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Self-service store

Customer makes an implied offer

The store accepts it.

1. Wrong price sticker. Rs. 200 instead of Rs. 250.

Should the store charge only Rs. 200? No

In a self-service store, the customer offers at the

counter. The store is free to reject the offer.
2. Breaking perfume bottle

Sale does not happen till the cashier’s


There is no sale contract.

The customer should not pay the GST.
3. Towel sold with a wrong sticker

The customer impliedly offered to buy for Rs.


The store accepted.

Contract made for Rs. 300.

The store cannot demand back the towel.

4. Poster of 40% discount
1. The customer see the poster and enters the shop.
2. He sees an item and its price. He reworks the
price with the 40% discount.
3. He comes to the counter and makes an implied
offer to buy at the discounted price.
4. Is the store bound to accept an offer? No
5. The store is free to accept or reject.
6. The store has indulged in an unfair trade practice.
5. Coffee table book- Get money from an ATM

Deep impliedly offers.

The attendant responds: ‘Rs. 7000’ (Acceptance).

A contract is made.

Next, Deep must pay.

Deep failed to pay. He is in breach of his

contractual duty.

The store can claim damages for the breach.

Retail Stores: Self-checkout

1. Checkout Machine

The customers offers when presses ‘Finish’

The store (through the machine) accepts

when it declares the price.
Check out machine video
2. Checkout- App

The customer down loads from the app.

The customers offers when presses ‘Finish’

The store (through the machine) accepts

when it declares the price.
Video on App
3. Amazon Go

No contract till the customer is inside the


Contract, when he comes out.

Customer does the act of walking out.

The store responds with the bill.

Thank you

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