Unit 8 - Reported Speech

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Unit 8 – reported speech

We often have to report what people

have said. When we do this, we need
to consider various things.
Let’s look at:
1. Tense change in reported speech.
2. Changing pronouns in reported speech.
3. Changes with time and place words.
4. Reported questions and word order.

Tense changes…

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Tense changes in reported speech
In reported speech, the main verb usually moves back one tense in the past.

example direct speech reported speech

She said she had an appointment that day. present simple past simple
“I have an appointment today.”
Tom told me he was getting married the following June. present continuous past continuous
“I am getting married next June.”
Jayne told Adam he could play out until 8pm. could
“You can play out until 8pm.”
Francesca said she would be home that night. will would
“I will be home tonight.”
Diana told me she was going to visit her brother the following
am/is/are going to was/were going to
“I am going to visit my brother tomorrow.”

Look at these examples and work out what Now look at the direct speech for
Notice how the tenses
tense is being used in the bold sections. each example. What tenses are used?
change from direct to
reported speech.
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Let’s consider… pronoun change
You have to give us Jude told me we had Ok. I’ll give it to
the money soon so to give them the her tonight at
we can book the money soon so they our Spanish
tickets. could book the class.
Later that day…

Often it is necessary to change the

pronouns and possessive adjectives in
reported speech, so that we know
exactly who is being referred to. Look
at the conversation above.

Time and place

word changes…
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Time changes in reported speech
We often need to change the time words when we report direct speech as we don’t know
exactly when the person was referring to when they made the statement.

direct speech reported speech

today that day
tomorrow the following/next day; the day after
next week the following week
tonight that night
next month the following month
next Saturday the following Saturday

When the reporting verbs say and tell are in

the present (e.g. He says), the verb tenses
and time words when reported do not

He says he will call us.

She says she has an appointment today.
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● To report a command, use TOLD+ PERSON + THE INFINITIVE




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Reporting questions
Where does Lewis Is Marta going to come
Do you speak another language? What will you do?
live? tomorrow?

open question with a question word (wh- questions) closed yes/no questions with no question word

He asked me where He asked me what I He asked me if I He asked me if Marta

he lived. would do. spoke another was going the following
language. day.

asked + (object) question word subject verb asked + (object) if/whether subject verb

He asked (me) where Lewis lived. He asked (me) if I spoke…

The tenses and Notice how the word order here is

time words change like a positive sentence. There is no
in the same way as auxiliary verb (do/does).
the statements.

Let’s practise!

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Practice activities
Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. Sophie asked, “What time is the party tonight?”

Sophie asked (me) what time the party was that night.
2. Francine asked me, “Does Tom write books for a living?”
Francine asked (me) if/whether Tom wrote books for a living.
3. James said, “Mark is moving house next Friday.”
James said (that) Mark was moving house the following Friday.
4. Robert said, “Tina can give you the book tomorrow.”
Robert said (that) Tina could give me/us the book the following day/the day after.
5. Leticia and John said, “We will tidy up.”
Leticia and John said (that) they would tidy up.
6. Larry asked, “What time is the flight leaving next week?”

Larry asked (me) what time the flight was leaving the following week.

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