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Ozone Depl

What is ozone laye
 Causes of ozone de
nt e d by: 
Prese ifat Ozone cycle
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Effects of ozone de
 Measures to contr
ol ozone depletion
OZONE LAYER • Layer in earths atmosphere
which relatively contains
high concentration of
O3(allotrope of oxygen).
• O3 at ground level
considered as pollutant.
• Absorbs 97-99% of the suns
high frequency ultraviolet
radiations which are
potentially damaging to life
on earth.
What is causing ozone depletion

Scientists have observed reduction in

stratospheric ozone since early
Excessive release of chlorine and
bromine from the compunds (CFCs)

CFCs attributes 80% to depletion.

• Used as coolants in refrigerators
• in air conditioners
• In Dry cleaning agents
• In hospital sterilants
• In industrial solvent
• In home products like mattresses and cushions
Cycle of ozone depletion
CL + OO3
O O + O2 +
Effects of ozone depletion

 Skin damage
 Eye damage
 Immune system damage
 Accelerated aging of skin
 Difficulty in breathing, chest pain, throat irritation
Ways to prevent from ozone depletion

• Limit private vehicle driving

• Use eco-friendly household cleaning product
• Avoid using pesticides
• Developing stringet regulations of rocket launches
• Banning the use of dangerous nitrous oxide

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