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Writing the Third Chapter


Dr. Seyed Ali Fallahchay

Research Instrument

Research Instruments used in a thesis or dissertation depends also

on whether the research study being conducted falls into the
category of a quantitative or qualitative study.
• Qualitative study the researcher may opt to use the following
data collection instruments depending on the purpose of the
study: field notes, diary, journal notes, participant observation,
interviews, life histories, artifacts, documents, video recordings,
audio recordings and others.
The researcher records the observations and interview
material either by audio tape or by handwritten notes.
• Quantitative studies survey questionnaires may be used.
It is advisable that the said instrument is pilot tested with a
smaller number of participants. After piloting the
instrument, it is refined create a better. If not an ideal
instrument for the research.
Advantages in pilot testing
1. A foretaste of how the researcher will perform in the process;

2. A validation that the processes will work;

3. Assurance that the materials sought to be collected are the ones
4. An opportunity to experiment with procedures for analyzing
the data; and,
5. An opportunity to revise research procedures as necessary.
The Questionnaire

One of the most popular ways of gathering primary data is through

the use of well-prepared questionnaire. A questionnaire includes
the following parts.
1. The Cover-letter. The cover letter is a formal and simple
communication to your respondents. Generally it is composed
of three sections.
• Cover letter – introduce yourself and state your research title.

• Brief introduction of your research and explain the rationale or

reason for the choice of your study.
• Assure your respondents strict confidentiality of their responses,
and then express your appreciation for their cooperation.
2. The respondent’s profile: the respondent’s profile includes the
demographic and/or the psychographic profiles of the
respondents, and all other variables deemed necessary in the
3. The questionnaire proper contains the substance of the research
study. Take note that the success of your paper is largely
dependent on how the research content is treated.
Features of good questionnaire:

• The questions or statement are clear, precise and simple.

• The questions are correctly worded.

• The questions are logically and systematically written.

• The questions state the precise units of the variables.

• The questions are answerable by means of checking.

4. Questions can either be structures or unstructured.
• Structured questions require definite responses while
unstructured questions solicit opinions suggestions, comments
or other remarks.
5. Questions can be answered using scales to accurately measure
degree or extent.
• The Likert scale accurately measures the degree of agreement
or disagreement. Example: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and
strongly disagree.
• The rating scale accurately measures the level of evaluation
using varying descriptive terms. Example: for initiative – seeks
additional work, prepares assigned work regularly, needs
occasional prodding, needs constant pressure, and seldom
works even under pressure.
• Self-report inventories require responses to structured questions
answerable by “yes” or “no”, or by “yes”, “no” or “unsure”.
6. For questions involving numerical data, make sure that the
ranges are equal. For example, 20-25, 26-31 and so forth.
Survey Questionnaire

Date: _____________

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am, Ms./Mr _____________, a student of ______(Name of School/Institution)____________. In partial

fulfillment of the requirement for a _____Program (e.g., Masters in Business Administration)_____, I am
writing a research study to assess _________________ new administration for quality management

It is indeed change management has big impact for employees’ policy, job satisfaction, and employees’
benefits. The responsibilities of management have become the urgent concerns of employees’
development and improvement toward success in this organization.

Hence, may I request you to please answer all questions as objectively as possible. Rest assured that all
responses will be treated with strict confidentiality. Thank you.

Yours truly,

I. Respondent’s Profile

Please answer each of the following by checking:

1.1 Gender: _______ Male _______ Female

1.2 Age: _______ 20 – 25

_______ 26 – 31

_______ 32 – 37

_______ 38 - 43

_______ 44 – 49

_______ 50 – and above

1.3 Civil status _______ Single _______ Married

1.4 Number of Children: _______ None

_______ 1 – 3

_______ 4 – 6

1.5 Highest Educational Attainment: _______ Bachelor

_______ Masteral

_______ Doctoral

1.6 Monthly Income: _______ Below P15, 000

_______ P15, 000 – 24, 999

_______ P25, 000 – 34, 999

_______ P35, 000 – 44, 999

_______ P45, 000 and above

1.7 Position in the organization: _______ Top management

_______ Middle management

_______ Rank and File

1.8 Length of service in the organization: _______ Below 5 years

II. Organizational Profile

2.1 Type of organization:

_______ Local _______ Subsidiary

_______ Joint venture _______ Mergers

_______ Multinational

2.2 Organization size: _______ Small

_______ Medium

_______ Large

2.3 Number of employees: _______ Less than 100

_______ 100 – 199

_______ 200 – 299

_______ 300 and above

2.4 Number of years in operation: _______ Less than 5 years

_______ 5 – 9 years

_______ 10 – 14 years

_______ 15 – 19 years

_______ 20 and above

II. Organizational variables

Please rate the following statements as to the degree of your agreement using the following scale:

