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What is unit Trust

 Unit trust are collective investment schemes that allow investors to pool
their money together in a fund.
 Managed by a professional fund manager, who will buy variety of different
 This spread the investment and results in lower dealing costs.
 Units trust are collective funds which allow private investors to pool their
money in a single fund.
 Getting the benefit of professional fund management and reducing their
Overview of unit trust in Malaysia

 The unit trust industry in Malaysia is governed under the Securities

Commission ("the SC ") and regulated by the Capital Markets and Services
Act 2007 ("the CMSA ").
 Unit trust can be defined as a collective investment scheme that pools monies
from investors in a unit trust fund managed by professional fund managers.
  The investment scheme in a unit trust involves the relationships between
three parties, namely :
I. Fund management company
II. The trustee
III. The unit holder
Performance Of Unit Trust In Malaysia

 PUBLIC MUTUAL - “top-of-mind” unit trust brand in Malaysia.

 PM wins of the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Platinum Award for ten
consecutive years (after winning the Gold award from 2006 – 2009) as well as
The Brand Laureate award for thirteen consecutive years is an affirmation of
strong brand presence.
 Strong network of distribution through a group of dedicated and dynamic unit
trust consultants (UTCs), which is the largest and collectively the most
productive in the entire private unit trust industry.
 Supported by 31 customer service centers/branches nationwide.
Comparison of Unit Trust Performance


 The terms of unit trust fund and mutual funds are normally used
 However, it should be noted that there are slight differences between the
 A unit trust fund is generally considered as a low-risk, low-return investment
as compared to mutual funds. Unit trust fund typically incurs lower annual
operating expenses because they are not buying and selling shares.

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