Transport Demand Management

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Transport Demand


H.P.P SHANTHA RU/E/2008/169

 Congested streets an roadways result when

too many people want to drive same routs at
the same time, particularly during peak
commute hours or special events.TDM
programs focus on changing or reducing
travel demand, particularly at peak commute
hours, instead of increasing roadway supply.
Purpose of The TDM

 The primary purpose of TDM is to reduce the

number of vehicles using the road system
while providing a wide variety of mobility
options to those who wish to travel.

 TDM involves a multitude of agencies within and outside the transport sector. It

consist of many measures covering

 Hardware- physical investments

 Software - policies and pricing

TDM typically consists of low-cost improvement measures which, when combined,

can have far-reaching effects. Therefore, TDM investments potentially make good

use of limited financial resources. In practice, experience indicates that the

implementation of effective TDM is problematic and may have adverse results. The

challenge is to find acceptable and appropriate TDM measures for the circumstances.
Present Cases
 TDM makes more efficient use of the current
roadway system
 According to the researches TDM programs can
reduce vehicle trips
 Some of the most promising TDM programs
emphasize coordination with local employers on
measures such as
 Car or van pooling programs
 Bus pass subsidies
 Alternative work shedules
 Telecommuting options
 Parking management
Parking Management (one present case)

 Parking facilities are a major cost to society, and parking conflicts are among the most common problems

facing designers, operators, planners and other officials.

 Such problems can be often defined either in terms of supply or in terms of management. Management

solutions tend to be better than expanding supply because they support more strategic planning objectives:

 Reduced development costs and increased affordability.

 More compact, multi-modal community planning (smart growth).

 Encourage use of alternative modes and reduce motor vehicle use (thereby reducing traffic congestion, accidents

and pollution).
 Improved user options and quality of service, particularly for non-drivers.

 Improved design flexibility, creating more functional and attractive communities.

 Ability to accommodate new uses and respond to new demands.

 Reduced impervious surface and related environmental and aesthetic benefits.

Parking Management Principles
These ten general principles can help guide planning decision to support parking management.

1. Consumer choice. People should have viable parking and travel options.

2. User information. Motorists should have information on their parking and travel options.

3. Sharing. Parking facilities should serve multiple users and destinations.

4. Efficient utilization. Parking facilities should be sized and managed so spaces are frequently

5. Flexibility. Parking plans should accommodate uncertainty and change.

6. Prioritization. The most desirable spaces should be managed to favor higher-priority uses.

7. Pricing. As much as possible, users should pay directly for the parking facilities they use.

8. Peak management. Special efforts should be made to deal with peak-demand.

9. Quality vs. quantity. Parking facility quality should be considered as important as quantity, including
aesthetics, security, accessibility and user information.

10. Comprehensive analysis. All significant costs and benefits should be considered in parking planning.
How to Adopt Sri Lanka

 Financial/time incentives
 Parking Management programs
 Priority treatment for rideshares
 Information and marketing
 Application of site or area-wide cost surcharges or subsidy
measures designed to make the relative cost of single occupant
vehicle use higher than that for high occupancy vehicles.
 Transportation System Management(TSM) programs constitute a
separate but closely related set of strategies
 Rather than address demand, TSM programs focus on making our
transportation systems efficient.
 TSM emphasize
▪ Getting the most capacity out of roads
▪ Other transportation improvements

For instance ,
•improved traffic signalization can effectively increase the capacity of streets.
•Bus turnout lanes or faster response to breakdowns cleanings of accidents can
significantly reduce delays.

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