Ethics For Cadets

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Ethics & Core Values


Case Study 1 – Duty or Family?
• Lt Vikram Malhotra is the GO of a frontline ship.
His ship is scheduled to sail for an important
exercise in 3 days and his CO is relying on him as
a key person since many officers as well as men
are on leave
 One day before sailing, his 1 yr old daughter has
a severe fall from stairs and requires a battery of
tests and close monitoring
Case Study 1 – Duty or Family?
• His wife is working in a private co. and has
exhausted all her leave for the year when
their daughter was down with measles last
 Lt Malhotra has been trained on a new
system whose trials are scheduled with
OEM during this sailing
 Should he ask for leave under such
Case Study 2 – A good DO or a non-
partisan soldier?
• Lt Cdr Ravi is DLO of a ship. On a fine
Sunday morning, he receives a call from the
OOD that his sailor has been charged with
committing theft and will be put on
defaulter on forthcoming Tuesday.
• Lt Cdr Ravi knows the sailor well and is
surprised by this allegation against him.
• The sailor explains his case to DLO which, if
true, shows that the sailor was not guilty.
Case Study 2 – A good DO or a non-
partisan soldier?

• However, preliminary investigations by the

OOD and EXO thereafter indicate
something fishy.
• Interviewing the complainant is
• What should Lt Cdr Ravi do during the
defaulter? Should he take a vociferous
stand for his man? Should he be neutral
and let law take its course?
Case Study 3 – Man or Mission?
• Lt Venkatesh is heading a commando
mission in enemy territory. He is to
ambush an enemy convoy which is slated
to pass through in 1 hour.
• Two of his three men sent for advance
reconnaissance are captured by militants.
• The third sailor gives information which
gives a rough indication of where the
captured sailors might be.
Case Study 3 – Man or Mission?

• If he does not send rescue team for the

captured sailors soon, they might be dead.
• If he sends rescue team, his ambush
mission may not be successful with the
reduced force.
• What does Lt Venkatesh do?
Case Study 4 – Coursemate or Award?

• SLt Ashok is undergoing Subs courses

training. He is a serious contender for Best
All Rounder award.
• During the project review, he comes to
know that his close contender SLt Vinay
Kumar has outsourced most of the project
which has gone undetected by the faculty.
Case Study 4 – Coursemate or Award?

• Should he bring it to the notice of

authorities which may result in failure of
SLt Vinay Kumar, thereby almost ensuring
himself the award?
• Should he keep quiet and save his
coursemate the embarassment?
Case Study 5-Haircut
• You are a SLT doing your first OOD duty after obtaining
your watchkeeping ticket. Only a few days earlier, XO
had put in the daily order that all hands leaving the
ship must take proper haircut, in proper uniform or
civilian attire.
• You send back several junior sailors who try to cross
the gangway with improper haircut. Several hours
later, after all junior sailors who were supposed to go
on liberty have left, a highly respected and
hardworking CPO approaches who is obviously in need
of a haircut. What do you do?
Core Values of Indian Navy
• Patriotism & Loyalty
• Resolve & Fighting Spirit
• Integrity & Honesty
• Duty & Commitment
• Example

Core Values of Indian Navy

• Proud of our Ship, Service & Nation.

• Set of Values to be cherished.
• Imbibe a Code of Conduct.
• Strength of Character.
• Rise above the ordinary.
• Sense of Camaraderie & Belongingness.
What is the Navy all about?
• Nation’s military maritime precepts.
• Flag bearer of India.
• Winning wars-all the time.
• Man behind machine.
• A Leader & a Teammate.
• Teamwork through trust & transparency.
• Bestow tremendous faith on personnel.
Constituents of a Sailor

• Navy is a way of Life.

• Service before Self.

“The safety, honour and welfare of your country

comes first, always and every time. The honour,
welfare and comfort of the men you command come
next. Your own ease, comfort and safety come last,
always and every time.”

• Character.
• Excellence or Virtues of Character.
• Study & practise of the ‘Good Life’.
• Ethics offer guidance during complex
• Moral behaviour.
• Personal honour & conduct.
• Being honest & truthful.
• Willingness to make honest recommendations.
• Deliver the bad news, even when unpopular.
• Abide by a code of Integrity.
• Taking responsibility for your actions.
• Keeping your word.
• Fulfill moral responsibilities.
• Willingness to be accountable for your personal
& professional behaviour.

• Requires constant reinforcement.

• Moral Education throughout life.

“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to

educate a menace to society.”
The Naval Value System
• Absolute devotion to duty.
• Righteousness of cause.
• Complete & unquestioning faith in values.
• Evolved over many generations.
• Pressures of modern living.
• Disillusionment & Cynicism.
• Naval Values have stood the test of time.
• Lay down your life.
• Undying love of &
devotion to country.
• To stand ground in
difficult times.
• To see far beyond
immediate present.
• Strive for bright
future of our great
• Not Blind subservience
to anyone.
• Total commitment to a
cause & an institution.
• Upwards, peers,
• All round loyalty makes
for ‘esprit de corps’.

• Ardent desire to
• Uphold values & beliefs.
• Draw from this reservoir
in abundance while
facing variety of
Fighting Spirit

• React swiftly to attack.

• Handle dangerous situations
observed during combat.
• Stand up for what you
believe is correct.
• Glimmer of hope against
insurmountable odds.
• Take a bold decision
undeterred by danger.
Resolve & Fighting Spirit

• Physical courage.
• Moral courage.
• Stand up and be
• Defend your men.
• Accept blame when you
are wrong.
Integrity & Honesty
• Conduct oneself with
utmost probity.
• Act with total honesty of
purpose & action.
• Unswerving adherence
to truth.
• Unfaltering faith in your
• Every action emphasises
personal & institutional
Duty & Commitment
• Perform your duty
• Without expectation of
• Essential act to be done
regardless of odds.
• Recognising & respecting
one’s responsibilities.
• Rising above trivial issues.

• Do what you say.

• Say what you do.
• Lead from the front.
• Set an example to inspire
your men.
• Impeccable in word and
Core Values Stand for…
• What you ought to be, can be, will be…
• To build courage when courage seems to fail.
• To regain faith when all seems to be lost.
• To create hope when hope seems forlorn…
• They build your basic character.
• They mould you for the future.
• Make you strong and brave enough.
Qualities Inculcated
• To be unbending in honest failure & retain pride.
• To be humble and gentle in success.
• Not to substitute words for action.
• Not to seek the path of comfort.
• To learn to stand up in the storm.
• To master yourself before you master others.
• To have a heart that is clean and a goal that is
Qualities Inculcated
• To learn to laugh, yet never forget how to cry.
• To reach into the future, yet never neglect the
• To be serious, yet never take yourself too
• To be modest
– Simplicity of true greatness
– Open mind of true wisdom
Core Values
• Create a sense of wonder.
• An appetite for adventure over love of
• The joy and inspiration of life.
• PRIDE in the profession of arms.
• Will to WIN.
• There is no substitute for victory.
Ethical Decision Making
• Stop and Think.
• Clearly Define the Goals.
• Determine Facts.
• Develop Options.
• Consider Consequences.
• Choose.
• Monitor and Modify.

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