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-Arianna Azhar
-Rania hisham
Is this article well written?

■ This is because the author is experienced and a well known animal expert. With that the
facts are written well enough as I myself have a cat at home and they are relatable to the
article I read.
■ For example : although cats can be the sweetest, most affectionate can sudddenly be bad
tempered and behave out of character.
Do you believe it is well described?

■ This is because it talks about physical aspects such as their houses, the food they eat. As
well as emotional aspects. How different cats may have different personality and way of
showing love towards their owner, how they can be angry by just a touch.
What parts of the article are you most
interested in?
■ Did you know – scratching is a natural behaviour for cats. It is how they remove the
outer sheaths of their claws and it is not something we can stop them doing. Provide
them with a sturdy scratching post that allows them to strech out. Teach them how to
use it by playing games that encourage them to claw at the post until they get the hang
of it.
■ Caught my attention about the games
■ Searched about games to play with my cat.
Which parts of the article, do you believe,
can be written better?
■ Do’s : Use toys, such as a bauble you can toss or feathers and string attached to a wand.
This keeps your hands safe and is a fun way to offer interactive play.
■ Don’ts : Use your hands as toys. Dangling your fingers in front of a cat may be a
convenient way to attract their attention and initiate play, but it sends a message to them
it is OK to chase your fingers and bite your hands stalking behaviour is normal as this is
how cats hunt their prey but you do not want to be their catch.
■ Provide more than 1
■ Provide information which is not obvious (things people already know about)
If you were the author, state ONE
element you can include in the article.
■ Bordem/neglect – social animals – doesn’t demand like dogs
■ Can take care of themselves – food / survival
■ Happiness/well-being-regular

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