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(Assistant Prof. AABMI)
 The Codex Alimentarius Commission has defined traceability
as the ability to follow the movement of a food through
specific stages of production, processing and distribution.
 A traceability system is an effective tool with which food
business operators can trace food throughout the food chain.
 The most common legal requirement is for food business
operators to have, as a minimum, a documented one-step-
back/one-step forward traceability approach
 It involves the ability to identify, at any specified stage of the
food chain (from production to distribution) from where the
food came (one step back) and to where the food went (one step
forward), so-called “one step-up, onestep-down” system
 This necessitates that each lot of each food material is given an
unique identifier which accompanied it and is recorded at all
stages of its progress through its food chain
 Traceability is about understanding where a food has been
produced and processed through its food chain. For example,
this could be where a piece of fruit originates or the location of
the dairy farm for a carton of milk.
 Traceability is about knowing the stages of production and
being able to trace back through the chain.
 The consumer is the final link of the food chain, which started
at the farm or producer.
 When traceability is fully available, this helps to build trust
between the retailer and the consumer. However, this trust can
be difficult to build due to the complex and industrialized nature
of our food system.
 Consumers need to build trust in the procedures and processes
behind the traceability, linking together the production of food
safety and quality.
 In addition, there may be other criteria in which the consumer
has an interest, such as ensuring the food is organic, vegetarian,
specific allergen free, Kosher or Halal. Food traceability
standards are employed here to ensure that consumers can have
confidence in the food they purchase.
Food Recall & It’s Objectives
Food Recall:- According to FAO, food recall is the action to
remove food from the market at any stage of the food chain,
including that possesed by consumer.
 The major objective of a food recall is to protect public health
by ensuring that:
 There is rapid removal of unsafe food from all possible stages
of the supply chain.
 The concerned consumers and customers are informed, and
The food under recall has been retrieved, destroyed or
Need of Food Traceability In India
 India’s market share in global trade of agriculture and processed
food products in quite insignificant, except few selected
products and selected markets.
 Some of the key issues that are constantly faced by Indian
agricultural and processed food products in the penetration of
major markets like European Union, USA, Japan, etc., have
been the following: .
 Increasing global focus on food safety, especially on residue
monitoring, product standardization, Traceability, etc.
 Regular Crisis due to pesticide residue, aflatoxin, etc., in
products exported from India.
 Use of the above as non-tariff barriers by developed markets.
 To assure the importing countries that the quality requirements
are being maintained at every level of supply chain , APEDA
took initiatives to set up traceability mechnism in india.
 This area is gaining more and more importance due to the
growing awareness in the international market, especially in
the major markets of developed countries
 Supply chain management.
 Certification:- Many certification bodies require some form of
documentation of product and process information for fair
Breadth:- is the amount of information the traceability system records.
 A recordkeeping system cataloging food’s entire attributes would be
enormous and unnecessary. Given the huge number of attributes that
could describe any food product, full traceability is an unreachable goal.
Depth: The depth of a traceability system is how far back or forward the
system tracks.
 Most businesses have one-up, one-back traceability. Firms must know
who their suppliers are and who their buyers are.
Precision: Precision reflects the degree of assurance with which the
tracing system can pinpoint a particular food products movement
. A precise traceability system would only trace an apple, to its orchard
with high assurance, while a less precise system would only trace a
crate of apples to two or three orchards with lower assurance .
Scope of Food Traceability
When introducing the traceability system, it is essential to
set the scope covered by the system clearly.
 Specifically; - Products to be covered by the system
(Which raw materials and products should be covered
among the product line?) –
 Stage(s) in entire food chain to be covered by the system
(Which stages among production, processing and
distribution, does the food business operator(s) implement
the traceability system?)
 It is ideal that a broader scope is covered by the system
 Contribution to secure food safety:- In the event of a food borne
accident or food safety non-conformance, the traceability system
enables the tracing back through the food chain process, promptly
and easily, in searching for its cause
 If monitoring data regarding food safety is in place, the
investigation for the cause of the problem should become easier.
 Also, in order to withdraw and recall problem foods in an accurate
and prompt way, the traceability system can narrow down the
search for the said foods as well as identify their destination.
 Furthermore, if the food history information records are
maintained, the system makes it easier to collect data about
unexpected and long-term impacts on human health attributable to
food history. It also helps in developing risk management
 The system helps to clarify responsibilities of food business
 Greater reliability of information:- The traceability system
secures distribution route transparency.
 The system can provide information to consumer and customer,
and the government and local competent authorities, in a prompt
and active manner.
 The system enables the verification of correctness in labelling by
ensuring a comparison system between food and its record.
