Vitamin K N H Project

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Vitamin K:

A Fat Soluble Vitamin

Biochemical Principles
Zane Baughman & Alethea Carr
Henrik Dam

What Kinds of Vitamin K?


(13) (16)
Phylloquinone (K1) or
Menaquinone (K2)?
Sources and Types of Vitamin K
● Leafy Green Vegetables and Oils (5)
○ Ex: Spinach, Soybean Oil, and Olive Oil

● Meats, and Fermented Foods (5)

○ Eggs, Cheeses, and Steaks

● Microfloral Bacteria in the Intestine (5) (18)

○ K3-K14
Structure of Vitamin K
● Molecular weight = 450.7g/mol
● C31H46O2
● 2-methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone nucleus but differ in the
structures of a side chain (7)


● Yellow viscous oil, light yellow solid, and pale yellow or

yellow crystal form (15)
● Insoluble in water, soluble in fats (vegetable oils)
● Dietary allowance for vitamin K in young adults is 80
microg phylloquinone/d approximately 150 microg/d for
older adults (1)
Pathways of
Vitamin K (6)

Quinone Reductase
γ-Glutamyl Carboxylase (GGCX)
Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase (VKOR)

● Oral anticoagulant that can be used in treating

individuals who suffer from blood clots (11)
● Blocks the Vitamin K Epoxide pathway (4)

● Inhibits important clotting factors and proteins from

becoming active (11)

Vitamin K Dependent Proteins

● Must be activated by vitamin K to clot blood (10)

● Important Cofactors (11)
○ II, VII, IX, X
● Prothrombin
○ converted to the active form thrombin during the
coagulation process
Diseases Associated

Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB)


● Infants- Regardless of Sex, Origin (3)
○ Most Greatly Affected Anywhere Between 1 Day and 12 Weeks
○ Vitamin K Shot at Birth
● Susceptibility (3)
○ Trace Amounts of Vitamin Through Placenta
○ Bacteria Not Formed Yet
○ Low Levels of Vitamin in Colostral Milk
● Symptoms Suggesting VKDB (3)
○ Easily Bruises
○ Bleeding from Nose or Umbilical Cord
○ Hematemesis

● Deficiency of Vitamin K Interferes With Osteocalcin

● Affects Bone Mineral Density

● Majority of Testing Performed on Post-Menopausal Women
Excess Vitamin K Intake

● Most often in infants

● K-3 (Menadione) most often the cause. Also not used


● Causes liver dysfunction, and Jaundice (8)

1. Booth, S.L.; Suttie, J.W. Dietary Intake and Adequacy of Vitamin K. J. Nutr. 1998, Volume 128, Issue 5, 785-788.
2. British Heart Foundation. (accessed Nov. 29, 2019)
3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding. (accessed Oct. 14, 2019).
4. Drugs. (accessed Nov. 29, 2019)
5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Chapter 10: Vitamin K. (accessed Oct. 19, 2019)
6. Higdon, J. Drake, V. Delage, B. Vitamin K. Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center. 2014.
7. National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Database. Vitamin K. (accessed Oct. 16, 2019).
8. Rosenbloom, Mark, Medscape, Vitamin K Toxicity. (accessed Dec. 3, 2019)
9. Orthopedic Design & Technology. (accessed Nov. 29, 2019)
10. Palta, S. Soroa, R. Palta, A. Overview of the Coagulation System. India Journal of Anaesthesia. 2014, 58, 515-523.
11. Patel, S. Singh, R. Warfarin, StatPearls Publishing: Treasure Island, FL, 2019
12. Research Gate. (accessed Nov. 20,
13. Styles At Life. (accessed Nov. 20, 2019)
14. Tampa Bay Times. (accessed N0v. 29, 2019)
15. The Fat-soluble Vitamins, DeLuca, H.F.; Suttie, J.W., Ed.; The University of Wisconsin Press: Madison, Wisconsin, 1970.
16. The Incredible Egg. (accessed Nov. 23, 2019)
17. The Nobel Prize. (accessed Nov. 23, 2019)
18. Tsunagujapan. (accessed Nov. 29, 2019)
19. 123RF. (accessed Nov. 23, 2019)

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