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Theories about the nature of

Behaviorist/Empiricist Theory

Leonard Bloomfield
B. F. Skinner,
Charles Fries

A. Language is a set of arbitrary symbols

B. Language is a system of habits
C. Language is acquired behavior through conditioning
and reinforcement.
D. Language is surface structure
II. Rationalist/ Cognitivist/ Mentalistic Theory –

Proponent: Noam Chomsky

A. Language is a mental process- a creative construction
B. Language is rule- governed behavior
C. The speaker-hearer has internalized the rules of the
D. There is a universal grammar – all languages share key
E. A language has a deep and surface structure
III. Nativist Theory

Proponent: Eric Lenneberg

A. A language is an innate or inborn capacity
of man.
B. Man has LAD – Language Acquisition
C. Language is species- specific
IV. Sociolinguistic Theory
Proponents: Dell Hymes
Michael A.K. Halliday
A. Communication Theory
Input ------------------------------- Output
Encoding ------------- Code language ----------- Decoding
Speaker/Writer Sounds/graphemes Listener/

Language is not only a set of rules of formation (linguistic

competence) but also a set of rules for the use of language
B. Pragmatic Theory – John Oller
1. Participants in a conversation should have shared
knowledge or presupposition
2. Language has two elements:
a. Factive or cognitive element
- the use of language through
words, phrases, sentences
b. Emotive or affective attitudinal
element – man’s outlook
towards and his non-verbal
Assignment: Encoded
Summarize the theories about the nature of language
using the following table:
Theory Proponent Principles/

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