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Principles of Tourism I
Shibu lijack
History of Tourism

 Early Tourism
 Tourism in the Medieval Period
 Tourism during the Renaissance and Elizabeth
 Tourism During the Industrial Revolution
 Modern Tourism
- Tourism in the 19th century
- Tourism in the 20th century
Early Tourism

 Travel and exploration- basic to human nature

 Man has traveled since the earliest times
 Can trace its ancestry in the Old Testament
- Noah with his Ark (first large scale-operator)
- Chapters 26-27 Book of Ezekiel (trade and

commerce in ancient Tyre & recount travels

abroad made by merchants
Two forms of Early Tourism

 Travel for business (trading)

- inventions of money, writing and wheel
 Religious travel
- Pilgrimages to places of worship
 Travel for private purposes
- Olympic games 776 B.C.
- First class roads and inns
Tourism in the Medieval Period

 Travel declined
 Travail- burdensome, dangerous and
 Roads were not maintained and they became
 No one during this time traveled for pleasure
 Only crusaders and pilgrims were the only ones
Tourism During the
Renaissance and Elizabeth Eras
 Few renowned universities developed
 Travel for education was introduced largely by
the British
 Travel became popular in the 16th century
 Education of a gentleman should be completed
by a “Grand Tour” of the cultural centers of the
 Young men sought for intellectual improvement
while the sick sought for remedy for their
illnesses in “spas”
Tourism During the Industrial
 Major changes in the scale and type of tourism
 Technological changes
 Social Changes that made travel desirable
- recreational activities
 Increase productivity
 Regular employment
 Growing urbanization
Modern Tourism (19th century)

 Introduction of railway
- mass tourism
 Development of steam power
- provided increase mobility
- provided reliable and inexpensive
- Travel organizers emerged
- Photography and guide books became
Modern Tourism (20th century)

 Pleasure travel continued to expand

- increasing wealth, curiosity and outgoing
attitude, increasing ease
 World War I
- early post-war prosperity
- large scale- migration
- first hand experience of foreign lands
- mass communication
After World War I

 Forms of travel began to change radically

 Railways as means of travel declined
 Introduction of motor cars
 Improved road transportation
World War II

 Led increased interest in travel

 Age of air travel
- aircraft technology
- air travel (comfortable, safer, faster and
cheaper )
- Boeing 707 jets in 1958
Post- War Recovery

 Increase in private car- ownership

 Economic recovery provided a increase in
discretionary income and leisure time which
many people converted into increased
recreation and travel
 As business and trade prospered in the
developed countries
- business travel flourished
 Prospects for the continued growth of world
tourism in the 20th century appear to most

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