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Unit 2

People, Society and Culture in Nepal

Demography- Demographic Composition of People

Meaning of Demography :
• Demography is derived from Greek language,
where ‘Demos’ means people and ‘Graphia’
means study or science
• So, demography means the study of population
with respect to size, structure and growth.
• “Demography is the statistical method of
studying human population involving the
measurement of size, growth, distribution of
the number of people, the proportions, living
beings, birth or dying in the same area or
region and the related functions of fertility,
mortality and marriage” – Peter R. Cox
• “Demography doesn’t deal with the behavior
of individual but only with the aggregates of
the people. The numerical picture of human
population is known as demography”
-W.G. Berkeley
• Demography includes both demographic analysis and
population studies
• Qualitative and quantitative aspects of populations
• According to the census of 2011, total population of
Nepal is 26,494,504, with growth rate 1.35 and
population density at the national level is 180 per
square kilometer.
• Working age population is 57%
A. Population Composition by Gender

Male Percentage Female Percentage Total Percentage

1,28,49,041 48.50% 1,36,45,463 51.50% 26,494,504 100%

B. Population Composition by Caste/
S.N. Caste/ Ethnicity Number Percentage
1 Chhetri 4,398,053 16.6
2 Brahman 3,226,903 12.2
3 Magar 1,887,733 7.1
4 Tharu 1,737,470 6.6
5 Tamang 1,539,830 5.8
6 Newar 1,321,933 5.0
7 Kami 1,258,554 4.8
8 Musalman 1,164,255 4.4
9 Yadav 1,054,458 4.0
10 Rai 620,004 2.3
C. Population Composition by Religion
S.N. Religion Number Percentage
1 Hiduism 21,551,492 81.3
2 Buddhism 2,396,099 9.0
3 Islam 1,162,370 4.4
4 Kirat 807,169 3.1
5 Christianity 375,699 1.4
6 Prakriti 121,982 0.5
7 Bon 13,006 -
8 Jainism 3,214 -
9 Bahai 1,283 -
10 Sikhism 609 -
D. Population Composition by Mother
S.N. Mother Tongue Number Percentage
1 Nepali 11,826,953 44.6
2 Maithili 3,092,530 11.7
3 Bhojpuri 1,584,958 6.0
4 Tharu 1,529,875 5.8
5 Tamang 1,353,311 5.1
6 Newar 846,557 3.2
7 Bajjika 793,418 3.0
8 Magar 788,530 3.0
9 Doteli 787,827 3.0
10 Urdu 691,56 2.6
2.2 Religion: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam,
Kirat and Christianity
Meaning of Religion
• Beliefs in super power
• It means duty, ethics and morality
• A process of enlightenment
• Attraction to the great
• Immortality of soul
• Unseen force to control human behavior
• Fundamental need of human
• Animism, polytheism and monotheism
• Sanatan dharma and vaidik dharma
• Trinity of three Gods( generator, operator and destroyer)
• Believe in polytheism / believe in multi- God
• The four stages of life: brahmacharya, grihasta,
vanaprastha and sanyas ashram
• Four purushartha/ goal of life
• Dharma, artha, kama and moksha
• Gyan- knowledge, karma- action and vakti- devotion
• Believe in soul and rebirth
• Abandon the luxurious life and search for
• Four Noble Truths-
• there is sorrow,
• there is cause of sorrow,
• sorrow can be removed and
• there are the ways to remove sorrow
• Hinayana, mahayana and bajrayana
Eightfold path of Buddha

