Phase 1 Analyze and Evaluate Organizations' Situation and Position

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Phase 1

Analyze and evaluate organizations’ situation and position

Presented by:
Emilse Velandia Mora

Presented to:
Juan Miguel Olave

Workgroup: 212053A _614

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Table of Contents
Introduction …………………. Pagina 3

Objectives ………………… Pagina 4

Concept map of each student ………………… Pagina 5
Strategic internal and external analysis development ………………… Pagina 8
• Strategic Director ………………… Pagina 8
• Value Chain Analysis ………………… Pagina 9
 CPM (Competitive Profile Matrix) ………………… Pagina 10
• SWOT, using the Spain’s government tool ………………… Pagina 11
Conclusions ………………… Pagina 12
References ………………… Pagina 13
At present, companies are practically obliged to make a constant generation of new ideas and strategies to be in the
global market, to have a positioning in the market environment, and in this way these companies obtain advantages in
the field of competitiveness; Therefore, companies focus all their interest and effort in the management of strategic
management, this has arisen from the combination of the best commercial practices in the world and technology.
Companies that have focused on improving strategic management, their processes and internal activities can see the
results of these changes reflected in the value of the company, the customer and the satisfaction of customer

Taking into account that strategic management has been evolving and that now represents a competitive advantage in
organizations, it is of vital importance, for it to be an excellent management, it must adopt focused principles is the
implementation of mechanisms that allow to improve all the logistic performance in Each of the processes. or
commercial activities of the organizations, in this case we will take into account the strategic management of a
company with a very interesting model of necogio such as TOSTAO coffee and bread.

General objective
Identify in the strategy for the organization.

Specific objectives

Identify the possibilities of organization and control of the company.

Generate value a in all processes.
Achieve a chain of simunistros in real time

PROBLEMATIC Tostao, you have small shops without a bathroom or
mostly chairs, or Wi-Fi service, to prevent customers from
For the creators of TOSTAO, the problem that persisted
was that the basic products of the Colombian family spending much more time acquiring their products.
Sales strategies
basket such as bread and coffee had become a taste that This can be an aspect that bothers customers who want to Expand and grow nationally
only the middle and upper class could obtain, they only access their products. with different types of strategic
had the bread that they sell in neighborhood bakeries or
coffee made in neighborhood cafeterias, access to places
TOSTAO can be the best place to share a coffee of plans
excellent quality with friends and merendiar, in their goal
where they sell these good quality products, is almost of ezpansion, they can have stores with spaces for their
impossible because of their high costs, then it is there customers, chairs, tables studying where they can do it
where TOSTAO decides to democratize the concumo of
coffee and bread in the whole country

TOSTAO, would become the best

business to consume this type of Further expand the product line
Identify that there should be
porcucts (coffee and bread) have beyond breads and baking
TOSTAO stores in all areas of
Bogota from south to north, debn expanded their product line to further products, lunch type
ubicarse para ser accesibles a los please their customers.
clientes, con locales pequeños de
atención rápida, que entreguen
servicios rapidos y de calidad a
abajos costos

Provide a high quality service

TOSTAO, do not increase the prices with high standard products,
They look for the solution to of your products as time goes by, as using a present that provides a
this problem with the you lose credibility as your low-cost comfort alternative for
model. customers
function of managing
innovation strategies in
Strategic internal and external analysis development

We offer good quality Tostao coffee and bread products available to all citizens, with fair prices, in order to be more
pleasant on the days, enjoying the little moments that make life brighter

To be recognized nationally and internationally as one of the main coffee and bread production companies, reaching
600 to 700 stores in 2020 in the country, increasing exports and using technology innovation that keep prices low.
goals Reach a breakeven point with revenue financing. Establish new stores throughout the country. Provide an
optimal relationship between quality and price. Characterize the marketing policies adopted by the TOSTAO coffee
and bread chain. Assure customers with reliable and successful products It guarantees the provision of timely and
comprehensive timely service through humanized care. Provide and maintain adequate infrastructure in order to
provide comfort to customers and achieve efficiency in products. Increase the income obtained with the purpose of
expanding the business to other corners of the country and beyond Be generators of employment. Goals Close the
year with 242 stores.} By 2020, 600 to 700 stores are expected in different cities of Colombia with an expansion plan.
Build an exportable commercial firm to other regions of the country, easily reproducible and that counts on an
expansive business model. Expand the sale to other countries. Apply innovation and technology to premises.
Excellence in each of the activities carried out guarantees customers complete satisfaction through products and services of the highest quality.
Commitment to individual and organizational goals and aspirations highlights the important responsibility we have with our external and
internal clients.
Customer orientation The customer is the main reason for the existence of TOSTAO
Innovation differentiates us from the competition, so generating new processes, products and services allows us to be leaders in the sector in
which we operate.
Continuous learning Continuous learning through accumulated experiences allows Tostao and his team to achieve our successes and failures in
growth opportunities

Reach a breakeven point with revenue financing.

