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Nadeen’s Creation

Learning priority: Explore new ideas and experiences with confidence.

Nadeen I am so pleased to see you confidently explore An-Nur learning environment.
Although you have calm and quite disposition, you have a strong determination. You are
becoming more and more confident and choosing activities, challenging yourself. That is
great as that is the individual goal we set for you.
This morning when you arrived it took a few minute for you to settle and then something
caught your attention. You noticed one table was set up with some interesting play
equipment. This Cogs Wheels and Spinning gears is one of our special play/construction
equipment that our children love to create and explore.
Nadeen, you decided to have a go. Although it was a bit difficult to fix each of those
beautiful, colourful wheels so that it connect to each other. You spent a long time and
worked hard, oblivious to the surroundings. You wanted to make sure that the wheels fits to
and touching to other wheels. Some wheels has different design. When you move just one
wheel all the others start spinning. How amazing! You observed with wonder and admiration
the spectacular chain reaction. You tried to find out how does it work!

Possible learning:
Children could learn about simple
mechanism in a fun and creative way.
 Develop understanding of simple mechanics
and engineering principle of chain
 Discover cause and effect
This construction system also stimulate
children’s creativity, improve imagination,
 Develop hand-eye co-ordination.
What’s next?
“Children experience an environment In sha Allah we will make sure you get plenty
where they learn strategies for active of opportunities to develop all these skills
exploration, thinking and reasoning” Te further.
Whariki, Exploration. Written by – Teacher Rosy, September, 2020

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