• Right vision
• Right speech
• Right action
• Right livelihood
• Right effort
• Right determination
• Right mindfulness
• Right meditation
• Founded by prophet Muhammad in 7th century
• Koran is the religious and holy book of Islam
• Preaching of Allah to Muhammad
• Worshiping of idol is not allowed
• Four fundamental function of God- creation, sustenance,
guidance and judgement
• Five essential duties of muslim- no God but Allah, pray five
times a day, must pay a Zakat ( 2.5% of income ), must fasting
in the month of Ramdan
• Must make pilgrimage to Mecca
• Ruled over Nepal for about 1000 years
• Falgunananda Lingden was the founder
• Mundhum is the religious book
• Collection of folk tales and experiences
• Worship to nature- sun, moon, tree , sky
• A separate religion and believe
• Most organized religion originated in
Jerusalem, Israel by Jesus Christ
• God sent Jesus
• Human being can achieve salvation
• Pray to God
• Bible is the holy book of christianity
Religious Harmony in Nepal
• All religion accept to co- existence
• Tolerate to each other in there diverse beliefs
• Peace, harmony and internal bliss and
ultimately enlightenment is the goal of human
• Unity in diversity is maintained in Nepal by
3. Festivals of Nepal
• All together there are 125 caste and ethnic
• More than 123 languages
• Aryan and Mongolian people
• Many religions beliefs
• Festivals for glory and happiness
Types of festivals

• Religious festivals (Dashain, Tihar, ID )

• Social festivals (Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Gaijatra )
• Seasonal Festival (Maghe Sakrati, Ashar 15, related
to food supply )
• National Festivals (Martyr’s Day, Independent Day,
National Unity Day)
• International Festivals (UNO Day, International
Environment Day, International Disable Day)
Importance and Values of Festivals
A. Religious Importance
• Worshipping god and goddess
• Bring the people close to religion
• Rise of patients and tolerance
• Festivals of lights and lamps
B. Social Importance
• Based on social life of people
• Close relation between each other
• Exchange the views and joys
• Provides recreations and enjoyment
• Family Gathering and exchange wishes
C. Artistic Importance
• Temples are the center of art and beliefs
• Budhanilkhanta, Swoyambhu, Pashupati
• Make idols and iconography (Thanka)
• A medium to present religion
• Abstract form or picture
Major Festivals in Nepal
A. Dashain
• Long festival of Hindu
• Start form Ghatasthapana to Purnima (15
• Scarifies animals
• Worship in Shaktipitha
B. Tihar/ Deepawali
• 5 days ( Crow, Dog, Laxmi Puja, Ox, Vai Tika)
• Deusi Bhailo
• Festival of light
C. Lhoshar
• Great Festival of Buddhist Community
• Based on Tibetian Culture
• ‘Lho’ means ‘Year’ ‘Sar’ means ‘New
• Singing and Dancing in Gumba and house
• Worship in Gumba and Chaitays
• Exchange friendship and joys
Types of Lhoshar
• Tola Lhosar celebrated by Gurungs after
harvest of crops of farmers
• Sonam Lhosar celebrated by Tamangs in first
week of Magh
• Gyalpo Lhosar, Gyalpo means king, celebrated
in Falgun by Sherpas
D. Chhath
• Celebrated in Terai Region, (specially in
Eastern Terai)
• Worship to Sun God near holy river
• Believed to eradicated all sins
• Devotee offers all kind of fruits and forbid
• Festival of four days
E. Buddha Purnima
F. Maha Shivaratri
G. Holi
H. Teej
4. Cultural Heritage of Nepal
• Nepal is country with multi cultural, caste and
ethnic groups (varieties of cultural, caste and
ethnic groups)
• Different food, cultural, festivals, dresses,
• Mountain, Hill and Terai
• Folk dance, music, songs
• Nepali, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Tamang, Tharu,
• Heritage means all those valuable natural and
cultural, objects, features, resources, creations,
arts, cultures, traditions and symbol of identity,
• Cultural heritages are protected, preserved,
promoted and handed down to next
generations by previous generations
• There are 830 properties of the world enlisted
in World Heritage, out of which 10 sites are
from Nepal
• The heritages are listed by UNESCO
• There are eight cultural heritages and two
natural heritages listed
• Natural heritages: Sagarmatha National Park
and Chitawan National Park
• Cultural Heritages: Pashupatinath Area,
Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square, Patan Durbar
Square, Bhaktapur Durbar Square,
Changunarayan Temple, Bouddhanath
Mahachaitya, Swayambhunath Stupa and
A. Pashupatinath Area
• According to chronology- Supuspa the
Lichchhavi ruler made the temple in the
ancient period.
• Golden roof by Aananta Malla in 1296 AD
• Hindus from all over the world gives great
• Symbol of Lord Shiva
B. Kathmandu Durbar Square
• Palace of Malla and Shah king who ruled the
various states
• Also known as Hanuman Dhoka, name
derived from Hanuman, Monkey God near the
entrance gate
• UNESCO declared Kathmandu Durbar Square
as cultural heritage of Nepal in 1979 A.D .
C. Patan Durbar Square
• Surrounded by 4 sutpas as 4 corners
• Muslim emperor Sama Suddin Iliyas destroyed
temples and monuments of Patan in 1406
• Later Siddhi Nara Sing Malla rebuild it.
• Included in world heritage list in 1979 A.D
D. Bhaktapur Durbar Square
• Also known as Bhadgaun or Khowpa
• Listed as World Heritage by UNESCO in 1779
• Bhupatendra Malla constructed building of grand
palace with ninety nine courtyard and fifty five
• Golden Gate is another attraction of Bhaktapur
Durbar Square made by Ranajit Malla in 1772
E. Swayambhunath Stupa
• Buddhist temple situated on top of hill at the
height of 400 feet.
• Holy site of Nepal
• Stupa is about 200 hundred years old
F. Bouddhanath Stupa
• Largest stupa of Nepal
• Example of Tibetian Culture in Nepal
• It was built in 14th century
• Enlisted in World Heritage Site in 1979 by
G. Changunarayan Temple
• One of the oldest Hindu temples of the Valley
and is believed to be constructed in 4 th Century
but modern temples were constructed in Malla
• Oldest inscriptions written by Mandev

