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Air Pollution

Presented by
Dr. B. Victor
About the presenter
 Dr.B.Victor is a highly experienced postgraduate
biology teacher, recently retired from the reputed
educational institution St. Xavier’ s College,
Palayamkottai, India-627001.
 He was the dean of sciences and assistant controller of
 He has more than 32 years of teaching and research
 He has taught a diversity of courses ranging from Send
your comments to : pre- university to post graduate
Presentation outline
 What is pollution?
 Kinds of pollution sources
 Sources of air pollutants
 Kinds of air pollutants
 Effects of air pollutants
 Green house effect and global warming
 Acid rain
 Indoor air pollution
 Control measures
Gaia hypothesis

 The Earth is like a living organism, which

itself engaged in a self regulation to
support its own "survival"
 "The chemical and physical condition
of the surface of the Earth, of the
atmosphere, and of the oceans has
been made fit and is actively made fit
and comfortable by the presence of
life itself."
This is what earth looks like
Pollution - Definition:
  Any addition to air, water, soil etc
that threatens the health, survival of
humans or other living organisms
1. Natural - volcanic eruption
2. Anthropogenic - burning coal
Types of Sources:
1. Point source - single,
identifiable source
e.g. smokestack,
drainpipe etc
2. Non-point source -
dispersed source,
e.g. runoff from
pesticides, fertilizers
Non-point sources
Point source
What are the key environmental
    A. Population growth
 B. Resource use without preventing
pollution and reducing waste
 C. Degrading habitats and reduction
of biodiversity
 D. Poverty
 E. Failure of govt to encourage earth
sustaining economic development
The Paul Ehrlich Equation
 I = P * A * T = Eye PAT
 Impact = Population x Affluence x
Technology. where:
I is the impact on the environment resulting
from consumption
P is the population number
A is the consumption per capita (affluence)
T is the technology factor
The Atmosphere

 Gases that envelop the Earth and are held here by

gravity regulates temperature.

 Major gases:
 78.08% nitrogen
 20.95% oxygen
 0.93% argon
 0.03% carbon dioxide
 trace amounts of water vapor (close to surface)
0.01% by volume near poles to 5% near equator and
many others hydrogen, neon, helium, krypton, ozone
and methane
Composition of Air
Layers of the atmosphere
Layers of the atmosphere

 Troposphere : 75% of mass of air; 17 km thick A

turbulent layer of rising and falling air currents.
 Stratosphere : extends up to 50 km above the
Earth's surface. Less dense, contains nearly 99%
of remaining atm.; similar composition. Ozone
has a higher volume here (1000 x troposphere),
water vapor has a lower volume (1/1000). Calm
air. Little vertical mixing.
 Mesosphere : 50-90 km
 Thermosphere : 90-110 km
Stratospheric ozone layer, O3
 Formed by a natural process.
 Produced by O2 interacting with lightning
and UV radiation.
 Absorbs most of the shorter wavelengths -
UV radiation which is damaging to living
things causing cancer, sunburn, cataracts etc.
 allows life to live on earth
 ozone depletion - a reduction of the ozone
What are the major sources and
types of air pollution?
Air pollution :Definition
 the presence of one or more
chemicals in the atmosphere in
sufficient quantities and duration to
cause harm to humans etc.
Air Pollution
 Air pollution results from human activities
such as burning fossil fuels (oil, coal, and
gasoline) to create electricity and power
automobiles, and manufacture industrial
products such as chemicals and plastic.
 The air Pollutants are particulates, HC,
CO2, CO, NO, NO2, SO3 -- source may be
industrial, autos, etc.
Air pollution

 The increased carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere contributes to the warming of the
global climate, the so-called "greenhouse
 The increased Chlorofluoro-carbons in the
atmosphere has been depleting stratospheric
Sources of Air pollution

 Natural:
 volcanoes, fumaroles and hot springs
 decay from marshes, bogs
 increase ozone due to thunderstorms, fires.
Man made (most severe for
human health):

