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Writing the Fourth Chapter

“Presentation and Analysis of


Dr. Ali Fallahchay

Analysis of Data

This aspect of the research paper presents the core of the study. It
gives a clear description of what the research is all about, the
information gathered, tabulated interpreted and analyzed.
• Data means those mathematical or textual elements that
researchers use in support of their claims (Ercikan & Roth,
Kinds of Data
• Continuous data, such as time, temperature and length can take
values between whole numbers (e.g., someone can be 46.43
years old);
• Discrete data , refers to data which are only meaningful as
whole numbers (e.g., there can never be 2.3 children, for
• Nominal data, give the least information recording merely the
name of the group or category which an individual or item
• Ordinal data, indicate rank order in which items are placed
but give no indication of distance between ranks. The fact that
a child may be the second child in a family reveals nothing
about distance in age from the older sibling. Rating scales
which use classifications like “very important, “fairly
important, “not very important, “not at all important” produce
ordinal data.
• interval data, there are equal intervals or equal distances
between each of the measures on the scale. However, with
interval data there is no absolute zero point, and so it is not
possible to divide or to multiply one score by another.
• Ratio data, where conclusions are drawn about the relative
size or worth of the data (hence the term ‘ratio’). For example,
a person’s income, regardless of the units in which it is
measured, can be expressed as a ratio of someone else's.
• In writing this Chapter, the following should be taken into
1. Generally, data on sex, civil status, age, educational
attainment, monthly income, position in the company an other
demographic information are just interpreted. If the data are
not that significant, they can be included in the chapter on
Research Methodology. Otherwise, they are presented in the
chapter on Analysis of Data.
2. Data gathered from the questionnaire proper have to be
interpreted and then analyzed.
3. In analyzing data, all possible interrelationships, cause and
effect and significant inferences have to be examined and
4. Presentation of data should readable and comprehensively
explained in the context of the research study being
5. To make the research attractive, you can use texts, tables and
• First, briefly introduce your data.
• Having done the introduction, show your data in table or graph
• Follow up your tabular and graphical data by textual
interpretation and analyses.
6. Make sure that you answer all your problems, including your


7. Remember that the substance and significance of your

research paper is largely dependent on how you are able to do-

in-depth and critical analyses.

Data Analysis Sample
Table 4
Types of Company
Types of Company Number of Companies Percentage (%)
Local 7 100.0
Joint-ventures 0 0
Multinationals 0 0
Subsidiaries 0 0
Mergers 0 0
Total 7 100.0

With respect to whether the Taiwanese companies in the research are local, joint
ventures, multinationals, subsidiaries and mergers. Table 4 shows that all of the
companies are “local”. The word “local”, refers to companies that are 100%
Taiwanese-owned and are solely being managed in Taiwan.
Data Analysis Sample
Table 5
Company Size
Company Size Number of Companies Percentage (%)
Small 0 0
Medium 5 71.43
Large 2 28.57
Total 7 100.0

Based on the results shown in Table 5, majority of these companies 71.43%,

are medium-sized, while 26.57% are large. None of the companies are small.
Take note that medium-sized companies have a capitalization of NT$50
billion while large-sized companies NT$100 billion or more.
Data Analysis Sample
Table 6
Reasons for Attaining ISO 1400 Certification
Statements Weighted Ranking
1. As a societal responsibility 3.86 3
2. As a government requirement 1.86 6
3. As a management responsibility 2.71 4
4. Is an employee concern 2.29 5
5. Is a competitive business strategy 5.00 2
6. Is a prestigious business strategy 5.29 1

Based on these results, the respondents ranked 1 the statement that attaining
ISO 1400 certification is a “prestigious business strategy.” this yielded a
weighted mean of 5.29. this is followed by the reason that it is a
“competitive business strategy” with a weighted mean equal to 5.00… on
and so fort.
Evaluation Checklist
1. Have you correctly interpreted all demographic data?
___yes or ___no.
2. Have you competently interpreted and analyzed all the
other remaining data? ___yes or ___no
3. Did you take note of significant relationships among the
variables of your research? ___yes or ___no
4. Have you answered all the problems and hypotheses of
your study? ___yes or ___no
5. Have you presented your data using ___texts ___graphs
6. If all items have been considered, then continue.

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