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Code of Ethics and

Professional Conduct
No abuse of authority/power
 The abuse of authority/power is the improper
use of a position of influence, power or
authority by an individual towards others.
 Abuse of authority can include a one-time

incident or a series of incidents.

 It may also consist of conduct that creates a

hostile (unfriendly) or offensive (unpleasent)

work environment, which includes, but is not
limited to, the use of intimidation (pressure),
threats, blackmail or coercion (force)
WHO Staff
WHO staff are hired to contribute to
advancing the mandate of the Organization
The duties of WHO staff do not extend to
include personal favors that are not part of
their assignments including such as:
• fetching food and beverages (drinks) outside
of professional events,
• driving personal acquaintances (links,
friends) outside of professional requirements
• running errands (shops) of a personal nature
for their supervisors
No harassment
Harassment is an unwanted behavior directed
at another identified person that:
• is repeated (although a single incident may
be viewed as harassment)
• the purpose or effect of violating an
individual’s dignity or creating an
threatening, hostile, degrading, humiliating
or offensive (unpleasent) environment for that
Harassment may:
• happen between an individual against
another individual
• take the form of bullying, physical and/or
emotional aggression or coercion (pressure)
to intimidate or dominate others;
• occur between a group and an individual, in
which case it is referred to as “mobbing”.
 Harassment may be obvious or it may be
 some people may try to “fight back” in some

way, others may become frightened and de-

 Harassment may not necessarily happen face

to face but may also occur in written

communications, email, phone, and
supervision methods.
spreading malicious rumors, or insulting someone
by word
• exclusion (rejection) or victimization (abuse)
• unfair treatment
• overbearing (bossy) supervision or other misuse of
power or position
• making threats or comments about job security to
intimidate or destabilize (disrupt)
• deliberately (intentionally) undermining a
competent (capable) worker by overloading and
constant criticism
• preventing individuals progressing by intentionally
blocking promotion or training opportunities.
WHO staff contributing to the elimination of
inappropriate behavior
 WHO is committed to addressing harassment
promptly and fairly. WHO staff found to have
engaged in inappropriate or offensive
behavior will be subject to relevant
disciplinary measures.
 Different from reports of suspected

wrongdoing made in good faith based on the

judgment and information available at the
time of their report

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