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Grade 4 Physical Education

Physical Activity Pyramid

- is a visual representation demonstrating how to increase
physical activity until it becomes a part daily routine. It is a visual
representation with daily recommended activity at the base and
proceeding to less beneficial activity at the peak
Based on the picture presented there are 4 types of physical activity in Physical Activity Pyramid:

a. Step 1 Lowest part or base part activities here are the normal day to day activities like walking,
running, jumping, helping house chores, or even climbing stairway rather than elevator.
b. Step 2 is recommended to do 3-5 times a week. Activities belong here are
playing basketball, volleyball, running in the neighborhood and riding a bike .
on this step (3-5 times a week)
c. Step 3 is made up of exercises activity for stronger body. Push ups, sit ups, pull ups,
and dancing are belong to this step (2-3 times a week)
d. Step 4 The activities at the peak do not provide healthy benefits. These are the activities that children should
minimize (cut down)
Why involving in physical activity is important?
• Help build your strength and muscles
• Decrease risk of diseases
• Reduce stress
• Boost immune system
• Stay fit and have a good shape
Fill up the blanks of the pyramid. Write the activities you would like to do.

• Top of the pyramid – put activities do not

provide healthy benefits to you.
• Third level – put exercise activities you want
to do
• Second level – put activities you always
• Base of the pyramid – put the normal day to
day activities you do
Thank you! 

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