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HW8: Teamwork Exercises 

Robotics 9A
Robotics Control
Professor: Dr. Luis Alberto Muñoz
Exercise 1
 Consider the verctors                              Show that 
Solving the Exercise 1
According to the definition of the Euclidean norm we have: 

m y y
y y y y
Exercise 2
 Consider the Matriz 
Solving the Exercise 2
 Way of solve it by testing the n-upper left determinants.
 Knowing that kth is the pivoy of a matrix:

 Where Ak = upper left kxk matrix.

 All the pivots will be positive if and only if det(Ak)>0 for all 1≤K≤n. If all upper left kxk
determination of a symetric matrix are positive, the matrix is positive definite.
Step 1
 Following the condition that k>E^2.
 We select the upper left determinant that will
 be we can say 2, k=2, we have our first determinant.

Second step is to verify in our 4x4 matrix, we solving this

matrix by multiplying the diagonal, as we know we need to
have two values by doing this process, then, substract the
value1 minus value2 and we obtaing the final value.

2, +FV > 0 => Positive Definite.

 If we observe the values and we see this condition:
 2, +final value > 0

We can say that P(x) >0 is  positive definite for all x that belong to R
Exercise #3
Exercise 4
Exercise 4: Solutions
Exercise 4: Solutions
Exercise 5
 Consider the function

Shows that if a>0 and ac>b2  then V(x1, x2) is positive definite.

A1= A2 =
Exercise 5 - answer
A1= a>0 By being able to evaluate that A1> 0 and A2> 0
for being a symmetric matrix and knowing
that each determinant is positive, we can say
that positive definitive 

A2= ac-b2>0
ac>|b2|>0   --------  a>|b|
Exercise 6
Exercise 6 Solution

 Where:
 Corresponds to the velocity with respect to time and A is the independent variable.
 Means the position ( x ) belongs the real vector space of dimension n.
Exercise 6 solution part 2

10.Consider the following second-order differential

Express this equation in the form x˙ = f(t, x) .

a) Is this equation linear in the state x ? 
b) What are the equilibrium points? Discuss.
R10.a) Is this equation linear in the state x ?
Yes, we can see in the graphs on the right the
different graphs with respect to the y axis and the x
axis in the same way when we have "y '" and "y" in
both graphs the result when it depends on X is
linear it is a curved line but It is stable and does not
have any disturbance.
R10.b) What are the equilibrium points? 
The equilibrium points are found by evaluating the Jacobian matrix at each
equilibrium point of the system and then finding the resulting eigenvalues,
the equilibrium can be classified. Then, by finding the eigenvectors
associated with each eigenvalue, the behavior of the system near each
equilibrium point can be determined qualitatively (or even quantitatively in
some cases).
11.Consider the equation x˙ = f(x). Assume that
xe = 0 ∈ IRn is a stable equilibrium. Does this
imply that the solutions x(t) are bounded for all t
According to the definition given by the book and other
examples and resources, we can say that: 

For that reason, we can affirm that: an important preliminary

concept: equilibrium point a state xe ∈ IRn is an equilibrium
point of system ˙x = f(x) if setting x0 = xe implies x(t) = xe,
∀t > 0 (a degenerate trajectory of the system) 
12.Consider the equations,

for which the origin is the unique equilibrium. Use the

direct Lyapunov’s method (propose a Lyapunov
function) to show that the origin is stable.

13.Pick positive integer numbers  and  and

appropriate constants  and  to make up a

Lyapunov function of the form 
In order to show stability of the origin for: 


R13. a) Solution

R13. b) Solution

14.Theorem 2.4 allows us to conclude global uniform asymptotic stability of an
equilibrium of a differential equation. To show only uniform asymptotic stability (i.e.
not global), the conditions of Theorem 2.4 that impose to the Lyapunov function
candidate V (t, x) to be:

 (globally) positive definite;

 radially unbounded;
 (globally) decrescent and,
 for ˙V (t, x), to be (globally) negative definite;

Must be replaced by:

 locally positive definite;
 locally decrescent and,
 for ˙V (t, x), to be locally negative definite.
If moreover, the differential equation is autonomous and the Lyapunov function candidate V (x) is
independent of time, then the equilibrium is (locally) asymptotically stable provided that V (x) is
locally positive definite and ˙V (x) is locally negative definite.
An application of the latter is illustrated next.
Consider the model of a pendulum of length l and mass m concentrated at the end of the pendulum
and subject to the action of gravity g, and with viscous friction at the joint (let f > 0 be the friction
coefficient), i.e.

where q is the angular position with respect to the vertical. Rewrite the model in the state space
 a) Determine the equilibria of this equation:
 R:
•  Total energy in the system:
 • System in state-space form:


•  The state-space description

becomes:  • We find:  • Notice however that:

 • Under this condition:  • Hence:  • We shall have:

•  We consider the •  This equation may be rewritten in the •  Where:

system described by the state-space form as:
differential equation:

 • Pendulum’s equilibria at:

 b) Show asymptotic stability of the origin by use of the Lyapunov

b) R=In order to analyze the stability of the origin we use Theorem 2.2
with the previous function. In onrder to do that we consider the function
candidate as:

Getting that:
 c) Is ˙V (q, q˙) a negative definite function?
 R= It is a negative definite function.
Complete the analysis of Example 2.15
Where k1 ≠ 0, k2  ≠0. These equations represent an autonomous linear
differential equation whose equilibria are the points.

Notice that there exist an infinite number of equilibrium points, one for each x2 ∈ IR. In particular, for x2 = 0, the origin is an
equilibrium. To study its stability we consider the Lyapunov function candidate which is positive definite and radially

and whose total time derivative is

R 15:
 Applying Lemma 2.2

The term on the left-hand side of this inequality is finite, which means
that x ∈ Ln2

Finally, since by assumption ˙x ∈  Ln∞, invoking Lemma A.5

we may conclude that lim t→∞ x(t) = 0.

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