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The Empowered women

is powerful beyond
measure and beautiful
beyond description.

What is women Empowerment?

Why is it needed?

Current scenario of women in India
Major problems that women face in

Indian Society.
Ways to Achieve it
The term empowerment naturally presupposes a
sense of powerlessness; doesn’t it? Well, with
women it has been rightly so. 

What is Women Empowerment ?

Real Women Empowerment is making society treat women
as a fellow just as men in this universe. It is giving women all
her rights and opportunities to play meaningful part in the
society and letting her excel in all the fields where only men
are ruling. It means to empower her human, social, political
and economical rights and make her stand in this society on
the same dais as male counterparts.
Why Women Empowerment?

When half the human population is being

denied equal wages , job opportunities ,
career opportunities , educational rights ,
social equality in spite of having no
dearth of talent or brains , I don't see any
reason this world doesn't require women
The social structure during archaic times was set up to facilitate division
of labor between genders . The males were responsible for wood
gathering , hunting etc while women were required to nourish the
family . This system was based on cooperation and both genders
respected each other's role in the family and society as a whole .
With the changes in social systems over a course of time , women were
confined to their old status of cooking and cleaning . While both
genders had equally tough tasks , somehow this feeling perpetuated
in the minds of people that women are weak and are supposed to
manage menial stuff whereas the hardcore stuff was restricted to
males .
Disheartening facts

• The sex ratio of women at this time is standing at 945 females per
1000 males.
• Infant mortality rate among girls is 61% higher than that for boys.
• This gender inequality is also present in education; only 2/3 of
girls between the ages of 6 and 17 are sent to school, compared
to 3/4 of boys of the same age.
• In the countryside, only 46% of women are literate, which is
almost one-half the literary rate for men.
• Around 500 women were reported to die every day due to
pregnancy related problems due to malnutrition, and getting
married before 18.
Women's empowerment as a concept was introduced at the UN's Third
World Conference on Women in Nairobi in 1985, which defined it as a
redistribution of social and economic powers and control of resources
in favour of women. The United Nations Development Fund for Women
(UNDFW) includes the following factors in its definition of women's
  Acquiring knowledge and understanding of gender relations and the
way in which these relations may be changed.
  Developing a sense of self-worth, a belief in one's ability to secure
desired changes and the right to control one's life.

It was 1848 AD when India got its first woman educator in the form of
"Savitribai Phule". This year marks the rise of women's empowerment in
India as Savitribai Phule busted the social norm that a woman cannot be
educated. The impact of this movement was so profound that 100 years
later, India, as a nation accepted the leadership of a woman and Indira
Gandhi, was sworn as the first female prime minister of India. It is said
that sky is the limit, but the term "women's empowerment" broke that
thought and Kalpana Chawla became the first Indian woman to travel in
space. All these activities are the fruits of women's empowerment.
Current scenario of women in India
Major problems that women
face in Indian Society.
• Selective abortion and female infanticide
• Dowry and Bride burning:
• Domestic violence 
• Disparity in education
• Child Marriages
• Inadequate Nutrition
• Sexual harassment
• Domestic violence and status in the
• Status of widows
• Property rights
Ways to Achieve it

Every drop make up an ocean.

It starts with parents (every individual parents); parents
should have a clear view about themselves and their children.
Second of all the society; every one should mind their
business , aware about the economy, and stand against the
wrong-doers strongly.
Last but not the least , women and men should be aware that
no-one in this world is above anyone.

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