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Topic Revision Questions Part 1

The following are 6 question slides 15, 19, 30, 31, 43 and 48
extracted from the power point:

CELL MEMBRANE AND TRANSPORT II which was last uploaded

in class materials on teams.

Discuss them if you’d not done so to deepen your

understanding of the topic being covered
15. Phospholipid bilayer and related functions
Which substances (i) can ; (ii) cannot cross the
hydrophobic core into or out of the cell? (p.76
of coursebook)
19. Functions of cholesterol in the
Cholesterol is linked to the following
functions in the plasma membrane:
(a) membrane fluidity
(b) membrane stability
(c) membrane permeability
In relation to changing temperatures
30. Cholesterol: Revision question
• Explain the contribution of cholesterol molecules
to each of the following in the cell surface
(a) membrane fluidity
(b) membrane stability
(c) membrane permeability
31. Chemical composition in cytoplasm vs extra-cellular fluid

What observations can you make

in reference to the data provided
in the table aside?

What conclusions can you make

on the possibility of the above

How do your conclusions relate

with the plasma membrane
structure and functions?
43. Carrier protein: membrane function
1. What molecules are
transported by carrier
proteins in the

2. Why are these

molecules transported
by carrier proteins in
the membrane?

3. How different is a:
(a) carrier protein from
protein carrier?
(b) carrier protein from

a channel protein?
48. Review questions on membrane proteins
• Outline the various modifications of protein structure
found in the cell surface membrane

• State the function of membrane proteins in

movement of materials across cells
• Describe the role of proteins in the membrane
stability and cell shape
• State the role of membrane proteins in cell signaling
This deals with the function of phospholipids in maintaining
membrane fluidity, stability and permeability with changing
environmental factors such as temperature of the
surrounding medium
Function of cell surface membrane
• To allow or enable efficient exchange of materials
between the cell and its environment
• To achieve this, membranes have to be:
(a) stable but flexible to changes that are needed
(b) selectively or partially permeable to materials
(c) with a large surface area for increased exchange
(d) thin to offer short distances for quick exchange
Phospholipids and membrane functions

Are responsible for:

(a) membrane fluidity;
(b) membrane permeability;
(c) membrane stability;
(d) cell signaling;*

To be discussed later in this chapter (from slide 14 of part II)

Function of phospholipids
• Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine are
examples of two important membrane phospholipids
• The main function of phospholipids is to create a stable
barrier between two aqueous compartments. This can
be the intracellular and extracellular compartments/
media in a cell membrane

• This ensures that exchange occurs only across specific

protein molecules in the membrane
Phospholipids and membrane fluidity
The type of hydrocarbon tail in the phospholipid affects the fluidity
of the membrane
Phospholipids and membrane fluidity
• Membranes are more fluid when they contain more
……………………….. fatty acid (hydrocarbon) tails in their
phospholipids than ………………….. fatty acid tails.

• More ……………………………… fatty acid tails result into

…………………… distance between the phospholipids
making the phospholipid bilayer / membrane more fluid
<complete correctly>
Review question on phospholipids
• In relation to the unsaturated and saturated fatty acid tails of
phospholipids in the membrane, when is the membrane:
(a) more stable?
(b) less stable?

• In relation to the unsaturated and saturated fatty acid tails of

phospholipids in the membrane, when is the membrane:
(a) more fluid?
(b) less fluid?
Review question on phospholipids
• Suggest the nature and ratio of the phospholipids in the
plasma membrane when it is:
(a) more fluid (less rigid)
(b) less fluid (more rigid)

• Suggest what happens to the structure of phospholipids in

the membrane at:
(a) higher temperature
(b) lower temperature
Review question on phospholipids
• Why is membrane stability important?
• Why is membrane permeability important?
• State the relationship between membrane
stability and permeability.
• In what ways does membrane fluidity affect both
stability and permeability?
Review question on phospholipid bilayer
•Which membrane molecules account for
each of the following:
(a) membrane stability?
(b) membrane permeability?
(c) membrane fluidity?
Review question on phospholipid bilayer
• Explain the contribution of each of the
membrane molecules that account for:
(a) membrane stability
(b) membrane permeability
(c) membrane fluidity

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