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Bab 6: Kemahiran Mendengar/ Mencerap
Tell me about your hometown..
 Cari seorang rakan (find a partner)
 Anda dan rakan perlu menceritakan dengan terperinci
tentang kampung/bandar di mana anda berdua tinggal
secara bergilir-gilir selama 10 minit (you and your partner
will tell about each other’s hometown. Each person will be
given 5 minutes to tell the other about his/her hometown)
 Anda tidak dibenarkan mencatat sebarang maklumat
yang diceritakan rakan anda (you are not allowed to do
any note taking)
 Anda dikehendaki untuk menceritakan kembali apa yang
anda ingat tentang kampung beliau (after 10 minutes, you
are required to share the story of your partner’s hometown
to the class)
Mencerap (LISTENING)

 Mentakrifkan & membezakan

mencerap dan mendengar (to
distinguish listening and hearing)
 Menjelaskan peringkat
mencerap (listening levels)
 Menjelaskan proses mencerap
(to explain listening process)
Definisi (definition)
 Mendengar?(hearing)

 Berlaku hanya di peringkat penerimaan

mesej (DeVito, 2003)- occurs only at
message receiving level
 Proses dimana gelombang bunyi
memasuki gegendang telinga dan
menghasilkan getaran yang dihantar ke
otak (Adler & Rodman,2003) – a process
in which sound waves strike the eardrum
and cause vibrations that are
transmitted to the brain
 Mencerap? (listening)

 Proses dimana pemberi dan penerima mesej

komunikasi berusaha utk mencapai persefahaman
(DeVito, 2003) - a process in which senders and
receiver attempt to achieve mutual understanding

 Berlaku apabila otak mentafsir dan memberi

makna kepada impuls yang diterima (Adler &
Rodman,2003)- listening occurs when the brain
reconstructs the electrochemical impulses into a
representation of the original sound and then gives
them meaning

Figure 5.1 A Five-Stage Model of Listening

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2006 6
 Attend to Both Verbal
Step 1 - Receiving
and Nonverbal Cues
 Avoid Distractions
 Avoid Interrupting

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2006 7
 Relate New Data to
Step 2 - Understanding Known Information
 See Speaker’s Point
of View
 Ask Questions
 Paraphrase Ideas

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 Identify Central
Step 3 -
Ideas and Support
Remembering  Summarize the
 Repeat Names and
Key Concepts

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 Resist Premature
Step 4 - Evaluating
 Distinguish Facts from
 Identify Biases and

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 Be Supportive
Step 5 - Responding
 Be Honest
 State Your Thoughts
and Feelings as Your

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2006 11
Stail mencerap yang berkesan
(Styles of effective listening)
 Mencerap secara empati

 Mencerap secara kritikal dan non-

 Mencerap secara aktif
Mencerap secara empati
(Empathic Listening)
 Untuk memahami makna dan perasaan seseorang (To understand what
a person’s meaning and feelings)
 empati bermaksud meletakkan diri ditempat orang lain (To empathize is
to feel with them, to see the world as they see, to feel what they feel)
 Cara mencerap secara empati (steps to empathic listening):
 Fahami perspektif mereka yang bercakap (Understand Speaker’s
 Fahami pemikiran dan perasaan (Understand Thoughts and Feelings)
 Elakkan mencerap secara menghukum (Avoid “Offensive Listening”)

Mencerap secara kritikal dan non-judgmental (critical
and non-judgemental listening)
 Pencerapan berkesan melibatkan maklumbalas secara kritikal dan non-
judgmental (Effective listening includes both critical and nonjudgmental
 Mencerap secara non-judgmental berlaku apabila anda mencerap
dengan pemikiran terbuka dan kearah memahami (Nonjudgmental
listening is you listen with an open mind and with a view toward
 Mencerap secara kritikal berlaku apabila anda mencerap untuk membuat
penilaian dan pengadilan (Critical listening occurs when you listen with a
view toward making some kind of evaluation and judgment
Mencerap secara aktif (active listening)

 Mencerap secara aktif adalah proses memberi maklumbalas kepada

pemberi mesej apa yang anda sebagai pencerap fikir tentang makna
beliau - dari segi kandungan mesej dan perasan (Active listening is a
process of sending back to the speaker what you as listener think the
speaker meant i.e both in content and in feelings)
 Melibatkan 3 teknik :
▪ Parafrasa (Paraphrase Speaker’s Meaning)
▪ Tunjukkan pemahaman(Express Understanding of
Speaker’s Feelings)
▪ Bertanyakan soalan (Ask Questions to Ensure
Faedah mencerap (Benefits of effective
 Read the story :”my unexpected
 Membantu (Help others)
 Belajar (Learn - Acquire
Knowledge and Avoid Problems)
 Berhubung (Relate - Gain Social
 Pengaruh (Influence Others

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Big people monopolize the

listening. Small people
monopolize the talking

Communication is about
listening, not talking!

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