Your Reputation As An Employer Matters

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Your Reputation as an

Employer Matters
Dr Rahuul Singh
A New Study
• A new study by Weber Shandwick in association with KRC Research (as cited in
) finds that in a survey in which approx. 2000 employees were involved , 19
percent only felt that the work experience that their employer promoted were
matching by reality. Imagine you went through an advertisement for opening of
a company which mentions big on opportunities for career advancement, you
joined there and after joining you found after sometime that company rarely fills
a position from within.
• Second example, company talks about gender equity in its job advertisement.
You joined there and found that every recruitment has only 10 percent women
Difficulties in attracting Talent:Is Credibility
at Stake
• A company is suffering from problem of getting good talent and also
not able to retain them for long, hence the attrition has higher cost,
it’s the credibility of the company which needs be studied. Promises
are not fulfilled, a different organizational behavior than that of
depicted will finally lead to instigating talent to leave the company. It
will impact on retention outcome finally organizational performance.
Thus employer branding has correlation with business acquisitions.
Employer Branding is an External
• Branding of the company as an employer is done through
communicating various attributes the company has for its employees
and on the basis of which it would like to attract the best talent from
industry.Employer Branding is done through various sources
• Career Site
• Recruitment Fair
• Employee Advocacy
• CSR Initiatives
• Other means
My Company Delivered what It Committed
in Times Ascent Advertisement
Employer Branding is an outcome of the attributes a company exhibits as an
employer and delivers more or less what promises through communicating
on websites, articles, newspapers, videos and also through CSR initiates.Ashit
Prashant was very excited and decided to stay for longer period after
experiencing a culture of diversity what the company communicated in its
recruitment presentation while visiting his campus during his MBA. In his
college altogether 200 aspirants where there this was the highest number of
application in the year in campus recruitment, the company had established
itself a an organization where no matter where from you come, they have
something for your food, career, family and health. They promised some but
delivered much hence a coveted brand in fact.
The value that I gain while working at Tata
• Tata has job security, social contributions, assured career
development and last but not least it gives a social prestige to work
with.So, I gain many values by its exclusivities and hence we all
employees gain that value.Its an internal phenomena in any
Not only Tata, there are many companies which have attractive
Employee Value Proposition and because of that their retention
outcome is very significant resulting in overall performance of the
Creating an Attractive EVP
Lets Discuss the Difference between EVP and
Employer Branding…….

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