H. Lumbini
• Birth place of Lord Buddha
• Different countries have constructed many
buildings, temples, Monastries and Chaityas
• Ashoka’s Pillar was built in 245 BC
• Buddha is known as light of Asia
• Symbol of peace and non-violence
5. Languages and literature of Nepal
• More than 90 languages were spoken
• Out of which some disappeared
• Some Nepali languages are Tibeto- burman
and Indo- European
• Gurung , Magar, Sherpa, Thakali, Rai, Limbu
are Tibeto- burman and Nepali, Hindi, Maithili,
Bhojpuri, Tharu are Indo- European
• So, Nepal is multi lingual country
• Art of creating something which gives
meaning in any topic
• Power to change society
• Term used to described written and spoken
• It includes creative imagination like poetry,
drama, songs, novel .
• Representation of society
• Nepali literature is divided into three periods
1. Primitive period( 1801-1872)- cover starting
of Sugauli treaty,
2. Medieval period(1873-1990)-
a. pre-medieval- concerned with religious
b. post- medieval period-
3. Modern Period( 1991 to onwards)- numerous
pomes and novels
• L P Devkota and Siddhi charan Shrestha bring
modernization of poetry in Nepali literature
• Many writers are still contributing
Nepali language and literature
• Nepali language was developed from Vedic
period, many words are imported from
sanskrit language and Vedas
• Nepali language was emerged from Karnali
region as Khas kura, inscriptions show that
• Sen states spread Nepali language from west
to east
• After unification, PN Shah adopted Nepali
• Bhanu Bhakta is first Nepali poet who united
Nepal through language
• LP Devkota, Madhav Ghimire, BP Koirala
including many others are the contributors to
develop Nepali language
• Official language of Nepal
• Medium language of Nepal
Maithili language and literature
• Second largest spoken language of Nepal mainly
spoken in eastern Terai and was developed in Mithila
• Some Malla kings wrote poems in maithili language,
was known as royal language
• Script is called Tirhut which is not practiced , but they
use Devanagarik script
• Bidhyapati , Gonu Jha and others were famous writers ,
many books and newspapers
Newari language
• It is third largest spoken language of Nepal
• Developed as spoken language in Lichchhavi
• Written inscription was found in Patan in 1115
• Coins were written in 13th century
• Hymns, religious books, chronicles, plays were
written in 15th century
• Taught in University, TV channels, FM radios and
news are broadcasted in Newari language
Sanskrit language
• It is the oldest language know as language of
• Rig-veda which is 5000 years old written in
sanskrit language
• Many indo- European languages are derived
from sanskrit
• Panini- father of grammar in sanskrit
• Developed from ancient period
6. Migration
Concept and Meaning of Migration

