L3 - How Can We Care For Our Sense Organs

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How Can We Care for

Our Sense Organs?

The Eyes

Eat yellow fruits and vegetables.

The Eyes

Read only under proper light condition.

Avoid reading while laying down
Do not read inside a moving vehicles
Keep pointed objects away from your eyes
When reading, rest your eyes every now and then by
looking far out of the window
Protect your eyes from too much sunlight. Wear
sunglasses, umbrella, and hat.
The Ears

Request an older member of your family to clean your ears

The Ears

Ask your parents to bring you to a doctor when you have an

ear problem.
The Ears

When someone is drilling in your street using a jackhammer, wear an

earplug (if one is available) or cotton plug.
Do not go to the places with very loud music. Lower the
volume of your own radio or TV.
Never put a seed or any tiny objects into your ears.
Never shout into the ear of a playmate.
A hearing aid is an
object that helps
people with poor
hearing hear better. It
is placed just outside
the ears.
The Nose

Regularly clean your nose using tissue paper or soft cloth.

The Nose

Cover your nose whenever there is dust or smoke.

The Nose

When you have colds, blow your nose gently.

The Nose

Make it a habit to exercise your sense of smell. Be alert whenever

you smell something unusual like something burning, gasoline
vapor, spoiled food, and others.
Never put a finger or any small objects into your nose.
When smelling an object, do not put it too close to your
The Tongue

Eat slowly, chew carefully to avoid biting your

The Tongue

After brushing your teeth, brush your tongue gently to

remove food particles that might be left on its surface.
Avoid food that is too salty.
Avoid leaving candy or medicine (including vitamins) on
your tongue when you are too sleepy.
The Skin

Wash your hands as often as needed.

The Skin

In case of minor cut or wound, wash it with soap and water

right away.
The Skin

In case of a skin disease, see a doctor for treatment.

The Skin

Protect your skin from too much sunlight.

The Skin

Eat fruits and vegetables with your meals.


Answer WHAT TO DO on page

389 and EXERCISE on page 390

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