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Cognitive Models
Socio Organizational Issues &
Stakeholder Requirements
Communication & Collabaration Models
 Types
 Hierarchical Representation of User’s task and goal
 Linguistic and Grammatical Models
 Physical and Device Level Models
Goals , Operators, Methods and Selction
CCT : Cognitive Complexity Theory
 Goals : what to achieve
 Operators: Activities

 Methods: Sub goals

 Selection: Rules

 predictive models of human performance

 to improve the efficiency of human-machine interaction
by identifying and eliminating unnecessary user actions
 Goal Hierarchy is represented in the form of production
 Production rules are a sequence of rules : stored in Long
Term Memory
 IF condition Then Action
 Condition is a statement about the content of Working
If Speed breaker then Slow Down – Production Rule
You drive a car, You see a speed breaker
Sensory Memory transferred this to Working Memory
Since the condition is true , the Production rule is fired
 Organization issues affect the acceptance of a new
system introduce in an organization
 These Issues Make / Break a System

 Before Installing a new system into an organization

Who Benefits?
Who puts in efforts?
The balance of power in the organisation and how
it will be affected
 Issues:
Cooperation or Conflict?
 Cooperate user’s work or conflict with the envrn.
 Ex: students Attendance Monitoring System

Changing Power Structure

 System may affect the mgmt. hierarchy
 Hierarchy : CEO->Mgrs-> Heads->Employees

 Ex: Email application

The invisible Worker

 Employees are distributed over different cities
 Telecommunications : flexible family commitments, no

travel, home based work

 Managerial pbms only
 Who Benefits?
 Benefits for all
 Who puts efforts == who gets benefits

 Ex1: Shared diary

PA – enter data & Mgr-easy to arrange meeting

 Ex2: online feedback system

 Solution:

Coerce use & symmetry in design

 Free Rider Problem

Use the services without paying /working
System fall into disuse

No bias

Solution: Strict Protocols

 Critical mass
 Refers a size- company need to reach it in order to
participate in the market efficiently & compettitvely
 CM is determined by its resources, staffs, revenues and

market share
 Automating Processes – Workflow and BPR
 Must Reduce paperwork
 Business process reengineering

 Evaluating the Benefits

 Measure the benefits
 Tedious: Information flow & Job satisfaction

 Economic benefits

 Cost of hardware and software : measurable

 Need to identify the requirements
 Need to Know
 Stakeholders
 Work group :group of people work together
 Organizational context : firm size. managerial structure,
 Approaches
 Socio technical Modelling
 Soft system Modelling
 Participatory design
 Contextual inquiry
 Stakeholder is anyone who affected by the success
or failure of the system
 Categories of stakeholders
 Primary : uses the system
 Secondary : receives output / provides input
 Teritary : No direct involvement. But affected by the
 Facilitating : involved I design, development & maintenance

Example: Air line reservation system

 Airline booking staff,
 Customer & Mgmt
 Competitors
 Design team
Socio Technical Modelling
 Focus on Technical, social, human aspects
 Identify & Describes the information : Document

Custom Methodologies Open System Task Analysis (OSTA)

6 Stages 8 Stages
Organizational Context Primary Objective-> user’s goals
Stakeholders Input to the system
Workgroup External Environment(Physical, economical,
Task Objective Pairs Transformation process
Identify the Stakeholder Social system : workgroup, stakeholder
Needs Technical System : config. Integration
Consolidate the Performance satisfaction criteria
Stakeholder requirements Specified New technical system
Soft System methodologies
 Understand the situation fully

Soft System Methodologies 6 Stages

Definition of Problem Situation – Recognize the problem,
describe it
Detailed Description of Problem Solution
Root Definition for the system - CATWOE- Client, Actor,
Transformation, World View, Owner, Environment

Conceptual Models
Compare conceptual Model with Problem Solutions
Feasible Changes
Actions required for changes
Participatory Design
 Whole design Cycle
 User is the Member of the design team
 Iterative Design Process
 Refine requirements
 Characteristics
Improve the work Environment

Interactive approach

 Methods
Brainstorming, Story Boarding
Workshops, Pencil & Paper Exercises
Ethnographic Methodology
 Record the interactions between the people and their
 Focus on social relationship

 How the social relationship/environment affect their nature of

work, actual work practice

Contextual Inquiry
 Studies the user in the context
 Interview/Investigation takes place

 To capture
 Whathe says, and does
 How he communicates
 How he coordinates with others
 How he response to the situation
Communication & Collaboration Models
 Computer System
Singleuser Interact with the
Multi User Workgroup
 Need to Know normal human –human communication
 Effective Communication
Supports collaborative work
Face to Face Communication


Text based Communication

Group Working
Communication & Collaboration Models
 Face to Face Communication
TransferEffects & Personal Space
Eye Contact & Gaze
Gestures & Body Language
Back Channel , Confirmation & Interruption
Turn Taking
Communication & Collaboration Models
 Conversation
Theutterance of conversation is grouped into
Q&A, statement and agreement

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