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Community pharmacy

Pharmaceutical management..
Location of community pharmacy
• Location analysis is the selection of an appropriate site for the
establishment of a community pharmacy.
• It is an important step in the establishment of a community
• Good Location determines the access to the public and success rate
of the pharmacy whereas a poor location may cause failure of the
Ideal location of community pharmacy
• Preferable in high dense area and easily accessible area.
• Now days, chain pharmacy are also established in supermarket aswell and
near hospital area.
• Should have continuous electricity supply, water, and rest room facilities.
• It should be accessible for differently able person as well. (Easily accessible
with pram, wheel chair etc)
• Location should be far for highly traffic area as much as possible, so as to
protect from noise pollution.
• Location with low competitors.
• Should have parking facilities.
Layout of community pharmacy
• Layout: An arrangement or a plan , especially the schematic arrangement of parts or
• Importance: It plays significant role in the development of the customers perception
which have a positive impact on its sale potential.
• Objective
• To attract a large number of customer
• To increase the sale and decrease the selling expenses
• To have space for reserve for stock, office and resting place for the employees
• For easy locating the medicine
• To minimize the movement of customers with within the premises of the drug store
• To decrease error in dispensing.
Premise reqd.
• The word Pharmacy shall be displayed in white writing on green coloured sign
boared having minimum length of 5 feet and width of 2.5 feet.
•  The premises of a pharmacy shall be separated from room for private use
•  The premises shall be built dry, well lit and ventilated and shall be of sufficient
dimensions to allow the goods in stock, especially drugs and poisons to be
• kept in a clearly visible and appropriate manner. The height of the premises shall at
least be 2.5 sq Meters.
•  The floor of the pharmacy should be smooth and washable
•  The walls shall be plastered or tiled or oil painted so as to maintain smooth,
durable and washable surface devoid of holes, cracks and cervices.
•  The dispensing department shall be separated by a barrier to prevent the entry of
the public.
Physical facility
•  Administrative office
•  Bulk storage
•  Narcotic or dangerous drug locker
•  Manufacturing and repackaging
•  Intravenous solution
•  Medicine information resource centre
•  Emergency medicine storage
Use of computer in community pharmacy
• Computers are now days used in community pharmacy for various purposes. The following
are application of computer in community pharmacy:-
1) Communication: For communicating with staff member and customer via E-mail, social
2) Prescription handling and billing: To check compability of prescriptions and for billing
3) For Inventory management and financial records. Nowdays various computer based
software are used for inventory management and billing.
4) For Medical record keeping .
5) For Drug information , health related informationand counselling using different software
and via internet site.
6) For research activities
7) For Training new staff and internee, students.
Business law of community pharmacy
• For registration of community pharmacy:
• The minimum requirement is asst. pharmacist(diploma in pharmacy).
• If both pharmacist and owner is same, then one have to present various documents: Citizenship, location map of
pharmacy, rent agreement with landlord, academic certificated, pharmacy council certificate and application in
format of schedule 8 of drug act.
• Then one should pay fees as mentioned in schedule 14 of drug act.
• Then one get registration certificate as schedule 9 of drug act which is valid for 2 yrs and after that should be
renewed yearly by paying fees as mentioned is schedule 14 of drug act.
• Then registration should be done in company registration and income tax office for PAN of pharmacy.
• In case , if pharmacist and owner are different then, appointment letter of pharmacist should be presented.
While running pharmacy:
Pharmacist or under his supervision, medicine should be dispensed.
Prescription only medicine should be dispensed by pharmacist only.
For narcotic and psychotropic , proper record should be kept in prescribed format of DDA .
Narcotic &psychotropic should be kept in lock and key system rack with authorized accessibility.

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