Establish new stores throughout the country.
Provide an optimal relationship between quality and price.
Characterize the marketing policies adopted by the TOSTAO coffee and bread chain.
Assure customers with reliable and successful products
Ensure the provision of timely and comprehensive timely service through humanized care.
Provide and maintain adequate infrastructure in order to provide comfort to customers and achieve efficiency in products.
Increase the income obtained with the purpose of expanding the business to other corners of the country and beyond
Be generators of employment.
Strategic internal and external analysis development
Innovation, positioning and brand influence Bread and coffee production processes OPERATIONS
AFTER SALES SERVICE Strengthening customer service. Communication system between areas of Supply purchasing process, production
High quality product delivery TOSTAO. and freezing process

Line Activities
Marketing strategies digitaLmarketing,
Reasonable price Tostao coffee and bread supply chain Transportation of frozen product
Recruitment, selection and training of Tostao (bread) to stores to be baked and
Customer service Fair prices and low-cost business model. employees, who have the function of
Experiences delivered to customers fresh and of
Feedback interacting and meeting the needs of
excellent quality.
PQR mailbox Website strengthened, light application customers.
accessible. Simbra, collection and delivery of

Analysis of competitors strategies, prices and

Cheaper tan percentages. TOSTAO coffee by peasant
cooperatives to be processed (Toaster)
in the TOSTAO chain of stores.
Processes of preparation and delivery of

EXTERNAL LOGISTICS products (Sandwich, salads, coffees,

Satisfy customers needs. mocha, etc...) in the chain of stores
Delivery of the best quality products with the best customer service and attention.
Give customers an excellent experience when making the decision to enter a TOSTAO store.
Democratize access to this type of products in all areas of cities where TOSTAO is present

Implementation of quality standards, TECHNOLOGICAL
planning and organization of production Supply and purchases DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCE
and sales, strategic management and cost Software and- information system, billing MANAGEMENT
control development of commercial Purchases of all supplies, tools, system, communication system in stores TOSTAO coffee and bread has a general
strategies, production of quality equipment and services used before, and regions. orientation of human resources, is based
products at fair prices, growth and during and after the process. Optimization of technologies (machinery) on a philosophy of self-management,
expansion of stores, avoiding fees, Administration of said expenses. Production system (Panaficadora Toaster) recruitment, recruitment and training of
financial coordination of human Backup, Process structure. own brand 100% Colombian coffee. the same, has a reinsertion program
resources , accountant, investment of Web site creation.
own budgez

Support Activities
Development of internal and external strategic analysis

STRENGTHS New competitor strategies
TOSTAO, thanks to its excellent business plan and sales
structure, manages to offer its customers the best service, the best TOSTAO coffee and bread competes in a high quality
product of excellent quality at affordable prices compared to the market and years of experience, great brands such as
competition, its premises are well located and distributed for the Starbucks, Juan Valdez, Oma, Cafe Quindio, Pan Pa Ya,
access of all its customers these companies have brand positioning, customers,
strategies and excellent marketing
Creation and new entries to the market for low-cost
The business that revolutionized coffee
marking in Colombia

THREATS TOSTAO, will reach all its expansion goals, have presence
Competition of conpanies with the same low cost buciness throughout the COLOMBIAN TRRITORY
model It has a profitable and sustaunable business model
Lack implementing strategic plans and continuos improvement The proper management of your strategies and customer service
of tehe business model program
Dmolish customer service The production of products and sales of excellent quality at
Not asume a strategic management of the business model affordable price to all customers
The strategic management in the organizations provides a concrete direction to fulfill the
objectives set, in the strategic management there are the market opportunities linked to the
commercial strengths of a company.
In an organization the strategic management fulfills important functions and is responsible
for carrying out a control of goals and objectives of each area and the internal processes of
the company.
The strategic plan of a company in this case TOSTAO coffee and bread includes objectives
and goals, among which are the administration sales, customers, services, finances among
others; These commercial areas are distributed in an integrated system that allows the
company to chart a successful route and aim to meet the goals.
In a company it is essential to carry out the strategic analysis every certain time, this allows
you to learn about the situations that are being carried out well and those that are not
working correctly, this is essential to maintain the operation and organization in an optimal
The analysis should be focused on customers, their needs and motivations.
With strategic analysis it is possible to identify the competition and evaluate its
performance, objectives, structure, image, weaknesses and strengths.
Tirana Ortiz, k. (07,11,2018). virtual learning object strategy analysis tools. retrieved from:

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International Journal of Research, 17, 55-78. Dinero. (2016). El modelo "sin estratos" de la cadena Tostao' Café y Pan. Revista
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International Journal of Research,17, 55-78. Dinero. (2016). El modelo "sin estratos" de la cadena Tostao' Café y Pan. Revista
BBI Colombia S.A.S.(1-13, Rep.). (2018). Emis Business Report.
El Tiempo. (2016). Lo que facturan Tostao, Pan Pa' Ya!, Juan Valdéz, Starbucks y Oma. Obtenido de: El Tiempo. (Marzo 25 de 2018).
Números que evidencian la guerra que desató Tostao en cadenas de café. Obtenido de:

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