• Migration in search of food and safety since

primitive age.

• Search of suitable land for cultivations

• Better living opportunities


• Migration as a form of geographic or spatial

mobility involving a change of usual residence
between clearly defined geographic units.
• Migration is a form of geographic mobility of
population from one geographic area to
• It affects to the fertility and mortality.
• Brings change in behavior
• Migration is affected by socio-cultural,
economic, political factors and natural
• It affects policy making and planning as well
as development
• Important for economist, sociologist, political
scientist and human geographer.
Types/Forms of Migration
A. Internal Migration
• A movement of population within a country,
from rural to urban or hills to plain.
• Density is high in Terai and different urban
areas of Nepal
• For better employment opportunities in Terai
and educational in urban.
Internal migration can be classified as:

1. On the basis of Time:

a. Permanent Migration
b. Semi-permanent Migration
c. Temporary Migration
d. Seasonal Migration
2. On the basis of Geography
a. Village to Village migration
b. Village to Urban migration
c. Urban to Rural Migration
d. Hill to Terai Migration
e. Terai to Hill Migration
B. International Migration

• Temporary or permanent migration from one

country to another in search of better
International Migration can be classified as :

A. Emigration :
• Going abroad
• After agreement Nepal and British India in
1916, Nepalese male started emigration for
employment, mainly to obtain military jobs
• Rate of emigration to India as well as other
countries in increasing rapidly.
B. Immigration
• In-coming of people
• Early settlement and the process of state
• Due to historical and cultural linkage
• Due to open border, immigration is increasing
in Nepal
• From Western Counties too.
Trend of Migration
• The trend of migration is increasing in Nepal
• Intellectuals and youths are migrating to
• Labor migration is increasing in Arabian
• Brain- drain
• DV, PR, Green Card
Factors of Migration
A. Push Factor
a. Natural Disaster
b. To fulfill their household needs
c. Lack of physical facilities
d. Low market opportunities
e. Discriminations
f. Low wages
g. Human desire to achieve new things
B. Pull Factors
a. Better opportunities
b. Physical facilities
c. Infrastructures
d. Favorable society and culture
e. Good and healthy climate
Some other important factors are

• Environmental Factors
• Economic Factors
• Political Factors
• Socio-cultural Factor
Opportunities and Challenges
A. Opportunities
• Change in cultural landscape
• Diffusion
• Re-location Diffusion
• Expansion Diffusion
• Cultural Market
B. Challenges
• Lack of skill and education
• Dominance of native
• Misuse of natural resources
• Lack of research and development initiations
• Misuse of cultivated land
• Over population
• Loss of bio-diversity
7.Implication of Work Culture in Business and

“Culture is the complex whole which includes

knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, customs
and any other capabilities acquired by man as
a member of society”.
- E.B. Tyler
• Process of socialization
• Everyday life of ordinary people
• Influencing factor of socialization
• Culture is the way of living
• Culture is surviving strategies
• Different culture in different place
Role of culture in Business and Economy

• Creates labor market

• Contribute to GDP
• Creates industrial environment
• Local culture can be promoted and protected
• Part of national identity
• Prevents social problems
• Helps to engage physically and mentally ill

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