Theorists Review: Made by Titiksha Kothakapu, Maleeha Khan, Ryaan Pal

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Theorists Review

Made by Titiksha Kothakapu ,Maleeha Khan ,Ryaan Pal

• Greek philosopher
• Idea of “atomos” – indivisible and solid
• spherical model of atom
Jhon Dalton
• All elements are made of the same chemical properties
• Atoms don’t change identity only recharge
• Molecules have the same atom ratio
JJ Thompson
• Studied passage of electric current through gas
• Rays though the were electrons
• Made the plum pudding model
• When he first found electrons called them negative corpuscles
Ernest Rutherford
• Discovered alpha particles a.k.a protons
• Made gold foil experiment
Rutherford Atom
• Atom space is mostly empty
• Atom is concentrated in charged nucleus
• Electrons are present in the space
Wave Model
• Helps find probable location of a electron based on its energy
• Has a small positively charged nucleus surrounded by electron
• Today’s atomic model is based on principles of wave mechanics

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