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KLI: Online Learning Rules and

1. Get your device/s and internet connection ready.
Make sure that prior the live teaching, all devices to be used by the students are fully charged and with stable
internet connection. Wearing of headphone is highly recommended. If students are using laptop, please use a
mouse instead of mousepad alone.
2. Be on time!
Students and parents/ guardians ( specially those of elementary pupils)
must be extra responsible of their schedule. We advise to be online 10-15
minutes prior the live teaching schedule.
3. Take a bathroom break before the start of class/live
teaching, and have your necessities upon your reach.
We will not allow students going in and out of the virtual classroom during the live session.

4. Consider your surroundings and attire.
KLI requires students to wear their upper uniform (blouse for the girls and polo for the boys) during
live teaching. We want to make sure we are looking presentable and professional for each other, just
like we do at school.
5. Mute yourself right away but always turn your
video on.
Just mute yourself for the whole time, except when called on. However, we want to make sure that you are
present through out the live teaching. We love to see you.
6. Use signals.
Use hand signals such as :
Thumbs up= Yes, I agree, I understand
Thumbs down = No, I disagree, I don’t understand
Raise hand = I want to talk, I want to answer, I have a question
7. Chat responsibly.
Do ask questions. Participate fully. Use the chat function responsibly. Only
type when needed so the teacher can respond to questions promptly.
8. Be ready to take down notes.
We advise the students to jot down notes about the lessons being
presented by the teacher during live teaching.
9. Let learning be the students’ responsibility.
Let the students do the activities, homework, quizzes, and exams. Parents/ Guardians will serve as guide to them.

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