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I n t ro d u c t i o n
1. What is TPR?
2. Why TPR?
3. In which situation can TPR be applied?
4. TPR Examples
5. 6 Steps Outline TPR
6. TPR Class Procedure & Example
7. TPR Application Principles
Cited from: The Kiboomers - Kids Music Channel, 2016
What is TPR?
 TPR= Total Physical Response

 A method of teaching language using

physical movements to react to
verbal input.
1. Easy to implement 2. Reduce pressure and stress
TPR requires no translation or L1 TPR does not require a spoken
support. Teaching contents are response.
understood by teacher’s body

3. Repetition is disguised 4. Long-term retention 5. Applicable for Acadsoc

TPR allows teachers to drill one Ss. learn a second language by TPR is widely used in young
language repeatedly without losing Ss’ doing. The physical actions help to learners’ language class. Thus, it
interest. gain sound and meaning is applicable for Acadsoc’s
effectively. teachers.
In which situations can TPR be applied?


Widely used in
beginners’ class

As warm-up As preview As practice

TPR Examples-Verbs
TPR can be applied when teaching verbs, such as:

• Watch/see/look
• Listen/hear
• Eat/drink/sleep
• Smile/cry
• Jump/hug/hit/nock
• …

 All verbs that involve body movements can be taught with TPR
TPR Examples-Verb Phrases
TPR can be applied when teaching verb phrases, such as:

• Drive the car

• Hug the Teddy
• Kiss the doll
• Fly the plane

 Verb phrases that involve material objects can be taught with TPR
6 Steps Outline TPR Method Online

1 Script preparation

2 Teacher demonstration

3 Live action

4 Written copy

5 Oral repetition and question

6 Student demonstration
TPR Class Procedure & Example

1 Script (Also listening material)

Peter gets home after school. He is hungry.

1. Script Preparation His mother gives him a pie. He eats it out
and says “yummy”.

Teacher repeats the sentence and demonstrates (2-3 times)

2-1 & 3

• Oral repeat: Peter gets home after school.

2&3. Teacher
Demonstration & • Action: make a fist in chest and move to the

Live action left(or right), act like opening a door

TPR Class Procedure & Example

2-2 & 3 Teacher repeats the sentence and demonstrates (2-3 times)

• Oral repeat: He is hungry.

2&3. Teacher • Action: put one hand on the tummy and

Demonstration & draw circles

Live action
2-3 & 3 Teacher repeats the sentence and demonstrates (2-3 times)

• Oral repeat: His mother gives him a pie.

• Action: outstretch one hand

TPR Class Procedure & Example

2-4 & 3 Teacher repeats the sentence and demonstrates (2-3 times)

2&3. Teacher
• Oral repeat: He eats it out and says “yummy”.
Demonstration & 4
Live action • Action: hold two hands before mouth with the mouth
open and close
TPR Class Procedure & Example

4 & 5 • The series are put on the screen for St. to read.
• St. repeats each line after the teacher, s/he can ask
questions at will.

4 & 5 Written copy &

Oral repetition and • Peter gets home after school.
question • He is hungry.
• His mother gives him a pie.
• He eats it out and says “yummy”.
TPR Class Procedure & Example

St. plays the role of reader and acts according to

6 teacher’s commands. The teacher checks
comprehension and prompts when needed.

6. Student ① The teacher reads the sentences orderly, the student reacts.
demonstration ② The teacher reads the sentences out of order, the student

③ The student is required to finish a listening task. There are

four pictures on the screen. S/he is asked to listen to a video
and order the pictures.
TPR Application Notice

 Adapt teaching pace to Ss’ pace of learning.

 Introduce words and sentences gradually and one after the other.

 Repeat previous the sentence before introducing a new one.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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