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Nursing Research

Unit 1
Unit - 1
• Research and Research Process
– Introduction and need for nursing research
– Definition of research & Nursing research
– Steps of scientific method.
– Characteristics of research
– Steps of research process overview
• Nursing is noble profession which needs a continuous
growing and expanding body of knowledge.
• Knowledge can be developed through many ways and
research is one of them.
• Nurses are increasingly expected to understand and
conduct research to develop a scientific basis for improving
• Research is a systematic way of exploring the hidden issues
and helps to maintain professional growth and dignity.
• Research-based knowledge provides scientific basis for
developing and refining the professional knowledge and
• Evidences generated through nursing research provide
support for quality and cost effectiveness of nursing
• The care provided by nurses must be based on up-to-date
knowledge and research that support the delivery of the
highest standards of practice possible.
– Nurses are developing their own professional knowledge base with
strong foundations built on research and evidence.
– Nurses have a responsibility in some way to contribute to the
development of the profession’s knowledge through research.
Need for nursing Research and
• Nurses engage in research for number of reasons. As
professionals, nurses seek to establish a scientific base of
knowledge for nursing. Additionally, the systematic
accrual of nursing information enables nurses to better
define the parameters of nursing, document the unique
contribution nursing makes a health care, determine the
effectiveness of nursing actions, develops theoretical
frameworks for clinical practices, and enhance more
informed clinical decision making. There is growing
consensus that knowledge of nursing research is need to
enhance the professional practices of all nurses.
• Research is a fundamental essential prerequisite for any
profession. The specific purpose of nursing research
includes identification, description, exploration,
explanation, prediction, and control of facts.
• Therefore, nursing research enables nurses in the following
– Develop, refine, and extend the scientific base of knowledge, which
is required for quality nursing care, education, and administration.
– Enhance the body of professional knowledge in nursing.
– Provide foundation for EBN practices. Help in expansion of
knowledge, which is essential for continued growth of nursing
– Enhance their professional identity as research is an essential
component of any profession.
– Define the parameters of nursing, which will help nurses to
identify boundaries of nursing profession.
– Refine and eliminate old knowledge so that it helps in elimination
of nursing actions that have no effect on the achievement of desired
client outcomes.
– Identify nursing care practices that make a difference in health
care status of individuals and are cost-effective.
– Enhance accuracy of different nursing educational and
administrative techniques.
– Develop and refine nursing theories and principles.
– Solve the problems or answer the questions related to nursing
practices, nursing education, and nursing administration.

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