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• Metabolic disorder affecting sugar level
• Type 1 – decreased sensitivity to insulin
• - develops in childhood and requires lifelong
• injection and insulin
• Type 2 - develops in middle age and can be
controlled by diet and drugs, causing kidney, and
nerve damage
• A hormone regulating glucose level in blood
• A hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates
the level of glucose in the blood
• One of the causes of deaths in the world.
• Increasingly a global problem
• 9th leading cause of death in the Philippines
• Annual cases of diabetes increasing by 2.5%
• Globally, expected to reach 330M by Y2025
• 60% of those cases will be in Asia.
No. of Diabetic Patients
• India – 24M cases
• China – 22M cases
Universal Need
• Maintain healthy diet especially for people with
• Prevention is the best way to avoid serious health
consequences of diabetes.
• While use of medication is helpful
• Prevention thru lifestyle changes should be
promoted as the 1st course of action.
Coconut Sugar
Brand Name
Coconut Sugar
• 100% natural sugar, free from additives
• The only low glycemic sweetener
• For health conscious consumers and diabetics.
• The best sweetener substitute because of the many benefits
it has to offer
• Low Glycemic index (GI) of 35 compared to cane sugar
with GI of 68.
• It has benefits for weight control and improving glucose
and lipid levels in people with diabetes.
Glycemic Index (GI)
• Ranking system for carbohydrates based on the
immediate effect on blood glucose levels.
• The higher the number, the greater the blood sugar
• A low GI food will cause a small rise in blood
glucose level, while a high GI food will trigger a
dramatic spice
 Low GI = 55 or less

 Medium GI = 56 - 69

 High GI = 70 or more
Nutrient (ppm or mg/L) Coco Sugar Brown Cane Sugar

Nitrogen (N) 2,020 100

Phosphorous (P) 790 30

Potassium (K) 10,300 650

Magnesium (Mg) 290 70

Chloride (Cl) 4,700 180

Zinc (Zn) 21.2 2

Iron 9Fe) 21.9 12.6

• P – needed for bone growth, kidney function and
cell growth
• K - helpful in treating high blood pressure
• Mg - essential for enzyme activity for Ca and k
• Ca – vital for strong bone and teeth for muscle
growth and contraction
• Zn - called “ intelligence mineral” required for
mental development and healthy reproductive organs
(prostate gland)
• Fe - vital for healthy blood, its deficiency is
associated with mental development, problem with
immune system
• Cl - ions provides electrical neutrality (acid-based
body balance) and correct pressure of body fluids;
balance electric charges in human nervous systems.
Production and Supplies
• Produced by smallholder farmers – aim to rise
above the proverty line and earn an increase in
personal income of close to 200%, while
maintaining a competitive market price as a cane
sugar alternative
• Sourcing – generally stable, will come from Davao
Target Market
• Health conscious consumers and diabetics

Target Countries
• India
• China
• Japan
Competitive Conditions

• Market potential for coconut sugar is growing with

the awareness of its health benefits
• Represents new opportunity for innovation in
product formulation that syncs with current trends
• Aspartame – Negative health consequences
Vission/Mission Statement
• Our mission is to make the Filipino productive,
make use of Gods gift of nature, the vast land of
coconut producing the sweet organic sugar
creating perfect goodness to health in every
Pricing Strategy
• Recommended price – P200/kilo; P2.00 per 10
• Wholesale price - P150/kg.
Channels of Distribution
• Supermarkets, groceries, hotels
Promo Strategy
• CocoNutriSweet brand name and package will be
prominently displayed. Advertising campaign will
emphasize the health benefits.
• Produced from the sweet juices of tropical coconut
palm sugar blossoms.
• Availabe in sachets- 10grams

The Making of Coconut Sugar

• Coconut sugar plantation. Sap yield varies from tree

to tree, spadix to spadix, day to day, season to
season, time of collection, and location.
With proper management it is now possible to have
two products from a single spadix, sugar and nuts
Volume of sap flow varies with the age, variety, location, and
general condition of the coconut tree.

Sap has been reported to flow from one (1)

inflorescence for
up to 30-60 days. A rest period of 4 months per
year is however recommended
Tapping of sap using bamboo receptacles
Volume of sap flow varies with the age
The sweet watery sap that drips from cut flower buds of fresh

The coconut sap is collected in a bamboo tube supported to

catch the dripping sap. The size of the bamboo is usually 10
cm in diameter and 40 cm long with the outer portion shaved
off to reduce the weight
Caramelization of coconut
sap Crystallization of the sap into sugar.
Good quality sap means good quality

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