Catalitic Reaction: Industrial Chemistry Class: Xi Semester: 4

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The Equation reaction
The Equation reaction described
about the reaction before the
material is processed and the
results with reactan products and
limited shaft.
A+B→ P+Q
In the above reaction, A and B
are reactan while P and Q is a
Chemical reaction
 Reaction is a chemical reaction
between the chemical compound or
chemical element that involves the
change of molecular structure, which is
generally associated with the formation
of chemical bonds and dissolution.
during the process has two
possibilities that require energy
(called the reaction endotermal)
melepaskn or energy (reaction
Symptoms that accompany
the chemical reaction
Forming deposition
Forming gas
The change color
The change in
The reaction rate
The reaction rate is oxygen-
concentration changes of
substances involved in the
reaction each time.
Concentration expressed in mol
/ L while the time period stated
in the second (mol / L.second)
Substances involved in the reaction
there are two classes, namely reactan,
R and the product, P. In a reaction,
reactants always decreases, while the
products is always increasing.
The reaction rate can be defined as the
reduced concentration reagent each
time or increasing the concentration of
the reaction each time.

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Reaction rate formula
Reaction: A + B → C + D
A and B is reactan (R), C and
D is the product (P), and the
reaction rate is r, then:
r = - [ΔR] / Δt = + [ΔP] / Δt
Relationships between the reaction
rate coefficients and reaction
Rate of reaction have mol / L.
Based on the rate of reaction is
proportionate to the straight mol
Thus, comparison of the reaction
coefficients represent
comparison mol while the
reaction rate comparison
Reaction: 1A + 3B → 2C + 4D
Firstly the concentration of A is 0.2 mol /
L, after 10 seconds was a concentration of
0.1 live mol / L. Determine the reaction
rate of A, to B, to C, and D against
Factors affecting reaction rate

Surface area
Reaction and collision theory
 This theory states that the atom-atom,
molecule-molecule, or ion-ion as particles
always move randomly with a certain speed
in accordance with the energy kinetiknya
 If the two types of compound are mixed, then
there will be a collision between two particles
so that the compound reaction occurs.
 Collision will produce a reaction, when the
energy level reached kinetiknya called the
activation energy and collision position
Activation energy
 Is the minimum energy that must be
owned by a particle that produces a
collision reaction
Activation energy for endoterm and
exoterm reaction can be described as
The influence of temperature
on reaction rate
The higher the temperature, the
energy particles kinetik the rise,
more and more particles reach the
activation energy, so that the more a
reaction to occur
The higher the temperature, the
reaction takes place faster
The research shows that every
increase in temperature of 10 OC the
reaction rate increased 2-3 fold
The relationship between
temperature and reaction rate
 r = r0. (2) ΔT/10

T = T0. (½) ΔT/10

r = reaction rate is now
r0 = reaction rate in the first
ΔT = temperature increase
t = time now
T0 = time in the first
The influence of concentration on
reaction rate
Concentration increased density
means the particles so that the
greater the chance of collision
The more collision occurs, the
reaction occurs more
The reactions take place faster if
the concentration of the larger
Relationship between
concentration and reaction rate
 Relationships between concentration and
reaction rate can be expressed with the
following equation:
pA (aq) + qB (aq) → rC (aq) + sD (aq)

 r = k (A) m (B) n
 m and n is reaction order, the value
depending on the experiment results, not
depending on the reaction coefficients
Phases of reaction
In general, a reaction takes place
gradually, there is a two-phase,
three phase, or multiple stages.
Phase-phase reactions are fast,
some are slow
Rate is determined by the
reaction of the slow reaction
The influence of catalyst
Catalyst material is a solid, liquid,
gas in the presence of a reaction
can accelerate the reaction.
A reaction without the catalyst may
be completed after the long hours,
many days, even many years.
With the addition of a catalyst, the
reaction can take place only a few
minutes, even a few seconds only.
Attributes catalyst
Catalyst is physically not reactan
The molecular, catalyst participate
in a reaction, but at the end of the
reaction form again
Catalyst can only accelerate the
reaction, but can not be initiated
How it works catalyst
 Catalyst follow a reaction to react so that
the stages become more
 Cause increased phase reaction activation
energy is reduced
 Decreasing the activation energy causes
the particles to reach the activation
energy increases, so the sooner the
 At the end of the reaction, catalyst re-
Reaction mechanism with the

 Reaction A + B → D would be done by

using C as the catalyst.
 Reaction mechanism that occurs is:
A + C → AC (1)
B + AC → ABC (2)
ABC → CD (3)
CD → C + D (4)
A + B → D (total)
Activation energy
Collision reaction will result if
the particles collide with enough
energy to start a reaction.
minimum energy required is
called the reaction activation
We can describe the state of
activation energy in the Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution like this:
Activation energy
 Collision-collision
reaction will result if the
particles collide with
enough energy to start a
minimum energy
required is called the
reaction activation
We can describe the
state of activation energy
in the Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution
like this:
Activation energy
Only particles that are in the
area on the right side of the
activation energy will reaction
when they collide. Most of the
particles do not have enough
energy and does not produce
a reaction.
Catalyst and activation energy
To increase the reaction rate we
need to increase the number of the
collision work.
One alternative way to created is to
lower the activation energy.
Adding a catalyst to give change
which means that the activation
Catalyst provides an
alternative route for a
This alternative route has a
lower activation energy.
The diagram below is a
description of the energy.

