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Employee Behavior

Session 3
Chapter Objectives
• Identify the major external and internal factors that influence
employee behavior
• Describe two primary types of outcomes that may result from
behavior and tell how they may influence future behavior
• State how a supervisor’s leadership and expectations can affect
employee behavior
• Recognize the impact that coworkers and organizations themselves
have on employee behavior
• Define motivation and describe the main approaches to
understanding motivation at work
• Discuss how knowledge, skill, ability, and attitude influences
employee behavior
External Environment
• Economic Conditions
• Technological Changes
• Labor Market Conditions
• Laws and Regulations
• Labor Unions
• Supervision
– Leadership
– Performance expectations
• Organization
– Reward Structures
– Culture
– Job Design
• Coworkers
– Norms
– Groups
– Teamwork
– Control Over Outcomes
Internal Factors
• Employee
– Motivation
– Attitude
– Knowledge
– Skill
– Ability
Behavior and Outcomes
• Behavior
– Task Performance
– Organizational Citizenship Behavior
• Outcomes
– Personal
– Organizational

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