving the ball is entitled to
another three hits. If such a ball goes “out”, it is the fault of the
team on the opposite side.
– Assisted Hit
» Within the playing area, players are not permitted to take support
from a teammate or any structure/object in order to reach the ball
» However, a player who is about to commit a fault (touch the net
Playing Actions:
• Playing the ball
– Characteristics of the Hit
• The ball may touch any part of the body
• The ball must be hit, not caught and/or thrown. It can rebound in
any direction
• The ball may touch various part of the body, provided that the
contacts take place simultaneously.
• At blocking, consecutive contact may be made by or by one more
blocker(s) provided that the contact occurs during one action.
• At the first hit of the team, the ball may contact various parts of the
body consecutively provided that the contacts occur during one
Service, Attack hits, & Blocking:
• First Service in a set
– the first service in a set as well as that of the
deciding set is executed by the team determined
by the toss.
– The other sets will be started with the service
team that did not serve first in the previous set
• Service order
– After the first service in a set, the player to serve is
determined as follows:
• When the serving team wins a rally, the player (or
his/her substitute) who served before, serves again
• When receiving team wins a rally, it gains the right to
serve and rotates before actually serving. The player
who moves from front– right position to the back-right
position will serve.
Each team is allowed to have maximum of three
touches before hitting the ball over the net.
(EXCEPTION: block does not count as a touch)

Same player can not hit the ball twice in a row

(EXCEPTION I: block doesn’t count a touch.)
Contacting the Ball:
Players are NOT allowed to catch, hold or throw the
Players are NOT allowed to hit or block the
opponents serve.
Attacking ball which is coming over the net is
ILLEGAL, if it has NOT broken the plane of the net.

In other words the player is ALLOWED to swing the

ball when it breaks the plane of the net.
Back Row Attack:
Back row players can not attack the ball front
row. If they attack, they have to perform the
jump behind the attack line (10 feet line, 3 meter

◦ IMPORTANT! The ball has to be completely above the

net for it to be an illegal attack
It is ALLOWED to play the ball off the net. It
is a fault, if the ball contacts net outside

The ball has to travel between the antennas

(or the imagined extensions of them) when
flying to the other side of the net.
In or Out?
Referee calls the ball “IN”, if any part of
it hits the lines. (Imagine the ball is
painted. If the ball left a mark that
touches the lines, the ball is judged IN)
Referee calls the ball in if any part
of it hits the lines.
Ball is ruled OUT, if
the ball lands outside the boundary lines
(without touching the opponent)
The ball hits the antenna any of the net or
cables outside the antennas, a referee
stand or poles or the ceiling
Let Serve: Let serve is allowed. In other words the ball can touch
the net on the serve. Players CAN double hit the ball when digging
it. Kicking is allowed.

Points: A point is followed after each serve. (Earlier you had a

chance to get a point only after your own serve).

Libero: One of the back row players can be substituted to a libero

who is a back row specialist with unlimited subs. The libero can
enter and exit the game between each serve without coach
requesting a sub.

Serve: Server is allowed to serve the ball any place behind the
backline. (Earlier there was a serving area in the corner of the
Contacting the Ball: Players are ALLOWED to
double hit the ball on the first contact, for
example when they 1) serve receive, or 2) dig
the ball

(Since this rule change passing overhead has

become commonly used method to pass the
ball. Earlier it was often called a false hit,
double hit)
Kicking: It is LEGAL to hit the ball with any part
of the body, the foot and leg included. (Earlier
it was a mistake to kick the ball.)

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