Apple: Made By: Jorge Ivan Peñaranda Roberto Carlos Castaño Cristian Ronaldo Movíl Harold David Chamat Jesús Andres David

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 He made a trip to India, along with a friend from high school, who
would later be Apple's first employee, Daniel Kottke. Upon returning
from his spiritual retreat, he quit his job at Atari and founded Apple
Computer. Soon Wozniak resigned from his job at Hewlett Packard and
joined the project. It was the birth of Apple Computer Company, in 1976.
 Apple I was launched, the first personal computer and in a short time the
company had a meteoric growth: with only 27 years, Jobs became the
youngest millionaire in 1982.

the beginnings of apple

 1. Apple I.
 2. Apple II.
 3. Macintosh
 4. Apple IIc.
 5. LaserWriter.
 6. Pixar.
 7. NeXT.
 8. iMac Computer
 9. Power Mac 4G cube.
 10. iPod
 11. Mac OSX
 12. Apple stores.
 13. iTunes
 14. Intel MacBook Pro.
 15. iPhone
 16. MacBook Air
 17. iPad

products that marked

 iOS is a mobile operating system of the multinational Apple Inc.
Originally developed for the iPhone (iPhone OS), then it has been used in
devices such as iPod touch and iPad. Does not allow the installation of
iOS on third-party hardware.
 Apple revealed the existence of the iPhone OS at the Macworld
Conference & Expo on January 9, 2007, 4 although the system did not
have an official name until the first beta release of the iPhone SDK was
released a year later, on March 6. 2008. Prior to this, it was simply
considered that the iPhone was running OS X or a modified version of
NewtonOS.5 From then on it would be called iPhone OS. The launch of
the iPhone OS took place on June 29, 2010 and it is not until the launch of
the iPad - which also uses it as an operating system - that it is simply
called iOS.

 The best current news of Apple in Spanish are in iPadizate. Keep reading
and discover them! Here you will find everything about the Cupertino
company: new iPhone, new iPad, and other new products, software, apps
and services that they present in society.
 The news about Apple is constant, as it is logical, because it is one of the
largest and most important companies worldwide, and so much so, that
according to Wikipedia, this is the most valuable company that exists
right now.

The best current news of

 News about Apple: iPhone, iPad and more
 Each year, the firm presents a new iPhone, the popular phone, and new
iPads, and it is also common to see new models of Macbook, among
other products such as the Watch Series 4, the smart watch, or news on
Apple TV. In iPadizate you will be able to know all these new products
right at the moment of their official presentation, with all the details,
features, images, videos, and in short, everything you need to know
about them.

The best current news of

 Have you ever wondered why the founders of Apple Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak chose a bitten apple to be the logo of the technological
firm that today is worth more than 600 million dollars?
 Actually, it is still a mystery, since the company has never officially
revealed the reason. But there are several hypotheses, such as that Jobs
liked this fruit a lot, says Quo magazine in its September 2014 edition.
 The vice president of Marketing of the Mexican Internet Association
(AMIPCI), Guillermo Pérezbolde, points out that the explanation
considered the most accurate and that the firm has never denied, refers to
Isaac Newton.
 The legend says that when the physicist was under a tree an apple fell on
his head, and from there he developed the laws of universal gravitation.
 In fact, the first Apple logo in 1976, used only that year, was a graphic
representation of that moment.


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