 These factors help to eliminate incorrect labelling and
information, as well as contribute to the further development of
fair trade
 Contribution to higher business efficiency:- The traceability
system enables the management of inventory and quality
efficiently, by managing food products with given IDs, and by
storing and communicating information on the origins and
characters of products. This will contribute to cost saving and
improvement in quality.
Elements of Traceability
 Product traceability:- It determines physical location of the
 It facilitates logistics and inventory management.
 Process traceability:- It determines type and sequence of
 It includes interaction between product and environment.
 It determines presence and absence of contaminants.
 Genetic traceability:- It determines genetic constituents of
 Inputs traceability:- It determines type and origin of inputs.
 Measurement traceability:- Measures temperature, relative
humidity, ethylene, carbon dioxide.
Types of Traceability
 Internal traceability:-Internal traceability means processes must
be maintained within an enterprise to link identities of raw
materials to those of the finished goods.
 When one material is combined with others, and processed,
reconfigured, or repacked, the new product must have its own
Unique Product Identifier.
 The linkage must be maintained between this new product and
its original material inputs to maintain traceability
 A label showing the Lot Number of the traceable input item
should remain on the packaging until that entire traceable item
is depleted.
 External traceability:-This requires all traceable items to be
uniquely identified, and information to be shared between all
affected distribution channel participants.
 To maintain external traceability, traceable item identification
numbers must be communicated to distribution channel
participants on product labels and related paper or electronic
business documents.
 External traceability allows tracing back (supplier traceability)
and tracking forward (client traceability).
 One-step-back traceability:- Ability to identify the supplier
of the units they have received
 One-step-forward traceability:- Ability to identify the buyer
of the units they have sold
 Chain traceability:- Traceability throughout the food chain .
Introduction of Traceability
Systems In India
 Grapenet:- Grapenet is the solution APEDA developed to a major
crisis that hit Indian grapes sector. India, a major exporter of
Grapes to Europe for a number of years, was suddenly faced with
serious threat of nearing a ban, due to pesticid
 Thus was born, Grapenet, a first of its kind in India, covering all
stakeholders in the grapes export supply chain including Farmers,
exporters, State Government Horticulture/Agriculture
departments, Accredited Laboratories, Agmark, Pack houses,
Phyto-sanitary Certification Departments, National Referral
Laboratory (NRL), APEDA, etc., through a centralized web-
based monitoring software e residues.
 Grapenet has been widely recognized and won National E-
governance Award (GOLD) in 2007-08
 Anarnet:-For monitoring the quality assurance being
maintained in the supply chain of Pomegranate export , a
similar traceability system has been developed in line with the
Grapenet which has been successfully implemented.
 Tracenet (For Organic Products):-For enhancing the
credibility of certification system for organic products, a user-
friendly web- based traceability system (Tracenet) has been
implemented by APEDA since June 2010.
 The Tracenet system covers certification of all horticulture and
agriculture crops including cotton / cotton products, processed
foods and wild harvest.
 Tracenet helps generate confidence among global buyers and
consumers about the genuineness of Indian
 Organic Produce and indirectly help the every stake holder in
the supply chain, from exporter to the farmer, get the desired
value for their produce.
 Peanut Net :- Higher levels of aflatoxins in groundnuts have
been major concern of the importing countries.
 In order to control and minimize possibilities of presence of
the aflatoxins in groundnuts in excess of prescribed levels a
regulation for export of Peanuts and Peanut products through
control of aflatoxins was developed.
Key Steps Involved In Establishing A
Traceability System
 Step 1. Decide on the scope of the traceability system.
 Step 2. Decide on the size of the optimal production unit for
tracing purposes (e.g. lot, batch, consignment).
 Step 3. Identify the traceability information needed, including
information on food ingredients, internal processes, packaging
material and food products.
 Step 4. Establish a system of record-keeping and retrieval.
 Step 5. Establish procedures for review and testing of the
traceability system.
 Step 6. Document the traceability system.
Advantages of Food Traceability
 Today, food safety is a worldwide concern due to a number of
food safety scandals.
 In conjunction with GAP, GMP, HACCP, traceability can
reinforce emphasis on prevention instead of only reacting or
responding to breaches in food safety.
 Traceability systems applied correctly, with supporting
information and communications technologies (ICTs), enables
businesses to monitor and defend against risk in real time.
 It also enables businesses to make more informed management
decisions, leading to increased market penetration, and reduced
operating costs.
 Visibility of information provided by traceability systems
enables businesses to utilize their resources and processes more
effectively and efficiently and increase their long-term
 Reduces recall expenses.
 It leads to sales expansion of products.
 To prevent fraud and confirm product authenticity
 Brand protection and liability reduction through a reduction in
scope of spoilage and contamination incidents.

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