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Thriller opening scenes analysis

The Shining
The simplicity of the opening scene creates
tension and suspense.
Camera angles/shots
• Establishing shot of large, isolated lake surrounded by mountains
• birds eye, tracking shot of a yellow car traveling along isolated windy
mountain road
• makes car look very small and vunerable
• establishing high angle shot of hotel showing its size and isolation
• very loud music. Dominant baritone making dramatic sound
• high pitched strings and piano create eerie and disturbing sound
• no dialogue – builds tension, leaves audience wondering…
• Non diagetic sound track
Mise en scene
• isolated mountain lake and road
• vast scenery emphasizes isolation of car
• single yellow car travelling along road
• scenery becomes snow covered toward end. Emphasizes possible danger and long way from home.
• Large hotel surrounded by cars suggesting guests/staff are there at the moment.
• Long cuts to show the length of the journey
The Silence of the Lambs
Camera shots/angles
• Establishing shot of dense woods – classic setting for thriller
• Slow tilt showing woman alone running/climbing up hill
• CU of her sweating and panting
• Tracking shot of her running from behind
• POV side shot of her running through woodland – is she being watched?
• Close up of woman’s feet as she runs
• Non diegetic violins – classic music of thrillers – creates fear
• Ambient birds/crickets (diegetic) – eerie sound creates sense of fear
• Ambient eagle squawking – scary sound
• Diegetic sound of leaves crunching as woman runs
Mise en scene
• Dense woodland – classic thriller setting as lonely and people can
easily hide
• Thick fog – used to create mystery
• Assault course
• Man wearing FBI baseball hat
• FBI training
Centre – is the woman FBI?
• Long cuts/shots
The Last House on the Left
Camera shots/angles
• CU of tree
• Tracking shot through woods – classic setting
for thriller. Creates mystery and suspense
• Panning/zoom of car travelling along road
• MCU of each person in car – middle aged, 2 in
front and 1 in back
• POV shot of back seat passenger asking driver
to stop for loo. At this point audience sees cage
between him and driver showing he is a
• MLS of truck smashing into car – shock effect
• Pan across smashed truck
• CU of people’s feet walking towards the car –
builds tension as we cannot see their faces
• CU of people wearing masks
• MCU of dying police man – Sense that law is
• Quiet/eerie non-diegetic music at start with titles
• Music stops when the camera shows the car
• Diegetic sounds throughout of dialogue between characters, bell of train,
truck smashing
• heightened sound of the crash – creates shock
• Cuts become quicker to create sense of panic and tension

Mise en scene
• White credits on black screen – into shots of trees
• Woodland – seems very isolated, classic thriller setting
• Car with three males – later see that it is a police car with a prisoner
• Train crossing – train speeding across, loud and frightening
• Big pick up truck smashes police car
• 2 masked people, shoot on officer
• Blood splatters/dripping on pictures of children – creates repulsion and fear
Camera shots/angles
• CU woman and child crying/hugging – leaves audience wondering why
• Tracking shot of woman rushing around house, frantically packing belongings. She seems
• Low angle of woman getting toy boat – eerie shot with sun glaring harshly. Creates
• Zoom in from LS when woman opens door after door bell has rung
• OSS of woman looking for who rung the door bell – creates suspense
• Panning to CU of woman’s face when she reads post it note – looking worried/scared
• High angle tracking shot of car leaving along sea road
• MCU of ‘Good Bye’ sign as she leaves the town – suggests she may not return
• Non diegetic childrens music – dominant soft piano as mother hugs boy
• Piano gets louder and more dramatic
• Non diegetic sound of female humming along to the soundtrack – this is eerie.
• Diegetic sound of doorbell ringing – leaves audience wondering who will be there

Mise en scene
• typical middle class American neighbourhood
• Typical house with childs bedroom
• Paddling ppol in garden with discarded toy boat
• Neighbour mowing lawn – creates sense of normality but audience knows this
will not last
• Car leaving
• Road next to sea
• ‘Good bye’ sign

• Lots of fast cuts which adds to the sense of panic as she is rushing to leave the
44” Chest
Camera work
• Still shots
• Slow tracking shots around
the destroyed house
• CU of male on floor – also
high angle to show his
• Slow cuts
Mise en scene
• Smashed up home
• Whimpering dog
• Destruction
• ‘corpse’
• Feathers floating from sofa
• Contrapuntal sound track
• Diegetic sounds

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