Experiment 10: Identification of Aldehydes and Ketones

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Experiment 10

Identification of
Aldehydes and Ketones
 Aldehydes and ketones are two of the several kinds of organic compounds
that contain the carbonyl group.


∂+ Carbonyl group.
 Aldehydes and ketones of low molecular weight have commercial uses.

 Formaldehyde (Gas, HCOH) is produced in industry and it is used in

plastic industry.

 Formaline, a 35-40% by mass solution of formaldehyde in water, is

used to preserve biological specimens (mummification). It is also
used disinfecting surgical instruments.

 Acetone (CH3COCH3) is used as a solvent in many reactions. Also it

is a major component of some nail polish removers.
Classification Tests
 There are four tests that can be use to distinguish between aldehydes
and ketones.

A) 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine test (2,4-DNPH): used to distinguish

between carbonyl compounds (Aldehydes and ketones) and non
.carbonyl compounds (Alcohols)

B) Chromic test (K2CrO4/H2SO4): used to distinguish between aldehydes

and ketones

C) Tollen’s test: used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones

D) Iodoform test: used to distinguish between Methyl ketones and ketones.

Classification tests

2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine test (2,4-DNPH):

This test is used to distinguish between Aldehydes and
Ketones from alcohols.
 Positive test: Aldehydes and Ketones give red to orange ppt.

 Negative test: Alcohols.

2- Chromic test (H2CrO4/H2SO4):
This test is used to distinguish between Aldehydes and Ketones.
 Positive test: Aldehydes give green color.
 Negative test: Ketones.
3- Tollens test:
This test is used to distinguish between Aldehydes and Ketones.
 Positive test: Aldehydes give silver mirror.
 Negative test: Ketones.
4- Iodoform test:
This test is used to distinguish between Ketones and methyl Ketones.

 Positive test: Methyl Ketones give yellow precipitate.

 Negative test: Ketones.
Report Sheet

Unknown Methyl Ketone Aromatic Aliphatic Test

Ketone aldehyde aldehyde
(+) ve (+) ve (+) ve (+) ve
Yellow ppt. Yellow ppt. Yellow ppt. Yellow ppt. 2,4- DNP
(+) ve (+) ve
green green
(-) ve (-) ve Chromic acid
(+) ve (+) ve
Silver mirror Silver mirror
(-) ve (-) ve Tollens
(+) ve
(-) ve (-) ve (-) ve Iodoform
Yellow ppt.

Unknown Identification:
Unknown # ………………………………
The Unknown compound is …………………………….
The general structure is …………………………………

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