 Stationary sources - those that are fixed in

 point sources e.g. smoke stacks, 14% air pollution
from plants generating electricity;
 fugitive sources e.g. construction sites, exposed
 area sources e.g. dense urban community or
agricultural area
 Mobile sources - those that move while polluting,
e.g. trucks, cars, busses etc. 60% of air pollution
from motor vehicles. 80-88% in major cities!
What are the main categories of
air pollutants?
The main categories of air
 Primary: those emitted directly into the air;
e.g. sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide
(CO), nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide
 Secondary: those that form as a result of a
chemical reaction of the primary pollutant
with a natural component of the
environment.; e.g. some ozone, sulfuric and
nitric acids.
Types of pollutants
Primary pollutants Secondary pollutants
Pollutants that are When certain chemical
emitted directly from reactions take place
identifiable sources – among the primary
produced by both
natural events or pollutants
human activities Eg. Sulphuric acid
Eg. Dust storms,
emission from
Primary pollutants
 Carbon oxides (CO2 and CO)
 Nitrogen oxides
 Sulphur oxides
 Volatile organic compounds – hydro
 Suspended particulate matter
Primary air pollutants-Auto
 hydrocarbons, methane, butane,
propane others.
 hydrogen sulfide, H2S, gas. Toxic.
 particulates, visible - dust, smoke, soot,
very fine <2.5 µm.
 lead, batteries, additive to gasoline
(phased out). Becomes airborne, spread
to land
Primary air pollutants
 Sulfur dioxide, SO2, colorless, odorless gas.
particulates of SO4 which combines with water to
form acid rain. Toxic to plants and animals; paint
 Carbon monoxide CO colorless, odorless gas, readily
combines with hemoglobin in blood. Toxic.
 Nitrogen oxides, NO, nitric oxide and nitrogen
dioxide NO2. NO2 yellow brown to reddish gas.
(NOx) Converted to nitrates in atmosphere causing
acid rain.
 Photochemical smog, brown air smog. Smog is
smoke + fog.
Photochemical Smog
 Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally
named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the
 HC and NO react in presence of sunlight to
produce ozone and PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate)
 Nitrogen oxides + hydrocarbons + Ultraviolet
radiation -----> Peroxyacetyl nitrate PAN + O3
Photochemical smog- Effects
breathing ozone results in
respiratory distress, headaches.
 PAN damages plants
PAH's polynuclear aromatic
hydrocarbons, carcinogenic.
Photochemical Smog
What are the effects of air
The effects of air pollution
 reduces visual range and atmospheric
clarity, less contrast, less visibility
 damage to vegetation, including
leaves, needles, fruit, growth rate,
reproduction, hardiness.
 Decline in net primary productivity
 Crop losses 1.9-5.4 b/yr.
The effects of air pollution
 degradation of human health, from mild
problems e.g. eye irritation, to severe e.g.
respiratory disease asthma, bronchitis,
emphysema, cancer.
 CO, carbon monoxide, 90% natural, 10%
from incomplete combustion, cigarettes,
combines with hemoglobin and reduces
bloods ability to carry oxygen. 150,000-
350,000 deaths/yr.
The effects of air pollution
 degradation of vertebrate health, aquatic
life, with impacts on respiration, bones,
teeth, reproduction; increase lake acidity,
decline in NPP
 degradation of soil and water, when air
pollutants settle, toxic metals in soil, soils
 deterioration of man-made structures,
break down car paint, roofing; acid rain
chemically dissolves marble statues and
other building materials
Effects of air pollution
 Air pollutants can overload or break
down the natural defenses such as hair
in our nose, sticky mucus in the lining
of the upper respiratory tract causing
diseases like lung cancer, asthma,
chronic bronchitis etc.,
Effects of air pollution
 Cigarette smoking is responsible for the greatest
exposure to carbon monoxide.Exposure to air
containing even 0.001% of carbon monoxide for
several hours can cause collapse, coma and even

 CO is attached to blood hemoglobin reduces the

oxygen carrying capacity of blood. This impairs
perception and thinking, slows reflexes and causes
headaches, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea and
blurred vision.
Effects of air pollution
Nitrogen oxides and suspended particles both
can irritate lungs, aggravate asthma or chronic
bronchitis and increase respiratory infections.
Many volatile organic compounds such as
benzene and formaldehyde and toxic
particulates such as lead and cadmium can
cause mutations, reproductive problems and
cancer, breathlessness and irritation of the eye,
nose and throat.
Effects of air pollution
Sulphur dioxide irritates respiratory
tissues and chronic exposure causes
Sulphur dioxide also reacts with water,
oxygen and other materials to form
sulphur containing acids – The acids can
become attached to particles which when
inhaled are very corrosive to the lung.
Effects of air pollution
 Chronic exposure of the leaves to air
pollutants can break down the waxy
coating that helps prevent excessive
water loss and leads to damage from
diseases, pests, drought and frost.
 It also affects photosynthesis,
respiration and other metabolisms.
Doubling carbon dioxide
Doubling of carbon dioxide

