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Internal parts of the human body

• Group namber: 1974057

• Juan David Arias Ríos
• Oscar Julián Palacio Restrepo
• Johan Sebastián Salazar Ciro
• Cristian David Jaramillo Bedoya
• Cristian David Giraldo Hernández
Internal parts of the human body
• the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and
holding the vocal cords in humans and other mammals; the voice box.
Effects of the larynx in aviation.
Low humidity causes the filtering functions of the nose and upper airways
(through the mucus) to be compromised. When air is breathed, it enters the
nose, passes through the trachea and through the upper airways goes to the
lungs. On its way, the air is heated, humidified and filtered
• The human lungs are anatomical structures belonging to the respiratory system,
they are located in the rib cage, on both sides of the mediastinum

• effects of the lungs in aviacion

• You inhale oxygen and exhale carbón dioxide. Excessive respiration produces
low levels of carbón dioxide in the blood. This causes many of the symptoms
of hyperventilation. You may hyperventilation for emotional reasons, such as
during a panic attack.
• A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to various parts of the
Effects of arteries in aviation
the arteries are responsible for transporting blood throughout the body if the
arteries increase their pressure due to causes such as flight nervousness or
shortness of breath as these are going to clog and the blood is not going to
circulate normally
The muscular system is the set of more than 600 muscles that exist in the body
human, the function of most muscles is to produce movements of the parts of the
body. The muscular system creates a balance by stabilizing the position of the body, producing
movement, regulate the volume of organs, mobilize substances within the body and
Effects of the muscle in the aviationsuffer
The muscles are one of the parts of the human body that most in the aviacion for the mechanic of aircraft when it
makes repetitive movements or for the passengers in long flights because most of their time they are seated
The liver is an organ located under the diaphragm, on the right side of the abdomen. It is
almost the size of a rugby ball and, therefore, is one of the largest organs of the human
body, which measures about 10 cm and weighs between 1.4 and 1.6 kg. Its main functions
are three:
1. Digest food.
2. Store energy.
3. Remove toxic substances.
Glandular organ located in the abdomen. It produces pancreatic juices, which contain enzymes that help digestion,
and makes several hormones, including insulin. The pancreas is surrounded by the stomach, intestines and other
Human body intestine
It is divided into two parts: small intestine and large intestine. 1     The
small intestine is a narrow tube that starts from the stomach and
reaches the large intestine, it is divided into three parts called the
duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The duodenum is about 25 cm long
and ends at the jejunum that measures 2.5 meters and continues to
form the ileum that measures 3.5 meters. Since jejunum and ileum
have a very similar structure and are found one after the other, they are
sometimes jointly designated as jejunum-ileum. The ileum ends at the
ileal-cecal valve that communicates with the colon.     The large
intestine is a slightly wider tube than the small intestine. It measures
about 1.5 meters long and runs from the ileal-cecal valve that connects
it with the small intestine to the anus. It is divided into several parts:
blind, vermiform appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon,
descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anus.
blood vessel.
The heart and blood vessels constitute the cardiovascular (circulatory) system. The blood that
circulates through this system releases oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues and removes waste
products from those tissues. The blood vessels are made up of  
 Arteries     Arterioles     Capillaries     Venules     Veins

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