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An Evaluation on Selected

Programs under Salceda

Statement of the problem
1. What is the level of satisfaction of the respondents
on the following programs:
a) GUICADALE Economic Township Program
b) Universal Health Coverage
c) Education Quality for Albayanos
d) Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change
Adaptation Program
e) Gender and Development Program
2. What is the impact of the programs implemented in
terms of:
a. Economic development
b. Social services
c. Environmental management

3. What are the problems encountered in the

implementation of the programs?
4. What are the solutions employed to solve the problems
Scope and Delimitation
This study is focused on the evaluation on the selected
programs under Salceda Administration.
It only covers Salceda’s term as governor of the Albay
Province from 2007-2016.
Whereas, LGU-mayors and heads of concerned
agencies together with registered voters will be the
sources of information.
The other agency-heads in national government in the
Albay Province particularly the military is not included
in the study.
Others not mentioned deemed not to be included.
Theoretical Framework


Research Methodology
Research Method
Respondents of the study
Sources of Data
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Sampling Design
Statistical Treatment

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