 In 1850, atmospheric carbon dioxide was about 280

parts per million (ppm).
 Today, it is about 350 ppm.
 This increase is due largely to burning of fossil fuels
and clearing of forests.
 Oceans (and photosynthetic organisms) currently
absorb half of the carbon dioxide emitted.
Carbon dioxide concentration
Increase in carbon dioxide levels
between 1960 and 1990.
Increase in the emissions of carbon
during the interval from 1860-1995
Concentration of carbon dioxide
Cycle of carbon dioxide
Impact of increasing CO2 levels in the
 Increased photosynthesis and productivity by the
earth’s vegetation .
 Increased plant production also means increased
respiration .
 Elevated atmospheric CO2 is global warming
 Elevated CO2 means an increase in global temperature -
the greenhouse effect.
 Global temperatures may increase by 3oC-4oC by the
end of the next century .
Green house effect
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
 Some greenhouse gases occur
naturally in the atmosphere, while
others result from human activities.
 Naturally occuring greenhouse
gases include water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
 Carbon dioxide is a product of burning fossil fuel and wood.
 Nitrous oxide (NO2), produced by fertilizer use and released
from decomposition of animal wastes.
 Methane (CH4) is produced by bacteria from sediments,
swamps, and in flooded rice paddies.
 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Freon (a refrigerant) deplete
the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.
 Halons, such as halocarbons), are released from fire
 Water vapor in clouds reradiate heat back to Earth.
Green house gas emissions
Greenhouse gases
Green house effect
 Carbon dioxide and other gases allow light to pass, but
trap heat in the atmosphere much like glass in a
greenhouse traps heat.
 This greenhouse effect is thought to be responsible for
global warming.
 Carbon dioxide contributes to only 56% of greenhouse
 The average surface temperature of Earth is about 15°C
 Global Warming is increase in the average temperature of
the atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses of Earth.
 AA
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect
Impact of Global warming
1. Temperature extremes 
2.  Rise in sea level, and change in precipitation
3. Injuries from storms, coastal flooding 
4. Interruption of power supply, contamination of
drinking water 
5. Drought 
6. Food shortages due to shift in agricultural food
7. Air pollution ( made worse by warming) 
8. Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema complications 
9. Strain on public health systems 
10. Increased need due to population migrations 
11. Unable to contain spread of infectious diseases 
Conserve Energy
 Be energy-wise
 Explore alternatives
 Recycle as much as is possible.
 Take showers instead of baths.
 Check your taps.
 Check the lights
 Check your stove.
 Use less cooking water.
 Check the refrigerator.
Ozone depletion
Ground level Ozone
 Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere.
 Ozone (Greek ozein, “to smell”), pale blue,
highly poisonous gas with a strong odor.
 Ozone is considered a pollutant at ground level.
 Breathing O3 affects both the respiratory and
nervous systems, resulting in respiratory
distress, headache, and exhaustion.
 Ozone is damaging to plants, resulting in leaf
mottling and reduced growth.
The Ozone Layer

 Earth's atmosphere consists of a number of different

 The troposphere is the lower atmospheric layer.
 The stratosphere is often referred to as the upper
 The stratosphere contains the ozone shield, a layer of
ozone (O3) in the stratosphere, 50 km above the ground.
The Ozone Layer
Hazards of UV radiation

 Hazards of UV radiation include increased

mutation rate, which can lead to skin
cancer and cataracts, depression of the
immune system, impaired crop and tree
growth, and the death of plankton.
Health effects of Ozone depletion

 Each 1% drop in ozone is thought to

increase human skin cancer rates by 4-6%.
 The United Nations Environment Program
predicts a 26 percent rise in cataracts and
non-melanoma skin cancers for every 10%
drop in ozone.
 This translates to 1.75 million cases of
cataracts and 300,000 more cases of skin
cancer every year.
Ozone Hole above Antarctica
During the 1980s scientists discovered
a "hole" in the ozone over Antarctica.
By the 1990s atmospheric scientists
had detected an annual loss of 40-50%
of the ozone above Antarctica, which
produced an ozone hole every spring.
One CFC molecule can destroy 100,000
ozone molecules.
The largest Antarctic ozone hole ever
recorded (September 2006).

 The Antarctic ozone hole

is an area of the
Antarctic stratosphere in
which the recent ozone
levels have dropped to as
low as 33% of their pre-
1975 values.
What is acid rain; what are its
causes and effects?
Environmental Impact of Acid

Sterilization of lakes and forests.

