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Sustainable & Intelligent palm oil

Milling operation
Presented by Ir. Ravi Menon
MODULE 6: PRESSING (24 slides)
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Evolution of extraction equipment
1.Centrifugal baskets
This had served the industry for may years.
Still in operation in some mills
Suitable for DURA crop but not for Tenera
because of the additional fibre that can
cause blockage for oil to exit
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
Evolution of extraction equipment- baskets
The digestion time based on a 10 tph press
and a 2.5 tonnes digester is 2.5/10 x 60= 15 minutes
but if a 3.5 tonne digester is used the time
will be extended to 21 minutes.
As the digester is normally operated at ¾ full
the actual practical time would only be
about 11 minutes and 16 minutes respectively.
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
Evolution of extraction equipment

Low throughputs of
(1.35 t fruits from 2 t FFB)
was the disadvantage
High oil losses in fibre due to
“wall of oil” on the inside
surface of the cake
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)

In earlier days digesters used to

have jackets for steam heating but that
practice has become obsolete now due to
the popularity of the direct steam injection.
The heating of the mash should be
controlled to avoid temperatures in excess of 90 deg
as high temperatures can cause oxidation of the CPO.
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
Evolution of extraction equipment-Baskets

Basket diameter: 1.2meter, 4mm holes,

vertical spindle, maximum 1125 rpm
It rotates for a few minutes and
brake is applied to stop it.
A cone at the bottom of the basket
is opened for the cake to discharge
into a conveyor
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
Evolution of extraction equipment- different types

Started with low speed basket type centrifuge

The hydraulic press
Hydraulic press was well-suited for the
Dura fruit but not for the Tenera
So screw press took over to deal with tenera crop
Now I remains as the most popular choice for high capacity
require ments
Sustainable and Intelligent Milling Administration (SIMA)
Nut/ Fibre ratio
For every kg of nuts, which are touching each other in the digested
mash the mashed pericarp required to fil up the free space is :

a) 521 gm for DURA or 521/1521 x 100 = 34.3% , pericarp: 66.7%.

by weight So Pericarp to nut ratio = 0.5

b) 770 gm for Tenera. or 770/1770 x 100 = 43.5,pericarp = 56.5%

Pericarp to nut ratio = 0.8
When analysing nut breakage issues please remember the pericarp to nut ratio
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction
Useful table to remember the role of fibre in pressing
Type of extraction Centrifuge Screw press
Mesocarp in digested fruit (kg) 4060 80 40 80
Nuts in digested fruit (kg) 16 20 60 20
Fibre in cake (kg) 34 20 10 20
Free space between nuts and fibre when touching (dm) 34 32 34 17
Weight of fibre needed to occupy this free space -- 17 34 17
Excess fibre (kg) - 15 - 3
Deficiency in fibre (kg) 18 - 24 -
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction-Hydraulic Press

Invented by Stork Amsterdam who were highly

involved in palm oil research
Consists of a perforated steel cage
inside which is reciprocating ram will
exert a high pressure of 68 bar ( 995 psig)
on the digested mash placed between
the ram and the top plate of the press.
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction

The spaces shown in the table has assumed

that the nuts arranged themselves in an orderly
pattern but in actual practice this is not the case.
There will be nut breakage.
Nut breakage will be high if a mixture of Dura
and Tenera are processed in a screw press
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction-Hydraulic Press
Ram Diameter= 25 cm ( 9.8 Iinches),
Required Pressing pressure-= 70 kg/cm2
using 540mm press cage
So the hydraulic pressure needed for the hydraulic press
= 327 kg/cm2 or 320 bar! Cage body is 4 cm thick
Hole size = 2mm (inside quarter) the outer three quarter = 4 mm
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction-Hydraulic Press

The press cage = 136 mm and effective content 300 litres.

