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Chapter 10

Limits and Continuity

Getting closer and closer to something, but yet not
touching it…

…. This is what embodied in the concept of limit,

the foundation of calculus.
Definition (pg 450)
The limit of f (x) as x approaches a is the number L,

limit f (x) = L
x a

provided that f (x) is arbitrarily close to L for all x sufficiently close to, but not
equal to, a. If there is no such number, we say that the limit does not exist.

i) We want to know what happens to f(x) when x approaches a not when x=a
ii) Independent of the way in which x approaches a, i.e the limit is the same
as to whether x approaches a from the left (x<a) or the right (x>a).
Examples 1 and 2
(pg 450-451)

The existence and non-existence of limits illustrated by

graphs. One-sided limit [Example 2 a)]
Properties of Limits
1. lim x -> a c =c
2. lim x -> a xn =an
3. lim x->a [f(x)+g(x)]=lim x->a [f(x)] + lim x->a [g(x)]
4. lim x->a [f(x).g(x)]=lim x->a [f(x)] . lim x->a [g(x)]
5. lim x->a [cf(x)]=c.lim x->a [f(x)]
f ( x)
f ( x) x  a
6. lim x->a g ( x) = lim if lim x->a g(x)≠0
g ( x)
x  a
Properties of Limits
7. lim x->a n f ( x) = n f ( x)
x  a

8. If f is a polynomial function, then lim x->a f(x)=f(a)

Limits and Algebraic Manipulation

If f and g are two functions for which f(x)=g(x), for all x≠a,

lim x-> a f(x) = lim x->a g(x)

(Meaning that if either limit exists, the other exists and

they are equal)
Limits and Algebraic Manipulation

Example 7 (pg 455)

Find lim x → -1 (x2-1)/(x+1)
Through algebraic manipulation – trying to express the
quotient in a different form.
(x2-1) = (x+1)(x-1) = x-1
(x+1) (x+1)

lim x → -1 (x2-1)/(x+1) = lim x → -1 x-1 = -1-1= -2

Limits and Algebraic Manipulation

Similarly Example 8 and 9 (pg 455 & 456) – Form 0/0

Can be solved through algebraic manipulation by again

trying to express the quotient in a different form.
Limits at Infinity for Rational Functions
(pg 462)

If f(x) is a rational function and anxn and bmxm are the terms
in the numerator and denominator, respectively, with the
greatest power of x, then

lim x→∞f(x) = lim x→∞ anxn/bmxm


lim x→-∞f(x) = lim x→-∞ anxn/bmxm

A special Limit
See pg 456, similar to example 1 b) pg 451
lim x→0 (1+x)1/x

Looking at lim x→0+ and lim x→0-, it is clear that limit of

(1+x)1/x exists, 2.71828 denoted by letter e.

lim x→0 (1+x)1/x = e

Infinite Limit – form k/0

lim x→0+ 1/x = ∞

lim x→0- 1/x = -∞

See pg 459, example 1

lim x→-1+ 2/(x+1)= ∞

lim x→-1- 2/(x+1)= -∞

Note: Distinguish the difference btw k/0 and 0/0; each is
handled differently
Limit at Infinity
lim x→ ∞ 1/x = 0
lim x→ -∞ 1/x = 0

In general (pg 461),

lim x→ ∞ 1/xp = 0
lim x→ -∞ 1/xp = 0

Note the differences for rational, polynomial and case-

defined functions.
Definition (pg 467),

A function f is continuous at a if and only if the

following three conditions are met:
1. f(a) exists.
2. lim x→a f(x) exists
3. lim x→a f(x) = f(a)

Note: if f is discontinuous at a, a is called a point of

discontinuity of f.
Example 1 b) [pg 467]
Show g(x)=x2-3 is continuous at -4
Now applying the definition:
At x=-4 3.
1. g(-4) = 13
2. lim x→-4 (x2-3) = 13 = g(-4)

Therefore, g is continuous at -4
Related notes (pg 467)
Continuous on an interval -

A polynomial function is continuous at every point.

Continuous on its domain –

Discontinuity can be caused by (pg 468)

1. f has no limit as x → a
2. As x → a, f has a limit that is different from f(a)

Note: Discontinuities in rational, case-defined and “post-

office” functions (pg 469-470).
Continuity applied to inequalities

To solve inequality f(x) > 0 or [f(x) < 0]

1. Find real zeros of f and values of x for which f is
discontinuous. These values determine intervals, and on
each intervals, f(x) is either always positive or always
2. Find sign on any one of these intervals (find the sign of
f(x) at any point there).
3. Assemble all signs on a sign chart, the solution of f(x) >
or < 0 can be determined easily then.
(-)(-)=+ (+)(-)=- (+)(+)=+

-7/2 -2
• Secant Line vs Tangent Line

The slope of a curve at a point P is the
slope, if it exists, of the tangent line at P.
Definition (pg 484)
The derivative of a function f is the function
denoted f’ ….

Other notations (pg 484)

Look at example 3, pg 485.

Note: Differentiability at a point implies

continuity at that point, but continuity does
not imply differentiability.
Rules for differentiation
Rule 1

d (c) = 0
Rules for differentiation
Rule 2

d (xn) = nxn-1
Rules for differentiation
Rule 3
d cf(x) = c.f’(x)

Rule 4
d [f(x) + g(x)] = f’(x) + g’(x)

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