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Catalyst and activation energy
 Catalyst only affects the
rate of achievement
equilibrium, not the position
of equilibrium (for example:
reverse reaction). Catalyst
is not possible shock result
of a reaction and the
equilibrium concentration
mass or after the reaction is
complete with the same
concentration or mass
reaction to take place
Catalyst and reaction
Catalyst can lower the activation
energy so the reaction is faster
Because of decrease in activation
energy, the only reaction that
can take place spontaneously at
high temperature, can even at
lower temperatures or even
room temperature
Catalyst and the chemical
Catalyst basically can only
accelerate the reaction but the
reaction can not
Catalyst does not work on the
reactions that have been in balance
Only a catalyst to accelerate the
reaction to the left and right
Catalyst at the beginning of the
reaction equilibrium will accelerate
the achievement of balance
Classification catalyst
 Based on phase, catalytic devide two,
namely: (1) homogeneous catalysts:
phase catalytic reaction with the mixture
and (2) heterogeneous catalysts:
catalytic phase is not equal to the
reaction mixture, generally a solid
 Heterogeneous catalyst (solid) is
preferred because the process of
separation of catalyst and the results of
the reaction is easier to do
Homogeneous and
heterogeneous catalyst
Heterogeneous catalyst
 A solid catalyst consisting of 3 main
components, namely (1) active phase,
serves to accelerate and direct reactions,
(2) buffer, to provide broad work surface
for a larger active phase, and (3) promoter,
working to improve catalytic performance.
 Active phase of the catalyst can not be
active because of some reason such as the
presence of CO, CO2, and sulfur compound-
compound and the operating temperature is
too high.
Various catalyst
 In the human body and animals, each phase
reaction always requires a catalyst
 Catalyst in a reaction called biokatalisator body
metabolism, and the role performed by this
 Enzyme is actually the protein that have
specific functions as a specific reaction to
certain biokatalisator
 Reaction chemistry of slow progress that
requires a catalyst, good reaction and inorganic
reactions involving carbon compound
Transition element as a
1. Making Ammonia using Ni or Fe
2. Acid sulphate of making contact with
the process using a catalyst V2O5
3. Reaction hidrogenasi oil in the
making of margarine using Ni
4. MnO2 or stone can accelerate the
dissociation kawi H2O2 into H2O and
The other catalyst
 Esterification hydrolysis reaction and
requires a strong catalyst acid sulphate
 Primary alcohol oxidation reactions using
K2Cr2O7 require acid sulphate catalyst
 Substitution reaction requires a alkane
 Burning fuel requires a catalyst or Pt TEL
 Making biodiesel with the H2SO4 and KOH
 Making VCO with pure VCO catalyst
Biodiesel Industry
Biodiesel is a simple
chemical compound with the
contents of six to seven types
of fatty acid ester. Biodiesel
is defined as metyl ester with
carbon chain length of
between 12 and 20 of fatty
acid derived from vegetable
oils such lipid or animal fat.
Vegetable oil or animal fat can be
made with the biodiesel reaction
trans esterification with alcohol
use. Composition and chemical
nature of biodiesel depends on
the purity, long short, degree of
saturation, and the structure of
alkyl chain fatty acid

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Biodiesel is an alternative
Renewable sources fuel, with
the fatty acid ester
composition of vegetable oils
include: palm oil, coconut oil,
castor oil fence, oil kapok seed,
and there is still more than 30
kinds of plants of a potential
made for biodiesel
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Trans esterification catalytic
Reaction to making biodiesel
 Biodiesel is made through a chemical process
called trans esterification. This process
produces two products, namely metal esters
(biodiesel) / mono-alkyl esters and glycerin,
which is the product side.
 Raw materials for the main biodiesel, among
other vegetable oils, animal fat, used fat / fat
recycling. Meanwhile, as the raw material was
the alcohol
 Catalyst is also required to improve solubility
in the reaction time progresses, the catalyst
generally used is the strong alkali NaOH or
KOH or sodium metoksida.
Flow chart making biodiesel with the
trans esterification reaction
Trans esterification catalytic

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