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Overview of PowerPoint
1. ATP
2. Energy
3. Quiz
4. Energy systems
Lesson goal
At the end of this lesson you should be able to
•list all 3 energy systems
•give a basic description on how they work
Adenosine Triphosphate
•Our body stores energy in the form of Adenosine
Triphosphate (ATP)
•ATP made up of 1 Adenosine molecule and 3 phosphate
•Is where TRIphosphate comes from
•Our body requires energy, this energy comes from the
breakdown of ATP in our cells.

Breakdown of ATP=Energy=Movement

•All energy for cellular activity comes from ATP

AT Energy is released when the
Phosphate bond is broken.

Adenosine P P P

Adenosine P P Adenosine P P
P = P Energy

Adenosine P P
= Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
How ATP is generated
•Our cells can’t get energy directly from food
•Needs to be stored as a useable form of energy ATP
•The food we eat contains energy (kilojoules)
•This energy is used to produce ATP molecules
•Energy is stored in ATP like a battery
ATP is like a battery for the body
Body uses ATP
Energy released when it needs
Is broken down to from breakdown of to
glucose is stored in
Glucose an ATP Molecule
Fatty acids
Amino Acids

Continuously recharging the battery

•3 types of nutrients we can get energy from
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Fats

•We digest these nutrients to convert them to other forms so we can used them
to generate ATP
- Carbohydrates Glucose ATP
- Proteins Amino Acids AT
-Fats Fatty acids AT
True or false
Glucose is the only useable form of energy our body can

ATP is the only useable form of energy
Energy Systems
•ATP is generated through 3 different energy systems
•The energy system the body generates it through depends on the
intensity and the duration of the exercise being performed
•ATP-PC system = very quick explosive exercise
•Lactic Acid system= Moderately intense exercise lasting several
•Aerobic system= Long duration exercise
Anaerobic and Aerobic
An anaerobic energy system is one that does not require oxygen to
generate ATP
An aerobic energy system is one that does require oxygen to
generate ATP
ATP-PC system
•Is an anaerobic energy system
•Used for explosive exercises lasting 8-10 seconds
•Generates ATP very quickly but only limited supply (runs out quick)
•The most inefficient energy system
ATP-PC system- How it works
•ATP is stored in the muscles and liver for quick access
•ATP stores run out in 2-3 seconds
•When you move ATP is broken down to ADP +P to generate energy for the body
to use.
•When the Phosphate is split that’s where the energy comes from
•ATP stores in the muscle run out very quickly therefore we must generate more
•VERY useful for quick explosive exercises, generates ATP very quickly but also
runs out quickly
ATP-PC system- How it works
•Phosphate creatine (PC) is another compound stored in the muscle
•Is broken down to P+C to release energy for ADP to combine with the extra

PC P C Energy ADP P Energy ATP

•However PC stores also run out quickly and that is why ATP-PC system only lasts
for 10seconds
•PC stores back to 98% after 3 minutes of rest
When is the ATP-PC system used?
•When is the ATP-PC system the main energy system used?

Heavy Weight lifting

100m sprint
ATP-PC recap
•Phosphate creatine (PC) is broken down, breaking it down releases energy that
is used to form ATP from ADP and P + energy
•PC stores only last approximately 10 seconds
•Therefore used for short exercises (100m sprint)
•Generates ATP very quickly
Lactic acid energy system
• Also known as the Anaerobic energy system
•Breaks down glucose and glycogen to form ATP
•Generating ATP through this energy system also produces lactic acid
•Lactic acid causes our body to fatigue
•Therefore can only be used for exercises lasting 2-3 minutes
•Lactic build up makes muscles feel heavy and tired
Lactic acid energy system-How it works
•When the muscles run out of PC stores must generate ATP another way – lactic
acid energy system
•Body breaks down glucose or glycogen to generate ATP through a process called
Anaerobic glycolysis or just glycolysis
•If oxygen is not present the body will also produce lactic acid in the process
•1 molecule of glucose will produce 2 molecules of ATP
•1 molecule of glycogen will produce 3 molecules of ATP
•Glycogen is stored in the muscles and liver
True or false?
The ATP-PC system can only be used once every 30 minutes.

The ATP-PC system is able to almost fully restore itself in 3
Lactic acid energy system
When is it predominately used?

•Intense exercises lasting 2-3 minutes

•400-800m run
•Many team sports- Netball, football
Aerobic energy system
•Most efficient energy system – also slowest
•Can only generate ATP in the presence of oxygen
•Is used for long distance events or exercises lasting longer than 5
Aerobic energy system- How it works
•Begins the same way the lactic acid energy system does- breakdown of glucose
and glycogen
•If oxygen IS present lactic acid will not be produced and instead more ATP is
formed through Aerobic glycolysis
•Generates ATP much slower than Anaerobic glycolysis and even more slower
than ATP-PC system therefore is used for low intensity/long duration exercise.
•With oxygen 1 glucose molecule generates 36 molecules of ATP
•1 glycogen molecule generates 37 molecules of ATP
•Fatty acids are broken down to produce 129ATP
Aerobic system-When is it used
•When is it used?
•Continuous exercise lasting longer than 5 minutes

Marathon Long distance

Quick quiz
1. Which energy system is the quickest?
2. Which energy system is the most efficient?
3. If I was running a 800m what energy system would I predominately use?
4. True or false – Sitting down would use the aerobic energy system
5. What are carbs, fats and proteins broken down to when they first enter the body?
2. Aerobic
3.Lactic acid
5. Glucose,
fatty acids
and amino
Using multiple energy systems
An exercise can use more than one energy system – Many exercises
For example a swimmer diving off the blocks to swim 1500m will
initially use the ATP-PC system to dive off the blocks quickly but then
switch to the aerobic energy system to swim 1500m
A football player will use the ATP-PC system to have a quick run or
make a tackle, but then switch to aerobic when high intensity
movement is not required.
Advantages and disadvantages
What are some advantages and disadvantages of each energy system?
Lactic acid
Advantages Aerobic
- Fastest energy system - Produces moderate amount Advantages
- Can be used for very powerful Advantages - Efficient
of ATP
- Can be used for longer than - Produces a lot of ATP
- Does not require oxygen - Can be used for a long time
ATP-CP system
- Does not require oxygen
Disadvantages - Slowest energy system
- Very limited duration Disadvantages
- Produces lactic acid (causes - Cant be used for intense
- Most inefficient energy
fatigue) exercise
- Can only be used for around 3
What energy systems would softball use and when would we use each one?
-When we are batting
-When we are throwing
-When we run to each base
Lactic acid
-Running to retrieve ball fielding
-Home run

-Standing in the field

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