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Journal/Books/Website Mapping

Spill-over Characterization of Brand Transgression:

A Study of Micro and Marco Level Effects
Main Research Objective
• To find out the spill-over effects of various types of brand
transgression on:
– Brand’s country image,
– Other brands from the same country and
– Consumers’ behavioral intentions towards transgressing brand.

• Transgression types:
– Expert Brand Transgression
– Empathic Brand Transgression
– Expressive Brand Transgression
– Exclusive Brand Transgression
• Brand Transgression
• Prototypicality
• Country Image
• Behavioral Intentions
• Consumer-brand Relationship
• Out-group Homogeneity Bias
• Brand Attachment
Core Journals
ABDC Impact Factor
Journal of International Marketing A 4.9
Journal of Consumer Research A* 4.2
International Marketing Review A* 1.67
Journal of Marketing A* 5.3
Journal of Advertising A 2.89
Journal of Marketing Research A* 3.7
Journal of Consumer Psychology A 2.009
Journal of Brand Management A 1.59*
Journal of Marketing Management A 2.12
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice B 1.20
Journal of Product and Brand Management B 2.59*
*Scopus Citescore
Peripheral Journals & Websites
ABDC Impact Factor
Journal of Research in Personality A 2.251
Journal of Business Ethics A 1.837
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and ---- ----
Complaining Behaviour
Journal of Public Relations Research B 1.720
Foreign Affairs ----
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General A* 4.070
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology A 2.219
Harvard Business Review A 0.72
The Wall Street Journal ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

The Principles of Experimental Research

Product-Country Images: Impact and Role in International Marketing
Brand Meaning Management
Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
Journal of International Marketing
• Founded in 1993

• Frequency: Quarterly

• JIM aims to advance the exploration of issues that include the implications of

customers’ orientation in multinational business, cross-cultural market

segmentation, and market research.

• The journal's prime objective is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in

international marketing.

• Balanced between academic and managerial approach.

• Methodologically, more focus towards quantitative side.

• Turnaround time for most manuscripts is seven weeks.

• Manuscript acceptance rate for the past year is 11%.

• Publisher: American Marketing Association (AMA).

Selected Articles from JIM
• Allman, Helena F., Fenik, Anton P., Hewett, Kelly and Morgan, Felicia N. (2016). Brand Image
Evaluations: The Interactive Roles of Country of Manufacture, Brand Concept, and
Vertical Line Extension Type.

• Balabanis, G. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2011). Gains and losses from the misperception of
brand origin: the role of brand strength and country-of-origin image.

• Elliot, G., & Cameron, R. (1994). Consumer Perception of Product quality and the Country-
of-origin Effect.

• Koschate-Fischer, N., Diamantopoulos, A. and Oldenkotte, K. (2012). Are consumers really

willing to pay more for a favourable country image? A study of country-of-origin effects
on willingness to pay.

• Lee, R., Lockshin, L., and Greenacre, L., (2016). A Memory-Theory Perspective of Country-
Image Formation.

• Magnusson, P., Krishnan, V., Westjohn, S. A., and Zdravkovic, S. (2014). The Spillover Effects
of Prototype Brand Transgressions on Country Image and Related Brands.
Journal of Consumer Research
• Founded in 1974
• Frequency: Bimonthly
• JCR publishes empirical, theoretical, and methodological
papers of the highest quality on topics in consumer
• Primary thrust of JCR is academic, rather than managerial
• Financial Times Top 50 business journals.
• More focus on quantitative side.
• More strict about data collection permissions/policies.
• Most publishing decisions are made within 60 days of
manuscript submission.
• Publisher: Oxford University Press.
Selected Articles from JCR
• Aaker, J., Susan F., & S. Adam B. (2004). When Good Brands Do Bad.

• Escalas, J., & Bettman, J. R. (2003). You are what they eat: The influence of reference groups on
consumers’ connections to brands.

• Escalas, J., & Bettman, J. R. (2005). Self-construal, reference groups and brand meaning.

• Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer

• Keller, K. L. (2003). Brand synthesis: The multi-dimensionality of brand knowledge.

• Sheppard, Blair H., Hartwick, Jon, & Warshaw, Paul R. (1988). The Theory of Reasoned Action: A
Meta-analysis of Past Research with Recommendations for Modifications and Future Research.

• Swaminathan, V., Stilley, K. M., & Ahluwalia, R. (2009). When brand personality matters: The
moderating role of attachment styles.

• Zauberman, Gal, Rebecca K. Ratner, & B. Kyu Kim (2009). Memories as Assets: Strategic Memory
Protection in Choice over Time.
Journal of Advertising
• Founded in 1972

• Frequency: Quarterly

• Rankings: 6/79 in Communication; 38/121 in Business.

• Premier journal devoted to the development of advertising theory and its

relationship to practice.

• Values and publishes both conceptual (non-empirical) and empirical work.

• The journal is also unbiased in preference to methodologies employed in empirical

papers so long as the methodological approach properly fits the study’s aims and
research questions.

• Primary thrust is towards managerial implications instead of academics.

