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Major Objectives:
1. To relay what the document/artifact is saying.
2.To determine the provenance or source of the document/artifact.
3. To identify the author or writer of the historical source.
4. To highlight the author’s main argument or what he is trying to
say about the topic. 
5. To discuss the context of the primary source’s production. 
6.To share the important learning or connection of the topic in your appreciation of Philippine

Specific Questions (in addition to the major objectives)

A. The First Voyage Around the World by Ferdinand Magellan – by Antonio Pigafetta
1. What was the purpose of the voyage of Magellan?
2. What were the reasons for their stay in the
7. How did Pigafetta describe the natives of the
8. What were the traditions or way of living of the
natives as observed by the travelers?
9.What were the cultural practices imparted by Magellan’s group/Spaniards to the natives? 6.
How did Magellan’s companions treat the natives?

Specific Questions (in addition to the major objectives)

B. The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan 
1. What was the political context when the Kartilya ng Katipunan was written?
2. How will you visualize the dynamics of the Katipunan as an organization?
10.How would you describe the Kartilya in terms of its form/writing style and
11.Considering the present circumstances in the Philippines, do you think the
provisions of the
 Kartilya can help address some of the problems of Philippines society? Give
specific examples.
5.As a student, how will you embody the teachings and guiding principles of the Kartilya? Cite
specific lines and concretize your answer?

Specific Questions (in addition to the major objectives)

C. The Act of Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino People
6. How did the Philippines achieve its independence from Spanish colonial rule?
7.Who was Emilio Aguinaldo? How did he end up as the leader of the revolution?
3. Who were the inspirations of the revolution?
4. What were the symbolism used in the design of the Philippine flag?
5.How do you assess the implications of the calls for revising the design of the Philippine flag
and socio-cultural.
the Philippine National Anthem based on present circumstances?
1. What was the significance of political cartoons during the American period?
6. What is the relevance of the Act to the present time?
2. How is McCoy’s political cartoons important to the grand narrative of Philippine history?
3. How is Lipag-Kalabaw’s political cartoons important to the grand narrative of Philippine
history? Questions (in addition to the major objectives)
4. Philippine Cartoons: cartoons
is the Philippine Political Caricatures of the
relevant to the American
present time? Era (1900-1941)
5. Whatobjective 1 shouldofinclude
is the relevance few examples
caricatures of caricatures
to the Philippine presentclassified as economic, political,
day circumstances?

Specific Questions (in addition to the major objectives)

E. Speech of President Corazon Aquino before the Joint Session of the US Congress in 1986
1. Who was the author of the speech?
6. What were the implications of the speech?
7. What do you think was the motive/purpose of the speech?
8.How do you relate the speech to the Philippines’ current socio-economic and/or socio-political
9. How did the speech affect you as a viewer? What points of the speech did or did you not agree

with? Why?
Guide questions for the presentors in the topics assigned in GE 12-Readings in Philippine History (MDCarreon 2019)

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