4- Strongly agree

3- Agree

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree

Leadership and planning 1 2 3 4

1. I have confidence in the leadership of this


2. The leader of this organization care about the

employees' wellbeing.

3. There is adequate planning of objectives.

4. There is adequate follow through of departmental


5. The leaders of this organization are open to inputs

from employees.
Corporate culture and communications

1. The organization’s communicant in frequent.

2. The organization's corporate communications are

detailed enough.

3. I have a good understanding of how this organization

is doing financially.

4. I can trust what this organization tells me.

5. This organization treats me like a person, not an


6. This organization gives me enough recognition for

work that is well done.

7. Staffing levels are adequate to provide quality


8. Quality is a top priority with this organization.

9. I believe there is a spirit of cooperation within this


10. Employees are treated fairly here regardless of race,

gender, age, religion or sexual orientation.

11. Changes that may affect me are communicated to me

prior to implementation.
Organization role

1. I like the type of work that I do.

2. I am given enough authority to make decisions I need

to make.

3. I believe my job is secure.

4. Deadlines of this organization are realistic.

5. I feel I am valued in this organization.

6. I feel part of a team working toward a shared goal.

7. I am able to maintain a reasonable balance between

work and my personal life.

8. I have a clear understanding of my job role.

9. I understand the importance of my role to the success

of the organization.
Work environment

1. My physical working conditions are good.

2. My general work area is adequately lit.

3. My general work area is adequately clean.

4. There is adequate noise control to allow me to focus

on my work.

5. I feel physically safe in my work environment.

Relationship with immediate supervisor

1. My supervisor treats me fairly.

2. My supervisor treats me with respect.

3. My supervisor handles my work-related issues


4. My supervisor is open to hearing my opinion or


5. I feel I can trust what my supervisor tells me.

6. My supervisor helps me develop to my fullest

Training and development

1. This organization provided as much initial training as I


2. This organization provides me enough information

and equipment and resources I need to do my job

3. This organization provides training or experiences to

help me explore other possible opportunities within

4. The trainings that I undertake are relevant to my

current job.

5. The trainings that I join contribute to my professional

grow and development.

Compensation and Benefits

1. My pay is fair for the work I perform.

2. Compensation I am receiving to the work that I am


3. My work pay is enough for my family expenses.

4. I enjoy satisfactory benefit from my Organization.

5. I trust that if I perform my job well, my organization

may increase my salary and may consider me for a

6. Wages and paid accurately and on time.

7. Management is totally committed to health and


8. Management only bothers to look at health and

safety after an incident.

9. My line manager would be helpful if I voiced concern

over a health and safety matter.

10. Health and safety procedures do not need to be

followed to get the job done.
Employees Satisfaction

Overall, I am satisfied with this organization as one employee. _______Yes, ______ No

Work effectiveness

1. If work gets difficult, my colleagues will help me.

2. I respect organization equipment as if it were my


3. I feel obliged to keep equipment and tidy.

4. There is an effective system for reporting and repair

of defects.

5. I have a neglect some task because I have too much

to do.

6. I have choice in deciding how I do my work.

7. There is friction or anger between colleagues.

8. I have to work very fast.

9. I have unrealistic time pressures.

10. I am subject to bullying at work.

Work-related concerns.

1. I have sufficient opportunities to question managers

about change at work.

2. My working time can flexible.

3. My colleagues are willing to my work-related


4. The management takes an interest and act upon the

outcomes of departments/focus meetings.

5. The organization operates an effective open door


6. The organization shows interests in my reports or


7. There are sufficient processes to make suggestions or

improvement within the workplace.