Reducing the populations of small invertebrates and
Reducing agricultural yields.
Causing extensive structural damage by corroding
marble, metal, and stonework.
Degrading water supplies by leaching heavy metals from
the soil into drinking-water supplies.
Increases in lung cancer and colon cancer.
Wet and dry acid deposition
 Caused by SO2 and NO2. Alone cause dry acid
deposition, with all forms of water vapor, these form
sulfuric and nitric acid - acid rain downwind of sites
of emission.
 Logarithmic scale. pH of 4 is 10 x more acidic than
pH of 5.
Normal rain water pH 5.0-5.6 approx. Acid rain <
Affects industrialized areas worldwide. Scandinavia,
Eastern Europe, N.E. U. S.
Developing countries have more pollution, fewer
controls than developed countries.
Acid Precipitation
Acid rain
 The term "acid rain" is commonly used to mean the deposition of
acidic components in rain, snow, fog, dew, or dry particles.
 The more accurate term is "acid precipitation.“
 "Clean" or unpolluted rain is slightly acidic, its pH being about
5.6, because carbon dioxide and water in the air react together to
form carbonic acid, a weak acid.
• H2O + CO2 → H2CO3 (aq)
 The extra acidity in rain comes from the reaction of primary air
pollutants, primarily sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, with
water in the air to form strong acids (like sulfuric and nitric acid).
 The main sources of these pollutants are vehicles and industrial
and power-generating plants.
Acid Rain
 Nitric oxide & sulfur dioxide released
primarily from electric power plants &
motor vehicles
 SO2 + water vapor + ozone ---> H2SO4
 NO + sunlight + O2 ---> NO2 + various
atmospheric gases ---> HNO3
Effects of Acid Rain

 Acidify lakes and disrupt the normal

cycling of nutrients,
 leaches metals out of rocks and soil,
 kill fish, plants; stress and defoliate
trees due to moss growth, insect
attack, and loss of nutrients.
Acid rain - causes

 The principal cause of acid rain is sulfur- and

nitrogen compounds from human sources, such as
electricity generation, factories and motor vehicles
. Coal power plants are one of the most polluting.
What are the sources of indoor air
Sources of indoor air pollutants
 building materials,
 cigarette smoking,
 pesticides,
 volatile organics from paints,
furniture, rugs, insulation etc.
Sources of indoor air pollution

 11 common pollutants 2-5 times

higher indoors than out
 air inside car 18 times more polluted
than air outside
 17% of commercial buildings have
serious indoor air pollution problems
- sick building syndrome
Are there any natural indoor air
 Radon gas accumulates in homes located in
areas built on granites, phosphates, shales.
 Synergistic effect with tobacco smoke;
second leading cause of lung cancer
 Sources: soils, groundwater, building
 Cannot be filtered out. Must be vented out.
Most dangerous indoor air
 Cigarette smoke
 formaldehyde
 radioactive radon 222 gas
 asbestos
 Others include: bacteria, fungi, dusts and
other particulates, pollen, CO2, CO, O3,
NOx, SO2, building materials such as
fiberglass, etc.
Suggestions for the future:

 pollution prevention
 full cost pricing i.e. shift costs to the
production of air pollutants
 improve energy efficiency
 reduce use of fossil fuels
 slow population growth
How serious is the problem of
indoor air pollution?

 People with respiratory ailments are

most affected
Asbestos inhalation may cause:
asbestosis, lung cancer,
 Asbestos workers, insulators pipe
fitters, shipyard employees.
What are some of the symptoms of
indoor air pollution?

Irritation of mucous membranes,

 nausea,
General solutions:

 switch from coal to cleaner fuels - use natural

 reduce energy use, improve energy efficiency
 burn less coal, use lower sulfur coals. Coal
 After burning the SO2 can be cleaned out by
 taxing emissions
General solutions to indoor air

 Ventilation: fans
 source removal: no smoking
 source modification: more efficient
stove design.
 pollutant removal: filters
 education
What are the special problems
associated with urban areas?
Urban trends:
 discourage auto use, reduce number of cars
 stricter emission controls
 require electric cars
 improve public transport
 mandatory carpools
 industrial & household controls
 reduce emissions- burn less fuel, be energy efficient
 control NOx by recirculating exhaust
 catalytic converters removes CO and hydrocarbons by
converting to CO2 and water
 effluent fees and emissions tests to assure catalytic converters
are maintained
Special problems associated with
urban areas
 Meteorological conditions along with
topography can affect air pollution.

 Natural ventilation occurs when winds are

strong and turbulent, mixing is good, large
mixing volume.
 atmospheric inversion- temperature
inversion, warmer air above cooler air,
prevents dissipation of pollutants. pollutants
collect, no wind.
Urban air pollution
Urban air pollution determined by:
rate of emission per unit area
distance downwind that a mass of
air can move
wind speed
height of mixing

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