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• Cells are the building blocks of life

• Cells take in raw materials to make new molecules
• Who named cells?
• Robert Hooke, English Scientist (1667)
How can we see cells?
• Microscope
• A camera can be fitted to these microscopes
• The pictures are called micrographs
• Light micrographs are color images
• Electron micrographs are black and white, can be artificially coloured
What is cell comprised of?
Cell wall
• Plant cell has cell wall
• Cell wall is made of cellulose
• It protects cell from injury and give fixed shape to the cell
• Cell wall is fully permeable
• Absent in animal cells
• Aerobic respiration happen
• Food  energy
• Energy used for growth and reproduction
• These are small round structures
• They are attached to ER or lie freely in the cytoplasm
• Functions:
• They are needed for synthesizing proteins
• They attach to ER and make proteins
• Ribosomes in cytoplasm make proteins that are used by cytoplasm
Golgi apparatus
• Also called as Golgi body
• It is shaped like a disc
• It consists of a stack of flattened spaces surrounded by membranes
• Vesicles fuse with one side of Golgi body and gets pinched off from
opposite side
• Functions:
• It chemically modifies substances made by ER
• Stores and packages these substances in vesicles for secreting it out of

• Chloroplasts are oval structures found in plant cells

• They contain a green pigment called chlorophyll
• Chlorophyll is essential for photosynthesis
Specialised cells, tissues, organs and systems
• There are many different types of cells
• The cells differ in size, shape and functions
• Human body have nerve cells, liver cells, skin cells, etc.
• Plants have xylem cells, phloem cells, root hair cells, etc.
• New cells are produced by cell division
• New cells produce or loose some structures to carry out certain
• This process of development is called differentiation
Cell structure related to cell function
Tissues, organs and systems
T.S. of a leaf
T.S. of stem
1. Stomachgland tissue, muscular tissue, nervous tissue
• Nervous tissue  detects presence of food in stomach
• Gland tissuesecrete enzymes to digest food
• Muscular tissue contracts to break food and mix with digestive
• 2. Leaf  mesophyll, xylem, phloem tissue
• Work together
• Xylemtransports water and mineral salts from roots to leaf
• Mesophyll  carries out photosynthesis
• Phloem  transports prepared food away from leaf
Organ system
• Comprise of several organs working together
• Animalsdigestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system,
transport system
• Plantsroot system and shoot system

• Various system make entire organism

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