• Review process normally takes 2 months.

• The journal regularly publishes special issues focused on a single theme, issue or

• Publisher: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

Selected Articles from JoA
• Blackston, M. (2000). Building brand equity by managing the brand’s

• Veronica L. Thomas & Kendra Fowler (2016). Examining the impact of brand
transgression on consumers’ perceptions of celebrity endorsers.

• Judith A. G. Folse , Scot B. & Richard G. Netemeyer (2013). Defending Brands:

Effects of Alignment of Spokescharacter Personality Traits and
Corporate Transgressions on Brand Trust and Attitudes.
Journal of Marketing
• Founded: 1936

• Frequency: Bimonthly

• Publisher: American Marketing Association (AMA)

• JM is positioned as the premier, broad-based, scholarly

journal of the marketing discipline, focusing on substantive
issues in marketing and marketing management.

• Readership composed of heterogeneous groups of

academics and practitioners.

• Diverse substantive areas of interest and philosophical


• The mix of articles published in any issue of JM will vary

markedly in their orientation, level of sophistication, nature
of contribution to the field, and segment appeal.
Selected Articles from JM
• Balachander, Subramanian & Sanjoy Ghose, (2003). Reciprocal Spill-over Effects: A Strategic
Benefit of Brand Extensions.

• John, D. R., Loken, B., & Joiner, C. (1998). The negative impact of extensions: Can flagship
products be diluted?

• Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity.

• Loken, B., & John, D. R. (1993). Diluting brand beliefs: When do brand extensions have a
negative impact.

• Melnyk, Valentyna, Kristina Klein, & Franziska Völcker (2012). The Double-Edged Sword of
Foreign Brand Names for Companies from Emerging Markets.

• Thomson, Matthew (2006). Human Brands: Investigating Antecedents to Consumers’ Strong

Attachments to Celebrities.

• Zeithaml, Berry & Parasuraman, (1996). The Behavioural Consequences of Service Quality.
International Marketing Review
• Founded: 1983

• Frequency: Bimonthly

• Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing

• 2016 Impact Factor: 1.672*

• 5-year Impact Factor (2016): 3.450*

• Special Issue (2017): Country of origin research revisited:

seeking new methods and variables

• Editors: Eunju Ko , Byeong-Joon Moon and Peter

Selected Articles from IMR
• Agarwal, Sanjeev and Samir Sikri. (1996). Country Image:
Consumer Evaluation of Product Category Extensions.

• Cakici, N. Meltem, Shukla, Paurav, (2017). Country-of-origin

misclassification awareness and consumers’ behavioral
intentions: Moderating roles of consumer affinity, animosity,
and product knowledge.

• Magnusson, Peter, Stanford A. Westjohn, and Srdan Zdravkovic

(2011). What? I Thought Samsung Was Japanese’: Accurate
or Not, Perceived Country of Origin Matters.
Journal of Marketing Research
• Frequency: Bimonthly

• Publisher: American Marketing Association (AMA)

• Concentrates on the subject of marketing research,

from its philosophy, concepts, and theories to its
methods, techniques, and applications.

• Published for technically oriented research

analysts, educators, and statisticians.

• Review process duration: 2.6 months

Selected Articles from JMR
• Aaker, J. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality.

• Broniarczyk, S.M., & Alba, J.W., (1994). The importance of brand in brand extension.

• Dawar, N., & Pillutla, M. M. (2000). Impact of product-harm crises on brand equity:
The moderating role of consumer expectations.

• Hsieh, M.H. (2004). An Investigation of Country-of-origin effect using

Correspondence Analysis, A Cross-national Context.

• Morrin, M. (1999). The impact of brand extensions on parent brand memory

structures and retrieval processes.

• Roehm, Michelle and Alice Tybout (2006). When Will a Brand Scandal Spill Over, and
How Should Competitors Respond?
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
• Founded :1965

• Publisher: Elsevier

• Frequency: Bimonthly

• Impact Factor (2016): 2.159

• 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.974

• Focused on publishing primary reports of research in social

psychology that use experimental or quasi-experimental

• Encourages submissions explaining methodological or

statistical considerations.
Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods
• Authors: John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark

• Originally published: August, 2006

• The authors provided state-of-the-art information about mixed

methods approaches to research.

• Includes four complete current studies that exemplify distinctive

research using mixed methods...

• Provides researchers with sufficient information about how to match

their research problem to an appropriate design...

• Combines the latest thinking about mixed methods research designs

with practical, step-by-step guidelines for the decisions that
researchers face when designing and conducting a mixed methods
research study.
Journal Frequency Papers Papers Methodological Orientation
published published
in each in last 5
issue years Qualitative Quantitative Mixed
(On Avg.) (Approx.) Methods

JIM Quarterly 5 100 7 87 6

JCR Bimonthly 10 300 23 253 24
JA Quarterly 8 160 15 114 31
JM Bimonthly 8 240 13 198 29
IMR Bimonthly 6 190 19 145 26
JMR Bimonthly 10 300 19 251 30
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