Capacity 3 tonne bunched per hour ( 10minutes /cycle)
In the seventies the hydraulic presses were unable to
cope up with the FFB production capacity of Malaysia
The screw presses then made its debut
The whole industry welcomed it
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction-Screw Press
Very high throughputs
Low capital investment for given capacity
Less labour
Less power required 15 to 18 kWh/tonne FFB
Nut to fibre separation easier as there is no more
compressed cake
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction-Screw Press
High maintenance cost
High nut breakage
Production of highly viscous crude oil containing high% of solids
Needs more dilution and consequently more waste water
More oil loss in the press fibre
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction-evolution in extraction-Screw Press
It is time to replace screw presses
with something which is more efficient
as it has too many faults. Perhaps it is
worth the while to consider a fully
automated rotary configuration like
“Wankel” engine to press the
mash more efficiently.
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
(A) SPEICHIM Press- Monoscrew
The single screw has a decreasing
pitch to effect the pressing.
The pressure screw is made of two parts
intermediate drainage screw and pressure screw.
There is a perforated drainage cylinder
between the intermediate and the pressure
screw to drain away some of the oil.
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
(A) SPEICHIM Press- Monoscrew
From digester fed into a feed screw using
a vertical chute. The mash is fed by the feed screw into the
mono screw that rotates within a perforat
cage called press cage.
Both screws rotate in opposite directions The pressure is
regulated hydraulically by an adjustable
cone that presses against
the end of the screw where the press cake is discharged .
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
(A) SPEICHIM Press-Features
Parameters 5BH 6 BH
Speed of feed screw (rpm) 7.44 (10.2) 10.2
Speed of pressure screw (rpm) 6 (6) 6
Speed ratio of screws 1.24 (1.7) 1.7
Volume ratio 1.92 (2.65) 2.65
Main cage perforations 2mm to 3.5 mm 2m to 3.5 mm
Weight of press 5tonne 11tonne
Internal cage diameter 421 mm 470 mm
Main shaft diameter 115 mm 155 mm
Motor power 25 HP 40 HP
Typical current during pressing 36 Amps 45 Amps
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
(A) SPEICHIM Press- variation in throughputs
tonne/hr THROUGHPUT tph
5 BIH 12.75 (Average 12 t) 14 Trial carried out at Mongana

6 BIH 14 (Average) 17 (Dura), 18 (DxP) At Bosondjo, Africa

6 BIH (1967) 8.3 (Minimum) 14.2 (Maximum) Trials carried out at Kluang, Kohor, Malaysia
6 BIH (1968) 12.4 (Minimum) 16.7 (Maximum) Trials carried out at Kluang, Kohor, Malaysia
6 BIH (1969) 11.4 (Minimum) 16.0 (Maximum) Trials carried out at Kluang, Kohor, Malaysia
6 BIH (1970) 10.9 (Minimum) 16.8 (Maximum) Trials carried out at Kluang, Kohor, Malaysia
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses

(B) The DeWecker Screw Press P 9- Twin screw

Probably launched at Lobe and Yaligimba
The most popular press in the world
now-easy to maintain
Double cone automatically
controlled by hydraulic system.
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
(B) The DeWecker Screw Press P 9- Twin screw
Cones replaced with flat plate
Capacity increase d to 15,20 & even 30 tph
Input shaft speed = 200 rpm screw speed
=10 rpm (reduction gear box)
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
As the throughput requirements of the
processing plants are increasing it may
be prudent to design presses cable of processing
FFB between 30 tph and 60 tph
The presses can be made sophisticated
with fine controls that can automatically
change pressing pressure settings to address
both oil losses as well as nut breakage
Trials carried out at Kluang
Johor, Malaysia
Sustainable and Intelligent Palm Oil Milling (SIPOM)
6. Oil Extraction- Types of Screw Presses
It can also have a perforated drainage chamber
for oil drainage prior to pressing to prevent
high oil losses in fibre.
It can also incorporate NIR on line analyser
that can display real time oil loss in fibre
on a screen as well as nut breakage so that
the operator can take corrective action
Trials carried out at Kl uang, Kohor, Malaysia

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