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Pranav Grover (A6030119039)

Abhinay Nagula
Sabhyata Adhikari
Pratham Singh
Aman kumar
Richi Mathur
Historical background of article 370

Maharaja Hari Singh October 20, 1947- Pakistan attacks

15th august 1947 partition takes
(ruler) of J&K kashmir

Maharaja speaks to Indian PM Nehruji asking

26 October 1947
for help
Salient Features of Article 370
before abolishment.

• J&K is a constituent state of the Indian

• The state of J&K has its own
• J&K has residuary power which
belongs to the state legislature.
• Part 3 is applicable to the state with
some exceptions and conditions.
• Directive principles of State Policy
Fundamental duties are not applicable to
the state.
Flag of Jammu and Kashmir (1952-2019)
The president has No right to declare a financial emergency in
the states .
The president legislature . has no power to suspend the
constitution of the states on the ground of failure to comply with
the direction given by him .
The fifth and sixth schedule of the constitution , dealing with
administration and control of secludes area and schedule tribes
and tribal area respectively do not apply to the states .
The High court of Jammu and Kashmir unlike the high court of
other states of India cannot issue writ for any reason other than
the enforcement of fundamental rights .
A National Emergency declared on the ground of internal
disturbance will not influence the states except with concurrence
of the state's government .
International Treaty or Agreements affecting the disposition of
any part of territory of the states can be made by the center only
with the consent of the state.
Post abolishment
of section 370
A decline of 73% of security personnel
killed in J&K has been recorded.
No separate flag or dual citizenship.
RTI and CAG will also apply here.
Citizens from across India can apply for
Any citizen can purchase land or house
in J&K.
Now J&K is union territory and Ladakh
is a separate union territory.
Constitutionality of Abrogation
of article 370 -was it right?
Can be abrogated by J&K Constituent Assembly
which ended in 1956.
Can now be abrogated by representative of J&K
Constituent Assembly.
J&K Legislative Assembly is representative of J&K
Constituent Assembly which was dissolved at the
time of abrogation of article 370
 Article 370 abrogated through act of Parliament
and act signed into force by the President.
Can be constitutionally challenged in the
Supreme Court.
From 7 Union Territories to 9 Union Territories.
Now we currently have 8 Union Territories.
Impact of the
• The abrogation of autonomy without the consent
of the Kashmiris has raised the threat perception
and fear among the people of the Valley.
• The suspicions were not mitigated when certain
incidents where politicians in Kashmir and in New
Delhi have engaged in falsehoods.  
• Core sectors of the economy of J&K have witnessed
a steep decline after the abrogation of Article 370.
Due to the communications blockade, curfews, and
militant threats.
• The continuing internet blockade has severely
affected college and university students.
Internet services
snapped in J&K- A
relief for the
security forces?
• J&K police receives intel that some 3-4 Terrorists are
hiding in a village.
• The intel is shared is with Army (RR) and CRPF convoy
who are on the way to kill the Terrorists.
• Some locals click photos of the army convoy and then
share it on various WhatsApp groups .Even the Terrorists
are now alerted that the Fauj is coming
• Terrorist mobilize stone pelters who block the army
convoy from conducting the operation
• Mission of the armed forces unsuccessful and terrorists
get ample time to escape
• Next time you cry as to why government has suspended
the 4G network in Kashmir valley, just think as to what
happens when a hot 7.62mm AK-47 bullet pierces through
a soldiers body.
•The continuing internet blockade has severely affected
college and university students. College students and
Beyond the research scholars, for instance, have not been able to fill

silence of
the online forms for competitive exams, scholarship
grants and research papers. Most of the hostels in the
J&K valley. Kashmir University are shut indefinitely. Internet access
to university libraries has been disrupted, increasing the
stress levels of students..
With the restrictions removed, the tourism potential of the state will
Public-Private be fully realized with investment in tourist infrastructure and hotels
that will create more jobs.
Partnership in  The PPP model in education, the students will not have to travel

outside the state.
 Now private investment would bring quality health care to the state
legislature that will create jobs and growth .
School kids in
• Here in the picture we can see a
student of 2nd class who’s not been
able to go to school since 5th
• In his rhyme, He’s comparing himself
to other students who are
complaining about not going to school
since the lockdown.
• He agrees to every guideline by WHO
and wants to continue his schooling.
• We can see here how students are
facing problems.
Issue of Ladakh

• People from outside can

purchase land in Ladakh.
• This may adversely affect
Ladakh’s ecological balance.
• Sudden spate of resource
extraction, exploitation and
expansion of tourism
activities may push regional
ecosystems over the brink.

• The foremost challenge is rebuilding trust the Centre should work more on perception management
through soft measures instead of adopting a hard-line approach.

• The Union government should follow the footsteps of their previous successors such as Bajpayee’s
doctrine of 'Insaniyat, Jamhuriyat, Kashmiriyat’.

• Kashmiris must revisit their centrifugal tendencies like separatism and militancy and learn from other
nation states in the world that are adopting a more integrational approach in demanding rights.

• The government must immediately lift the internet blackout in all educational institutions.

• The Centre must realise that now is the time to renew India’s ties with the region by initiating a series
of serious and sincere interlocution measures to win over the confidence of the alienated Kashmiris.

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