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Ecological Impact
What is Environmental/ Ecological Impact

 Refers to a wide range of predictive tasks within

environmental planning.
 Focuses on the prediction & evaluation of the effects of
human activities on the structure & functions of normal
ecosystem components.

1. Ecological – refers to components of ecosystems.

a. Biotic (living)
b. Abiotic (non-living)
2. Impact – effect of a human-induced action on the

3. Assessment – refers to analyzing & evaluating impacts

on ecosystems.
- Identifying actions
Main Objective of conducting EIA

 To have an opportunity to identify costly & undesirable

effects & to modify projects in the design stage
Phases of Ecological or Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Phase 1 – Defining Study Goals

1. What information is needed?

2. What are the resources needed for the study &

what are available?
Phases of Ecological or Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Phase 2 – Identifying Potential Impacts

1. What are the boundaries of potential impacts?

a. area affected
b. organisms or ecological function affected.

2. What is the range of potential impacts?

3. Which potential impacts are most significant?

a. violate laws or policies
b. cause major disruption to ecosystem
c. cause health risks, economic losses
Phases of Ecological or Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Phase 3 – Measuring Baseline Conditions & Predicting Significant

1. Baseline Conditions (population, size, role of

species, condition, interaction)

2. Predictions (case studies)

3. Estimation of Likelihood

4. Summarizing
Phases of Ecological or Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Phase 4 – Evaluating Significant Findings

1. How are the effects distributed among

affected group?

2. How well are goals achieved by the proposal?

3. What is the overall social significance of the

predicted ecological effects?
Phases of Ecological or Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Phase5 – Considering alternatives to the
proposed action.

 Phase
6 – Communication of Findings &

 Phase 7 – Monitoring effects of action.

Legal Framework of EIA
 Originated from PD 1151 (Philippine Environmental

 Declared on June 6,1977 together with LOI no. 549

(establishment of an administrative system for EIA)
Four significant statements under Phil.
Environmental Policy of 1997
1. National Environment Policy

2. National Environment Goal

3. Right to a healthy Environment

4. Environment Impact System – is the comprehensive

process of assessing the significance of the of a project or
undertaking on the quality of the physical, biological
& socio-economic environment.
Environmental Compliance Certificate
 is a document issued by the DENR or authorized
representative certifying that:

 The proposed project or undertaking will not cause any negative

environmental impact.

 The proponent has complied with all the requirements of the EIS

 The proponent is comitted to implement the project’s approved

Environment Management Plan.

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