8. I consider working procedure to be important.

9. I find working procedures easy and logical to follow.

Employees Satisfaction

Overall, I am satisfied with this organization as one employee. _______Yes, ______ No

Statistical Treatment
• Statistical treatment makes explicit the different statistical
methods and formulas needed in the analysis of the research data.
As mentioned earlier, varied types of statistical tests can be used
depending on the nature of the data and the type of research
problem presented.
• Sources of data: Primary data and secondary data. Primary data
are data gathered by the researcher himself whereas secondary
data are data collected from published materials, experts,
agencies, institutions and from the Internet.
• Classifications of Data
• Quantitative or Qualitative. Quantitative data are data those are
measurable like number of persons, number of light bulbs. Qualitative
data are those which are merely descriptive like personality and beauty.
• Discrete and continuous are data expressed as units or entities and are
expressed as whole numbers like number of pens and chairs. Continuous
data are data represented with fractional parts.
Levels of Measurement
• Nominal scale is used for variables which are mutually
exclusive and equivalent (e.g., male/female).
• Ordinal scale is used for variables which are mutually
exclusive and ranked (e.g., top management, middle
management, and rank and file).
• Interval scale is used for variables which are ordinal, with
equal intervals and where the point of reference is other than
zero (e.g., Fahrenheit scale)
• Ratio scale is used for variables which are ordinal, with equal
intervals and where the point of reference is zero (e.g., sales and
number of absences).
• Statistical Tests: it is to be noted that the type of statistical tests to be used
in any research study depends on the study being conducted and the
research problem to be answered.
Classification of tests
• Univariate tests are test classified into parametric and non-parametric tests.
Parametic tests are (z-test, t-test, matched paired test, analysis of variance,
correlation, and regression). Non-parametric tests are (chi-square test,
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Runs tests, McNemar tests, Sign test, Wilcoxon
Rank Sum test, Walsh test, Randomization test, Median test, Mann-
Whitney, Wald-Wofowitz Runs test, Friedman two-way analysis of
variance, Contingency Coefficient C, Correlation and Kendall’s Coefficient
of Concordance).
• Multivariate analysis is essentially used for coming up with a
mathematical model and consequently, can be illustrated into a conceptual
Classification of Multivariate
• Dependence (e.g., multiple regression analysis, multiple discriminant
analysis, conjoint analysis, multiple analysis of variance, and canonical
• Interdependence (e.g., factor analysis, cluster analysis, and
multidimensional scaling).
Types of Statistical Tests

• Two-tailed or a non-directional test (=, ǂ). The two-tailed test is

used when the alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis of
significant difference.
• One-tailed or a directional test can be either be a right-tailed
test (˂, ˃) or a left-tailed test (˃, ˂).
Types of Errors
• In conducting a research, you are allowed to commit certain
degree of sampling and non-sampling errors.
Classification of errors
• The Type I Error (α) is the probability of rejecting a TRUE
null hypothesis.
• The Type II Error (β) is the probability of not rejecting a
FALSE null hypothesis.
Hypothesis is an educated guess. It is categorized into the null
hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
• Null hypothesis is the “hypothesis of no difference” it is
usually equated with the “status quo” or the “current
• Alternative hypothesis is the “new theory” that is trying to
displace the “present thinking”. It is often referred to as the
research hypothesis and the burden of proof is always on H1.
Parametric Tests
1. The observations must be independent. In other words, each
sample unit has an equal chance of being drawn.

2. The observations must be drawn from normally distributed

3. The populations are homoscedastic or have equal variances.
4. The means must be linear combinations of effects, or the
effects must be additive.
Types of Parametric Tests

1. z-test. It is used in testing one population mean or one

population proportion when the sample is large. The
difference between population means and population
proportions when the samples are independent and large.
2. t-test. It is used in testing one population mean when the
sample is small. The difference between population means
when the samples are independent and small.
3. Matched-pairs test. It is used in testing the difference
between population means when the samples are related.
4. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It is used in testing more
than two population means. If the samples are independent,
use one-way ANOVA. If the samples are related with other
significant variables, use randomized block design or two-
way ANOVA.
5. Simple Linear regression. It is used in determining the effect
or impact of an independent variable on a dependent variable.

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